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Silently the battle restarts immediately. "Really guys!?" I can't help, but be pissed off at it. As usual, the fact that I'm soulmates with multiple women is biting me in the ass.

Couldn't the Love God have given me some sort of advantage for situations such as these!? Actually, couldn't he just not have made me soulmates with a hundred people!? That would probably solve my problems too!

The normally confident Megumin takes a step back. "We should probably leave..." The reason for her distress is clear. MMT essentially has one big attack and then she's out of the fight.

Here Frieren is casually throwing attacks comparable to hers one after the other. Now, they don't have the same destructive capability of course, that would be a waste. Instead each and every attack of the granny elf comes out as a concentrated beam.

The only reason we can even tell it's that powerful is the sheer thickness of the mana in the air. It feels harder to breathe, like we might get crushed by its sheer intensity... Or maybe poisoned by it.

I grit my teeth. "But..." I want to object, but even I can see this is getting pretty dangerous. The Witch of Envy is fighting back with her shadows of course, while trying to dodge Frieren's attacks.

Since the Witch is counter attacking, Wolbach has joined the fray. Much like Frieren, she is like a constant cannon of mana, even if her beams are a little less concentrated, eating at what they touch.

And with the help of two mages, Goderis is having a much easier time approaching Satella. That is to say, this seems like a total victory. But a total victory which could end up with my death if I took a wrong step.

Not that any of these four fighters are aiming to kill me, but if one is standing around like an idiot while four powerhouses fight, they can't be blamed for accidentally murking that dumbass.

Emilia objects. "N-no...! We have to help them somehow!" And as you can see this elf is very much tempting fate. Not that I can blame her, since I also don't want to leave, even if it's for a different reason.

Maybe I can still talk everyone down... Yeah, I might be starting to reach the realm of delusion at this point.

Megumin sighs, but she's still taking slow steps back. "Sensei got this! So let's leave... Even though I really wanna see it..." All her Gumin instincts must be telling her that this is the coolest thing ever.

And all my Subaru instincts are telling me this is the worst thing ever! This is basically the bad end I desperately want to avoid, all the women who are my soulmates killing each other over a useless guy like me.

I take a deep breath. "Okay, let's retreat." We are winning, and Frieren said Satella was an avatar or whatever. This is not a decisive moment, so for now I should just be okay with this.

I'll have more time to convince Satella to stop being crazy in the future, and when I next see her, I'll also have some kind of plan. Staying here is just stupid at this point.

Emilia seems sad with my decision. "Subaru... Okay, I guess." But she still accepts it. I have a feeling she definitely hasn't said what she wanted to tell Satella, but it is what it is. She will have her opportunity in the future.

Megumin nods. "Great! And please remember that tactical retreats are totally fine." Honestly even though I called this a retreat, I don't even know if that's the correct term. We are very much in a winning position after all.

While we talk, the battle is more or less decided, which... sort of means our plans of running cease to matter. Goderis, with the support of two immensely powerful mages, finally tackles Satella to the ground.

Immediate the Goddess of Luck starts punching the Witch of Envy's face. "Hah! This is for trying to ruin my vacation with my fiance!" What...? "And this is for thinking you're the head wife!" No, seriously what?

Satella tries to resist with a burst of shadows, but a cold Frieren and a confused Wolbach put an end to it immediately. Not that it would have mattered if she succeeded anyways, since they would probably pin her down again.

Goderis punching like she's a berserker, I can't help but flinch at the sight. "Isn't this way too brutal...?" Emilia nods, agreeing with me. I know this is just an avatar, and it doesn't really matter, but I wasn't expecting an execution this brutal.

Megumin has stars in her eyes. "It's awesome is what it is!" I should have expected this. "You know, maybe brawlers aren't too bad... If one day my magic stops working for some reason..." Don't put such a terrifying image on my head!

Eris is about to finish Satella. "Never mess with my fiance again! We are gonna continue our happy life on Ranoa!" Wait... Please don't tell me Aqua was right all along, can someone explain to me that I'm misunderstanding Eris?

