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"The Crimson Demons are going to be wiped out Megumin! That's why I need you to forget about being a delinquent for a moment!" Her face then becomes as red as her eyes. "You see, I need to have Kazuma's..." Oh, so this involves him?

Yunyun suddenly steals a glance at me, I worry that she will pass out again... this would be her fourth time... but she has seemingly built up resistance. "I need nothing. I guess our race is gone forever Megumin." Oi! Don't just give up!

No, but seriously, at least elaborate on what you mean by they being wiped out...! I see that this isn't just big boobed Megumin, this is a much more rare type of angel... A Crazygumin. In the end she's still an angel through and through though, so it's fine.

Speaking of angels, MMT sighs. "Urgh, I don't care about whatever is going on back in our village." You should! "What I want to know is how you got all the way here from Belzerg. The journey would take like... a year or something." Really, that much...? That's a medieval era for you.

Wolbach hums. "I'm guessing it was teleportation, correct? I have to say though, that would be a rare find in Belzerg. I doubt anyone of the Crimson Demons could do it... unless one of them had already made a trip here and they set up a magical circle." That's certainly a possibility. If there was one both here and there, then the mana costs would decrease by a bunch right?

Yunyun nods while looking down. "Y-yeah, it was teleportation... I came to Axel looking for Megumin's party, but then... you guys were totally gone!" Sorry, it's my fault! "So I wandered around town and eventually stumbled onto Dust... who was with Miss Chris..." There's a bunch of names there I don't know.

YMT smiles, it's just as cute as one from MMT. "T-then Miss Chris suggested that I should look into Wiz's shop! And she was right... even though she ended up picking a fight once we got there... Anyways, Miss Wiz told me about what you guys did, and she made two teleportation scrolls for me... One so I could come here, and another to bring us to the Crimson Demons." I wonder if she asked for payment... Something like that must be crazy expensive.

She scratches her cheek. "So... um... I didn't have enough mana to power the first one though, but Mister Vanir was kind enough to help me!" She then starts muttering, despair on her face. "Ah, if Aqua doesn't help me with the second scroll I'm stuck here..." So... I could theoretically keep this angel...?

Suddenly Wolbach hugs herself, her face completely pale, as her body shudders. "Hey, hey... aren't the names Wiz and Vanir too suspicious...? Hey, hey, why can these random people teleport a little girl all the way to another continent...!?" The biggest question here is... why is it that Darkness, Megumin and Aqua are now looking away and sweating?

Darkness clears her throat, for some reason I think she's trying to hide something. "I'm just glad to see Chris is as helpful as ever! We should talk about her in fact!" Oi. Why are Megumin and Aqua nodding like their lives depend on it?

Yunyun raises an eyebrow. "Well, it is true that Miss Chris was very helpful... She actually came here too, said she had some... stuff... to deal with." For some reason I feel a sudden chill. "That said, we split up as soon as we teleported to outside the city, so I don't know where she is." If Darkness thinks highly of her, that doesn't fill me with confidence.

But there's something I'm curious about. "Hey, why did you guys teleport to outside the city? Wouldn't it be more convenient to show up here?" They're lucky the guards let them in, considering their guard was up.

Yunyun covers her face. "D-don't talk with me...!" Hey, I might die if a angelic demon says that stuff to me! "I mean...! You can talk with me, but like...! Give me a three days warning in advance!" You know what? This is cute in it's own way, so it's fine.

Specially as she keeps sputtering. "Ah! Actually you don't need to do that, since it would be so troublesome that you probably wouldn't even bother to, but...! I hate existence!" And after that declaration, she passes out again.

Ah, I remember the reason why she couldn't now. Teleporting into a place full of mages like this messes everything up, which is why Darkness appeared in my room for example. Sorry for making you pass out YMT!

Megumin snorts. "This loser hasn't changed a bit, how sad." You say that you big tsundere, but you're the one who gave your bed so she could rest while being passed out, even though you yourself had recently gone through that and should be resting.

Megumin looks at me. "So what should we do about the Crimson Demon situation? Are we gonna help her?" Why are you asking me like I'm a leader!? And more importantly, doesn't your family live there!? Be more worried please...!

