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A cursed face.

There is no doubt that with such a face no love can be born, but a face chances easily. Dark eyes, bright eyes, a big nose, a small nose, a big mouth, a small mouth. There are so many things that can be changed, so why...?

Love. That's the face he saved.

Even though no one stopped for me, even though no one helped that small unimportant thing, Hideaki Emiya was the exception. It was probably because of her face, it was definitely because of that face, it must have been because of that face.

Hate. That's the face he saved, so...!

Anderson warned you many times, did he not? That the love from a young girl was scary... and that the love from a woman was...





In one month humanity will go extinct, sorry Oedipus-Senpai!


"For real...?" Right now I'm drowning in disappointment. "And after registering was such a pain as well..." Ah, there goes my dreams of a good game with virtual reality. I feel dead inside.

Right now, all that my vision says is... "Sorry, but the Holy Grail War has been canceled!" That's right, after much hype, I guess they just decided to drop this game... I could have accepted a delay or two, but this is just... the worst.

Well, it's not like I'm too mad, I guess. This was supposed to be a free game, so I didn't waste any cash for a pre-order or whatever. Also, it sounded suspiciously impossible from the beginning...

It would take a miracle to create a game that is completely and truly VR with humanity's current level of technology, but somehow the internet fell for it, me included. Maybe it was because they kept saying that winning whatever this game was gonna be, meant having your wishes granted?

Nah, that should only make someone even more suspicious about this game's authenticity...! And now, I can only feel embarrassed over staying all night awake waiting for it.

I take off my helmet and casually throw at my bed. "Talk about a waste of time..." And now my parents are gonna be on my ass over this... Thankfully today is a weekend, so at least I don't have to go to school.

I muster up my courage and make my way to the living room, I can only hope my parents won't notice my zombified state, because then they will actually turn me into a dead man, one who does not walk!

Actually, auntie will. My parents are actually pretty chill, my mother spoils me and lets me get away with everything and anything, and dad only lightly scolds me... probably because he doesn't expect much from me. That's why Rider is always picking up the slack from them...Well, either her or my other demonic, and eternally single aunt.

Or... if fate is has decided to be particularly cruel to me, I can be scolded by my eldest aunt, the tiger herself. Hopefully I'm not walking straight to a bad end...

"Good morning Hideaki." Once I arrive at the living room, what greets me is Auntie Rider, and a quick scan of the room, shows that only her is here. Thank goodness, it seems Rin and Taiga aren't here.

I wave. "Good morning." After saying that, my analysis continues. My parents are in the kitchen, cooking... Which means they might as well be in another world right now. One where only Shirou Emiya and Sakura Emiya may enter.

The poor skills of Hideaki Emiya might as well be an offense to them, that is to say... I can't cook, so I can't mess with the kitchen. Well, it's fine, since my dream doesn't involve cooking at all, I'm not too bothered by it.

I nonchalantly sit down on the sofa, and as soon as I do so, Rider raises an eyebrow. "You look unwell. Is there a reason as to why that is the case?" Yep, as expected, she is immediately grilling me without any mercy.

I sigh. "I didn't get any sleep, so I'm tired." I'm tired because I carved through countless people in the pursuit of my hopeless, impossible, childish dream. Eh? Where did those edgy thoughts come from!? The most I ever did that could be considered carving through people is beating some dumbasses in PVP games!

I ignore the last dying echoes of the victor, and continue my talk with Rider. "But it's fine right? I mean, I don't have school tomorrow." That's why it's totally okay for me to skip an entire night of sleep. Yeah, definitely.

Rider sighs. "The fact that you're already making excuses, shows that you know that you are in the wrong. No more video games for today or tomorrow." A swift punishment has been delivered!

I pout, though I can't argue back. "Sure, sorry." Isn't weird to be punishing a seventeen year old like this? I'm almost an adult so let me ruin my life in whatever way I want to damn it!

I look at the TV, as usual they have let it playing on the background. "So... has anything interesting been happening lately?" My aunt is always quiet and reserved, so I never know how to talk with her.

Maybe it's because I'm similar? I wish I had a girlfriend that was the cheerful type who could drag me around... Ah! The true feelings of a seventeen year old came out suddenly! Thankfully this house does not contain mind readers. Hopefully.

Rider shakes her head. "Nothing much, though... I haven't really been paying it much attention anyways." Fair enough, you are currently reading a book after all... Which is what you always do. Go find a job...!

Rider and I spend the passing moments in silence, waiting for my mother and my father to finish breakfast. I however, do start paying attention to the TV, even if they're just showing the weather forecast... Oh, it's gonna rain today.