No, I can't deny it. Goderis really has been watching me and Eris and self inserting onto the latter. Now, I doubt she ever possessed her or something, but I don't approve of such stalker behavior!

A scene repeats itself, a light beam from the heavens appears on top of Satella, burning her and making me almost lose my footing. Differently from last time, it already started huge, so I can only see Eris' and Satella's shadowy blur.

I have to wonder why Eris didn't do this sooner though, it doesn't seem to take any time to charge. Welp, whatever, the battle is seemingly over, having managed to cement me as the worst husband in history.

I got a bunch of girlfriends while Satella was sealed, failed to convince her into accepting it, made her fight Frieren, accepted running away, and then as a final cherry on top, I just watched her getting her ass kicked without doing anything to help.

Frieren smiles, it's not a face one should make when fighting their pupil. "We win..." But I can't blame her. In the end she's just trying to protect me after all, and she had four hundred years of love to fight with.

Her commemoration puts a smile on Emilia's and Megumin's faces. Wolbach however, never lowers her guard, in fact she seems kind of nervous. "Why now of all times!?" No, it's more then simply anxiety, it's panic.

And it understand why a moment after she says those words outloud. I already know that this thing isn't a weapon after all, it just has a nice side-effect against someone like Satella. It's real purpose is as a gate!

Two blurs descend from above, they grab the blur that is Goderis. "Really!? You guys were definitely waiting for the most annoying moment!" She's struggling against their grasp, but it's futile.

Being the idiot that I am, I rush towards the gate. "Wait! Give her a bit more time!" Everyone else is too stunned to stop me, so I managed to get close to Goderis with a dash of speed.

The blurs don't respond, but they do start floating upwards. Eris extends a hand towards me... "Subaru! This bad...!" I get that! I should have known these gods would do something like this, they're a bunch of losers after all!

I try to hold her hand, but it's too late now, she's too high up. "Wait Eris, I'll find someway of helping you!" I don't know what type of punishment she will get, but it probably won't be nice.

She shakes her head. "That's not what I'm talking about!" Hah? "Run!" With those final words, she disappears. The gate closes without much funfair, signaling the end of support in battle.

And now I'm dangerously close to the Witch of Envy. "Um..." I look down on her. Her face is filled with blood, but she has regenerated. It ends up being quite a terrifying sight considering the way she's dressed, it's like I'm staring at a ghost.

And much like a ghost, she slowly floats back up. "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." It seems she has returned to being even crazier than normal. This means dialogue has yet again become impossible.

Which is why I immediately turn tail and run. "Ah! Sorry, help!" I can see shadows moving from the corner of my eyes. They are taking the shapes of hands, probably intent on grabbing me and putting me back into her little torture chamber.

Wolbach immediately extends a hand on my direction, but she doesn't fire anything... "Just keep running!" It's easy to say that, but the truth is that the hands are much, much faster than I am.

And Wolbach obviously can't do anything to help me, her attacks are just way too destructive. She probably has other forms of magic of course, but they won't be any against the Witch of Envy, she needs to use her strongest attacks

Frieren looks immensely angry. "Don't you lay a finger on Flugel!" I know this is not the best time for this, but it is sort of funny to hear her say this when Satella is literally my wife. Are we the baddies here!?

The granny elf is able to fire magic beans at the hands, thankfully she has much more control than Wolbach, so I don't end up as cinders on the ground. Still, there is one big problem.

It's just not enough, which is why one of the hands does end grabbing me. "I leave everything I own to Eris!" And soon after the first, many others follow. "Ah, I don't actually own anything!" Sorry Eris, your fiance was worthless.

Except suddenly I'm free again, this time because a massive wall of ice is separating me from Satella. This gives me the opportunity to start running to them again, surprisingly the wall holds Satella for a decent bit of time.

Emilia is panting and sweating. "How did I do that...?" You did that!?

She looks at her hands. "I just wanted to protect Subaru and..." Wait, did you just have a protagonist moment over me!? That's pretty cool and I'm very thankful for it, but it's also makes me a bit mad that you didn't do this before.