I sigh, I can't believe this would be dropped in our lap right after the Hitogami thing... "We still need more details about what's going on." I then look at my fit fiancee. "What do you think Eris? You're the one with adventuring experience here..." That's right, I'll follow my lover's council.

She pouts, huffing. "I think it's annoying! I mean, don't we have enough troubles already...!?" So I guess we are rejecting Yunyun? But I don't want a whole race of MMT's to be extinguished...

Wolbach interjects. "Come on Miss Eris, don't be like that... We should always try to help our fellow sentient beings!" As usual, you are too precious. "It's true that the Crimson Demons are scum in need of a culling, but we should at least send the girl back home." Where did the precious part go!?

Megumin gasps. "Teacher!? I would not like being culled thank you very much!" Ah, so now you're suddenly worried!? If you keep adding tsundere traits to your curriculum I might reach nirvana.

The Dark Goddess blushes. "S-sorry, that was uncalled for, it was just... bad memories." Well, your seal was on their village right? I suppose it makes sense you would dislike them. Yeah, my woman who represents Sloth and Violence is still as kind as ever!

Wolbach claps her hands together. "But here's my apology... I'll build a teleportation network! After all, if I don't, whoever is sent there will get stuck in Belzerg." See!? She's kind! "I can make a magical circle here, and one that connects to it on a scroll. Then when they need to return from Yunyun's scroll they can just use mine!" What a useful taxi!

Aqua glares at her. "You sure are acting super useful you pathetic shitty evil goddess. Why don't you go serve some demons huh? That's your thing right?" I half expect Aqua to say a way she's gonna help, but no. She just wanted to talk shit.

Wolbach's eye twitches, she glares right back at the goddess. "Indeed, I'm a very helpful woman to my fiance! Did you know I have a fiance? I heard some goddess is pining after him, and building statues of him, but he's actually my fiance." A fight might break out soon...!

Aqua grits her teeth. "Next time you take a shower, if you want the water to be hot, it's gonna be cold. And the reverse applies of course. By the way, don't ever try swimming in a river or the ocean again." She then shrugs and tries to look innocent. "These are just predictions and tips from a friend though!" This is why I joined the Eris Order.

Wolbach snarks back. "I see, thanks for the help. By the way, try not to sleep anytime soon, since you might have nightmares involving orcs." H-hey, don't bring up Darkness' dreams into this! "Oh, and the next fight you have might escalate into you losing your life, even if it's worth nothing." That's happening right now!

Before Wolbach's prediction come true, I clear my throat and try to distract them. "So... about this whole Crimson Demon thing, do we have a limit to how many people we can take? Assuming we go of course." I'm definitely going.

I rather be eaten alive by those venomous frogs that took my life over having to live in a world where the Megumin species went extinct and I could have stopped. Also, I wanna go there to see the many Megumins, the manygumins you could say.

Aqua proudly puffs her chest. "With the amount of mana I have...? I could take this whole city there!" T-that's insane...! "I'm a true goddess with a bunch of faithful followers, differently from Forgottenbach over here, the only person with more mana in the world than me is that classmate of ours with a demon eye." I see... Wait!

Rudeus has more mana than you!? How the hell did he accomplish that...!? Man, and when someone remembers Kazuma... I really am the most pathetic Isekai'd person here aren't I? The only worth I have is being a lure for allies...

Aqua smiles ear from ear, blushing bright red. "Praise me! Praise me! Shower me in praise just like I shower you in love!" Sorry, I'm too busy being depressed to listen to you... I can't believe I'm inferior to Rudeus of all people.

Eris snarls at the goddess. "You're the worst." No, it's my fault really, I'm the worst here. "And Subaru... I didn't want to say this, since it's mean, but... desperate situations call for desperate measures. You're better than him in bed." Wow! I'm all good now!

My amazing fiancee continues. "But speaking of Rudeus... He's actually a good recruit for this. There's no way he would decline to help the Crimson Demons, since we befriended some when we were younger." Ah, that's right! He's a man who understands the value of MMT!