Before long my father enters the room, carrying a pot. "Everything is done!" He then notices me, a brittle smile appears on his face. "I see you're up, good morning Hideaki." That's right! Today I have avoided been woken up by mom! Because I didn't sleep at all!

I give him a weak wave. "Yo. Morning." And then I get up from the sofa, since I'm not sleeping, I... "I'll help set the table." Might as well lend a hand. That's right useless Auntie Rider! While you continue reading, I shall actually help!

My father nods. "Sure, ah, try not to burn yourself while carrying the pots though." Oi, even I am not that useless. In fact, I'm not useless at all...! But treating people like they're made out of glass is just like Shirou Emiya, so I pay him no mind.

I enter the kitchen, and wave at my mother. "Good morning." Pink petals fill my mind, the image of Sakura Emiya always makes me think of them, it doesn't even matter if she's angry or happy.

A bright smile appears on her face. "Good morning!" And then she notices my zombified state and that smile immediately dies out. It seems that today will go like all the others. "Um... Hide, are you okay?" I...

A weak smile appears on my face. "I'm totally fine, I just didn't sleep a lot today." I didn't sleep at all actually, but she doesn't need to know that, since it will only make her even more sad.

She pouts. "That's not fine...! Geez, what am I going to do with you?" Hopefully not punish me like Rider did? "Does Rider know this?" W-wait, you are gonna order me to doom myself or something!?

Well, it's too late, I already did. "Yeah, she banned me from playing video games." Did I even tell Rider that I spent the night worrying about a video game? I'm pretty sure I didn't, which just makes her punishment even more wise.

Mother hesitantly nods. "Okay then, I agree with her punishment!" So the final judgment has been passed. Well, I don't care about it that much, it's not like video games are the only entertainment I can find. Obviously I won't tell them this however.

The morning continues, and before long we are all eating our breakfast, Rider included of course. This is just a typical day for the Emiya household, at least a typical day when none of those spinsters show up at least.

My father sends me a smile. "So any plans for today Hideaki? That don't include sleeping that is?" He knows of my crime by now of course. "Ah, by the way, if you plan on leaving the house, make sure to take an umbrella." Yeah, yeah...

I wave him off. "I will, don't worry, and as for my plans... I guess I'll hang out with a few friends or something." I actually won't, since I have zero friends. I won't ever tell them that of course, since it's so embarrassing.

He nods. "Okay, but... Don't spend the night outside." Of course I won't! It's morning... how much time do you think I'm gonna spend time hanging out with my non-existent friends!? "The news were talking about some people who have disappeared recently." Oh really?

Rider interjects, her voice sounds serious. "That sounds worrying..." Not really. I bet I have way more chance of being hit by a car than encountering a random serial killer or whatever. Besides, I'm a good runner!

My mother nods. "Yes, it's always a bad sign when stuff like this happens on a small town." It's a bad sign everywhere! Also, Fuyuki isn't as small as it used to be when you were younger, though it is still no Tokyo.

I shrug, though I probably shouldn't have. "You guys sure are worried about this. It's probably just some teenagers who have decided to run home or something, no big deal." The news are probably just exaggerating...

Shirou chuckles. "True. It's just bringing some bad memories to us, that's all." Right, when my parents were younger a bunch of people disappeared on Fuyuki, for seemingly no reason at that. Well, to this day we still don't know the reason at least.

Suddenly my mother extends her arm, and touches my cheek. "But those memories are just memories, and now I..." Hah? Today is starting to be weird! Why is she getting so emotional out of nowhere!?

I move my head out of her cheek. "H-hey, don't touch me out of nowhere." As soon as I say it, I realize why. I was supposed to have an uncle and a grandfather after all, but they both disappeared back when they were teens.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say my mother's life is filled with tragedy. First of all, I know she comes from the Tohsaka family originally, and for reasons unknown to me, she was given to the Matou family.

Then both of her biological parents passed away... Eventually Shinji Matou, her adopted brother, and Zouken Matou her adopted grandfather disappeared. Thankfully Auntie Rin is still around though, even if she's an annoying spinster.

My father's past is also equally laced with tragedy. He lost his biological family on a massive fire incident, and then he his adopted father passed away eventually as well. And that isn't all, he actually gave up his dream as well.

That's why I, on that moonlit night, decided to conquer the world.

My mom pouts again. "A mother should always be allowed to touch her son." I'm pretty sure that isn't the case! But whatever!

[HR] [/HR]

"I wonder if enough time has passed..." I'm tired of just waiting in the rain. The truth is that I didn't even want to leave my house in the first place, but I doubt mom and dad would have been happy if I just lazed around.