Megumin immediately rushes at me with a hug. "You're okay!" Oh, she's worried about me, how adorable. "Why Eris though...?" And that's less adorable. This is not the time to discuss my clear favoritism.

I ignore her and look at the tense Frieren, and Wolbach. Both still clearly ready for a fight. "You two think you can take her?" Emilia's ice wall is starting to crack. It was a nice distraction, but that's all.

Frieren nods. "I'll defend you no matter what. Besides, if Flugel is with us, then we are invincible." I appreciate the trust you have in me, but I'm very vincible.

A look of shame appears on my face. "Just to clarify, I have no plan of how to get us out of this situation." Maybe we can win with brute force? I'm not strong and skilled enough to tell how important Eris was for the fight.

She seemed to be the finisher, but maybe that can be replaced somehow...? It's a pain to admit it, but no one here can fill the physical warrior spot like Eris did. This means this will become a battle of magic.

Frieren smiles. "Just your love is enough to guide me." That sure comment does lift up my spirits, however my love does not lift up our chances of victory! Also, may I remind everyone that we are fighting my wife right now.

Wolbach looks away. "As much as I like to agree... Her shadows are darker now. Stronger." Now that she mentions it, Frieren should have been enough to hold Satella back when Goderis was here. "I imagine Eris' sheer holy aura was enough to weaken her." Basically she was debuffed.

The goddess' doesn't seem happy. "It would be wise if we retreated back to the village and obtained a bigger fighting force... Specially since there is another person with a strong holy aura there." There is!?

I immediately question her. "Who...!? Oh." And then I also immediately realize why she isn't happy. Obviously the person with a strong holy aura is Aqua, and just her existance alone can weaken Satella.

Emilia's ice wall bursts into thousands of little pieces, the Witch of Envy begins her approach again. Considering the elf who saved me looks extremely tired right now, I doubt she can throw up another defense.

And at the same time that Satella breaks out, a loud voice reaches our ears. "The Demon King's army is attacking. Again. Please actually take care of the issue this time." For real!?

My eyes widen in disbelief. "I thought we took care of them!?" To be more accurate I thought Kazuma did. Clearly we were wrong, because they are now putting the village into a horrible situation.

Satella on one side, and an army on the other... The worst part is that the Demon King's army should definitely be able to feel the Witch of Envy. This is definitely them taking an opportunity.

Wolbach starts firing her destructive magic at Satella trying to slow her down. "Sylvia must have not attacked with everyone. These must be remains of her army trying to rescue their leader." Not a horrible idea, considering the situation.

Or maybe it's a horrible idea because of the situation!? I mean, I doubt Satella will just decide to spare them! Which means they are probably hoping to attack real quick, and then get out real quick.

Wolbach takes a deep breath, but never stops her attack, specially now that Frieren has joined her. "Okay, I'll do my best to hold back the Witch of Envy! The rest must return, deal with the problem, and then come back here with an army!" But...

I go to object of course, since Wolbach could get hurt... Will probably get hurt, and even if Aqua can heal or revive her, that's not an experience I wish on anyone, much less my fiancee!

Before I can say anything however, Frieren throws her staff at Emilia, who grabs it by instinct. "Do not drop that." I have no idea what this granny elf is planning, but she is a war hero...

Emilia nods. "O-of course Lady Frieren..." She's still confused about what she did, like a true protagonist with undiscovered super powers should be.

Frieren then looks at me. "Hug me from behind Flugel." Her face is completely serious, but if a cute silver haired elf asks me such a thing, even in a situation as horrible as this one, I will naturally freak out.

Which is why I blush bright red. "W-why though!?" We also probably shouldn't do something like that in front of Satella! She will most definitely gain a rage boost from such an outrageous, heavenly sight!

She scrunches her eyebrows together. "Just do it, this is not time for stubbornness." I... I guess that's fair enough? So I do as ordered and hug Frieren from behind, who blushes.

Satella shrieks. "Love me. Love me love me." As expected her attacks get fiercer, but Wolbach is still doing the best she can to hold her back. That's why I'll have to trust Frieren's plan, even if I don't know what is it.