Darkness fake a cough. "And I would like to go too. I'm... I'm still a knight from Belzerg. I shall not let a whole species from my home country be wiped out, that I swear!" As expected, gallant knight Lalatina must help.

I smile. "Well, then I'm going too. I need to stay close to my bodyguard after all." That's just an excuse of course. I was planning on going no matter what... I hope I'm a soulmate of every single Megumin there!

While Darkness seems... proud? Of my decision, Eris immediately shakes her head. "No you're not! It's dangerous...! Besides, you have your company thing going on, right?" Ah, that's true, but now it's mostly gonna be up to Otto for a while anyways...

I pout. "But I wanna..." There's no need to even finish that sentence, acting like a baby won't help here. Instead I should think of something I could do to contribute towards the cause of helping the Crimson Demons...

Megumin glares at me. "I agree with Eris! For once! If the Crimson Demons are going to be wiped out then... then..." She blushes. "It's dangerous to go there, I should stay here and rebuild my clan." Sasuke Uchiha!?

Wolbach nods, though she has an awkward smile. "Letting the Crimson Demons just... die, is a bit much, but... I also don't want you to go Subaru." Even my precious reasonable fiancee has abandoned me! It's almost like what she's saying is smart and reasonable or something...!

She continues. "That's because I probably shouldn't go there as well... As soon as I step foot in that village those maniacs... those people are going to be after me. I would not be able to protect you..." Well, I don't want to be separated from my fiancee...

I guess it's time to throw in the towel. "If that's that, then that's that, I guess. Tomorrow I'll have a reunion with my classmates and see who's gonna want to help, then I'll contact Kazuma as well... And finally, I'll bring all the helper to Yunyun. Does that sound good?" Though...

I guess Kazuma will help, since he's a hero, and by extension so will Nina, but outside of that the only helper I think I might find is Rudeus. Zanoba might follow along too, but that's it really.

I barely talk with Pursena, Linia and Cliff. Nanahoshi seemingly lacks any combat capabilities, I don't enough about Fern to know whether she will accept or not... Ariel is a princess, so she definitely can't go, and obviously her bodyguards need to stay here...

Suddenly Aqua starts crying. "Wait a second! If Subaru isn't going, then I'm not going too! I won't power up a mana circle just so Subaru can stay here with all of this thieving cats!" And opportunity!

Megumin interjects. "Aqua, just because you need to power the circle, doesn't mean you need to go." And just like that, the goddess stops crying, my opportunity has been destroyed in front of my very own eyes.

Aqua sends the Arch Mage a thumbs. "That's all good then! But..." She looks at me. "I think we should bring Subaru to the village, and if he goes I'll follow of course." Oh... If Aqua is on my side, then you know my decision is stupid.

Wolbach raises an eyebrow. "And why is that...? It's dangerous. And yes, before you say anything, I know you can revive him, but that still doesn't mean I want him to die." A perfect angel indeed...

Aqua looks away. "I just think he would have fun, but..." She sends me a smile. "Make sure to bring out tons of people here tomorrow Subaru. We need a big party after all." Don't say we, I'm not part of it after all.

Well, at least Megumin is clearly not going, so I'll stay with my angel.


"I-I'm so happy...! I can't believe this many people are willing to help my village!" Yunyun is on the verge of tears... And then she notices Kazuma is also here and actually genuinely starts crying. That's hero hype for you...

That said, I'm also surprised by how many people I've managed to get together. I don't know if this will be enough to stop whatever threat is coming, but if they aren't, then that just means the threat was unbeatable in the first place.

Frieren, the perfect being, smiles. "Don't worry, I won't let the Crimson Demons meet their end. They have been a great help at defending Belzerg from the Demon King after all..." She looks at the her student, who also came. "Besides, this will grant my pupil some combat experience." I'm just surprised the school let you miss days on the clock.

Fern sighs, she actually looks a little nervous. "This will be quite troublesome, but in the end it can't be helped... Must I really risk my life Master Frieren?" Yeah, she's definitely scared, and I don't blame her...