I... have no friends though, neither online ones or real life ones, so I couldn't hang out with anyone. That's why I just wandered around through the city, enjoying the calmness rain brings. Fuyuki is a pretty boring place though, so walking around gets tiring eventually.

This town used to be split into two parts, one where thinga where more traditional, and one where human development and progress had turned the city into a more normal city, full of skyscrapers and the like.

No city can escape progress however, and so eventually even the traditional part of Fuyuki was consumed. Now this place is just filled with grey and more grey... The house I live on is actually the exception however, being a traditional, massive Japanese house.

In essence, this place is depressing and I want to go home, but I'm too embarrassed to do so. Honestly, that embarrassment is the only thing that has saved me from a life of NEETdom so far, so I'm actually kind of grateful for it.

Suddenly my phone starts vibrating, I take it out of my pocket and... no one is calling me. "Hah?" I thought for sure it was gonna be one of my family members, but instead there's nothing on the screen.

Still, it keeps on vibrating and eventually... the screen goes bright pink, and the words. 'Hacking under progress!" Appear on it. "W-what the hell!?" I'm justifiably freaking out over this.

Just what...

The screen changes again. 'Hacking complete...! Now for the first time ever, starting...!' And then... my mother appears on the screen. She looks younger, but it's undoubtedly her... Hah? Is this some super prank or something!?

My mother? Greets the screen with a happy smile. "Hello all cute little humans of earth! My name is BB! And welcome to the BB Channel! The very best place for news in the entire world...! And also in the moon." To my shock, an actual laugh track plays.

Is this... is this really supposed to be some weird news set? Actually now that I think about this BB sort of looks like she's inside of one. But... who cares about that!? What I want to know, is why she looks exactly like my mom if she was a few years younger!

BB giggles. "Now, I know a lot of you puny, pathetic humans are wondering what this is about... First of all, let me tell everyone a little something. This transmission is being showed to the entire world, it doesn't matter if you were watching the tv, or playing a game, or..." Her face goes red. "Jerking off." What...!?

Suddenly the camera moves and show her panties, it makes me feel extremely uncomfortable, as one would expect. Before long however, the camera shifts again, and focuses on her face.

Her face which has a cheeky smile. "By the way, I can individually control what everyone is seeing, so if a cute Oedipus-Senpai is wondering... Yes, that view was only for him!" Am I... am I supposed to be this Oedipus-Senpai!?

No, nevermind that. She just said some ludicrous thing, didn't she? That her transmission was being showed to the entire world... Something like that isn't possible right? I actually know a bit of hacking, so I know that there's no way any human being could have pulled that off!

She claps her hands. "Okay, now moving on...! Listen to this you little piggies, magic is real! That's right, there's wizards and stuff around!" Right after she says something so ludicrous, a teacher pointer appears on her hands.

She grins. "And if any little magus is mad at me for revealing that information..." She waves her pointer. "Stay mad, laughing my ass off!" Did she have to say it like that!? And seriously, like anyone would believe magic is real...!

And yet, a screen appears behind her, and shows... A destroyed part of London? "That's right! The Clock Tower isn't a thing anymore, courtesy of my cute, albeit crazy daughters! And once I find any pesky seas and the like... Kablam!" She holds her pointing staff as if it was a gun, faking the act of firing at the audience.

BB laughs. "Now that I have said all that... Let's..." She starts tapping the ground. "Start the show? To be honest I actually didn't prepare much, I was too lost in thinking what panties I should show Senpai. For those wondering, I chose white, I bet it was an amazing view." It was a traumatizing view.

Her eyes suddenly gain a bright shine, and I can see a lightbulb appearing on top her head. Literally. "Oh, I know! How about a weather forecast! That feels right!" A map of the world appears behind her.

She begins pointing at places. "Let's see... On South America it's gonna rain... cursed grail mud! Let's hope that no spiders get mad!" She then points at another. "And on North America it's gonna rain... more cursed grail mud."

"Now about Europe... how about some grail mud? And as for Africa... even more grail mud! Oh, and this might shock some people, but it's gonna rain grail mud on Asia and Australia too!" W-what even is grail mud!?

She chuckles. "I hope all the little piggies listening to me have said their goodbyes to this Earth. By the way, the actual piggies shouldn't worry, this is the beginning of the extinction of all humans, but that's it. Other lifeforms, be them animals, or phantasmal beasts, or whatever, are not our target." I'm beginning to feel dizzy.

This is a prank right? It has to be! But the girl who looks like my mother doesn't stop for one moment. "That is to say, the Moon Cell has analyzed each and every human, and not a single one is worthy of further data collection. Therefore the human species shall be eliminated, the data created from such an apocalypse shall be interesting indeed!" This...