The granny elf extends her hands. "Megumin, Emilia, each one of you hold my hand." Just what is she planning!? Are we trying to show Satella how amazing affection can be or something!?

Megumin's eye twitches. "Just please remember that my tongue is at risk here, so please don't make head wife over there mad at me." You already accomplished that with your amazing talkative skills.

Emilia seems to have recovered a decent amount at this point. "O-of course Lady Frieren." Hey, if you're feeling all okay now, can you please use your ultimate on Satella again? That was pretty helpful.

Frieren now holds both of them by the hand. "Do not release your grasps." And then she floats up in the air, it's a pretty fast motion, so suddenly we are in a dangerously high altitude.

Megumin complains of course. "Ouch...! A warning next time, please!" Her arm is pretty weak, so she's probably feeling a big hurt from this. Hopefully it's nothing serious though.

Emilia seems fine however, probably because of her enhanced elven strength. "Ah... This is a bit scary... Subaru is here though, so everything is gonna work out." But it seems the height is freaking her out, even if her misplaced trust on me is calming her down.

As for me. "What the heck Frieren!?" I should have seen something this obviously coming, and now I can't let her go or I'll fall and get seriously hurt. "You're not planning on leaving Wolbach alone, are you!?" She's forcing me to agree with their plan.

She nods. "I am, sorry Flugel, I beg for your forgiveness." Damn it, you're not allowed to beg, that immediately makes me wanna forgive you...! But I'm not such a weak man, specially in a situation such as this one.

"Okay, you're forgiven." Actually I am. My bad.

Wolbach sends us a thumbs from below. "See you guys later!" She's confident we will solve the situation, and revive her if she does go down. Well, I do understand that this is the best tactical maneuver at the moment.

Still, I don't want her getting hurt. "Wolbach, if things get dangerous, just run!" It's a stupid statement, because things are already dangerous.

She never gets the time to respond, because Frieren begins moving towards the direction of the village. I can see Satella's shadows freaking out now that I'm leaving, but Wolbach manages to hold her back.

Now that we are getting some distance, I sigh. "Sorry about all of this... It's my fault, I messed up." And it's all because I caller Satella by her name in a moment of weakness. In my defense though, my life is a tiring one.

Frieren smiles. "It's fine... it's not your fault you're so charming." Please remember that we are running away from my wife. This is definitely my fault. "Besides, Satella has always been like this. It's why Echidna always said she should learn how to share already." I think it's perfectly fine not to share one's husband!

Megumin nods. "Yeah, I mean, isn't that head wife a bit too cocky?" MMT please remind yourself that you were totally against this whole harem thing a few moments ago. I had to chase you into the forest.

Emilia frowns. "I just don't get her... She already has everyone back in the village, so why is she being so mean?" She has literally no one back in the village, what are you even talking about?

After a while, we land onto a crowd of Gumins. They seem to be preparing for battle, which is probably a good sign, there will be no Emilia sized distractions this time.

Still, the moment I releade my hold onto Frieren, a Gumin approaches me. It's Hiropon and he seems completely and utterly serious, a uncanny sight to be sure!

Frieren takes her staff back from Emilia, and clenches it tightly. I have no idea why, but she looks nervous. Well, if nothing else, I know she will protect me no matter what, since she's willing to even fight her apprentice for me.

Hiropon takes a deep breath. "Purge King, are you responsible for the release of... that thing?" What he is referring to is clear. Ah... I'm about to get thrown into a dungeon or something, aren't I?

I awkwardly scratch my cheek. "W-well, y-you see..." I'm such a scumbag that I'm afraid of taking responsibility now when I can be punished for it. Are we sure the Witch of Envy is the crazy one in our marriage.

Megumin steps forward, and I just know she's about to doom me. "Nope, Purge King had nothing to do with it." Eh? "It was actually Bukkororri, make sure to give him a painful execution!" Megumin you...

Thanks...? Maybe?


AN: I have been playing a ton of Digimon Survive recently. Saki best girl, that's all.


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