Is the stupidest shit ever. Just how much effort has gone into pranking me!? I have no friends and so I have no enemies. There's no reason anyone should target me like this, but... she looks like my mom, so this is definitely an attack at me.

BB takes a deep breath. "Now, make sure to keep your eletronical devices on hand, because even though none of them will work for anything from now on... I can still use them to talk with you cuties!" She winks. "By the way, I mean it when I say it. From now on, humanity's technology will take a step back. If you are about to enter on a plane... Have a happy trip to the afterlife." This is wrong.

My mother should not be saying such things. Sakura Matou is a kind soul who has lost much and that's why...! That's why she would never do cruel jokes like this...! So, even though this is clearly a prank, I'm beginning to feel pissed off.

BB closes her eyes. "My time is about to run out, appearing on live air like this is expensive you know?" She opens them again, she looks truly happy. "According to the calculations of the Moon Cell, humanity shall last for a month, though I imagine many will die before that... Um, by today's end, only ten percent wil remain." A chill runs down my spine.

She laughs. "And that's the end of the first episode! I will be appearing again soon! And if Oedipus-Senpai keeps surviving... I might show him a different pair of panties everyday! Fight hard!" The screen goes black.

I put my phone back in my pocket, and after that, I begin to mutter to myself. "Well, that was a weird experience..." I don't even know what I should do now. I guess instead of holding on to my phone, I should throw it away or something? It's clearly super compromised...

I should also warn my mom that some random person is using her face for things like this... They probably used some A.I. and got a hold of her old high school photos. Technology is super scary, huh!?

By the way, I don't think I need to say this, but I don't believe any of that end of the world crap. Last time I checked, life hadn't turned into a stupid movie after all. So I'll just ignore it and... Isn't this rain getting kind of heavy?

"Oh. She wasn't lying." I finally noticed, that the rain stopped long ago. What's falling on my umbrella isn't water, it's mud. Some kind of purpleish looking mud, something that will apparently end the human race.

I blast off running immediately, I have to find some shelter, I don't know what this mud is supposed to do, but it will definitely be the end of me if I just stay here. It is kind of troublesome that I'm just in a random street filled with clearly locked buildings... and not tons of people either. Seriously, it's like I picked the worst place to go.

But maybe that's a good thing? If BB made her announcement to the entire world like she said, people must be panicked like hell in crowded areas and besides, since this is an end of the world situation anyways...

I pick a random bring on the ground with my free hand, and then throw it with all my strength towards the closet window to me. That's right, I can just hide in whatever building I want, no one is going to be mad at me for breaking the law in a situation like this...

However, as I wander in, I can't help, but think... Isn't this strange? I have definitely made contact with the mud at this point, and yet I haven't suddenly died of anything... No, I shouldn't think about that right now.

Entering the building through the broken window is surprisingly easy... and so I do that without much difficulty. "What now...?" I guess I should move towards a higher floor? To be honest, I'm totally lost.

In these past few moments, my body was just acting by instinct to protect me, and my calmness was strange even to me. Now though, I'm... safe...? And so I don't know what to do.

I put my hand on my cellphone. "Duh, I should contact my parents...!" Hopefully they're okay...! They have to be okay! "But... this thing probably isn't working anymore." That's what BB said would happen after all.

Nonetheless, I stubbornly take out my phone, as expected... "Shit, how does she even do that? Supernatural powers?" All that greets me is a black screen. BB did mention wizards, does that mean she's one too?

I take a deep breath. "I need to sit down." This is all too much. When did my life decide to turn upside down like this!? I was having a nice breakfast this morning...! Please give more signs before the end of the world!

And as soon as I think that, I hear a weird noise behind me. "H-huh...?" It's the mud from outside, it's changing it's shape, becoming... something. A lot of somethings really, even the mud from my now dropped umbrella is changing.

A dog. That's what it becomes, and so in less than a second, the newly born mud thing tries to take a bite of me. I obviously begin to run away, I'm not strong enough to fight a mud dog or whatever that thing is...!

There is only one path to run, so that's the path I take. I can't go outside, for obvious reasons, I probably can't take the elevator and so I dash towards the stairs.

A dog is faster than a human, it bites me on the leg. "Argh...!" This doesn't feel like mud, this doesn't feel like a dog's bite, this just feels like...! Like...! It's definitely a familiar sensation, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

I feel a burn on my hand.

I desperately try to kick the dog off me, but it's no use. I can barely feel my leg at this point, and my ears and eyes tell me off even more despair to come, that's because the monsters outside are noticing me, and so they're starting to break the windows as well, so they can enter.

I will die if I don't call for her.

I raise my hands. "By my side...!" My body instincts take over, my hand shines with the last echoes of the moon's victor, and what appears is...!


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