The elf pats her head, since she's way smaller than Fern it looks super cute. "Don't worry, just stay behind me... way behind me. To be honest, normally I would agree that this is stupid." Don't say that in front of Yunyun! "But this is too great of an opportunity... understand?" For some reason she steal a glance at me.

Fern's eye twitches. "Yes, I suppose I understand." She then looks at me. "Let's work hard together Lord Subaru. I will be following your lead the whole way through, I might also hold onto your hand." Frieren sends her an excited thumbs up.

But aren't they misunderstanding something here? "I'm not going though. I'm not really good at fighting, so it would be dangerous for me." And now, both the elf and the student look depressed for some reason.

Rudeus chuckles. "Oh, the scaredy cat is staying? How path-" Eris raises a fist, he stops. "I'll give my all to save the Crimson Demons!" You'd better, since you have some many sins to pay for.

By the way, I haven't talked with him about the Human God yet, in fact I'm hoping to do that once he comes back. There's no reason to fill his mind with too much stuff when he should be focusing after all.

Kazuma smiles, and waves at Yunyun... who flinches. "Yeah, I'm with that guy. Don't worry because everything is going to be okay, and I definitely wasn't forced to be here!" He then goes back to... staring at Frieren?

There's a weird expression on his face. Could it be that Kazuma is a fellow silver hair elf lover? Ah, but he doesn't have the soulmate debuff I have which means... which means it's technically possible for that to happen...! I might kill myself if we enter such a cursed timeline.

Suddenly Kazuma groans in pain, that's because Nina stepped on his foot. "Yeah, you definitely aren't being forced. By the way, were the hell are you looking at Kazu?" Her eyes have no light in them.

Kazuma puts a hand on his chest. "It doesn't matter where I look, because you're always on my mind Mistress Nina, and therefore I'm always looking at you!" What a desperate attempt at a save...

Nina pouts. "You'd better, or I'm upping your training." Kazuma shudders, but then Nina hugs him from behind and he seems... genuinely happy? "Show me your cool side, Hero of Belzerg." Right, with such an amazing guy the Crimson Demons might just survive.

He blushes and looks down, not responding, but then Frieren looks at him. "I'm also looking forward to that. I have heard many great things about you Kazuma Satou..." And now he's blushing even more...

And also being squeezed even more by Nina's hug. He's seriously starting to become blue! Well, that's what he gets for existing near my elf, in fact he actually deserves much worse!

Yunyun pales. "How was I supposed to..." She then shakes her head. "Anyways, as I was saying, thank you all very much for the support! But now let me explain the situation..." Shes starts going through her pockets... "Eh? Where are they?" Her face is somehow becoming even more pale.

Megumin suddenly takes out two papers from her own pockets. "Ah, these things? I stole them, 'cause you were acting so protectively of them." What kind of logic is that!? Are Megumins incompatible or something!?

YMT glares at MMT. "I see the hair change wasn't just for show, you really have become a delinquent! N-now give me those back or I'll... I'll... cry...?" That's your strategy!? I see the Yunyun faction isn't that strong.

Megumin sighs. "Calm down Yunyun... I already read the letters anyways." Why does YMT suddenly looks like she desires death. "One of them is a dumb story Arue, a Crimson Demon we know, wrote about Yunyun's future kid, and the other is Yunyun's dad warning us of a Demon King attack on the village." So that's the threat huh...?

YMT starts grasping at the air. "B-but...! B-but Soketto and stuff...!" Mana suddenly gathers on the air. "I'm going to kill Arue!" Geez, if you dislike her, don't carry her story around. Does this mean all Megumins are natural enemies of each other... I'm learning so much today!

Frieren crosses her arms. "So it's just a Demon King attack...? I suppose a general must be there if even the Crimson Demons are losing. Very well, I shall solve this matter." As expected our legendary hero teacher is strong.

And then Frieren's eyes widen. "Actually... girl give me those letters." A confused Megumin complies, and the elf shines a strange light on the back of them. "As expected... a secret message! And one written by a woman called Soketto..." The letter that was supposedly just a story, wasn't...

Yunyun gasps. "That's our village's greatest diviner...! Her prophecies always come true...!" She then looks down, in despair. "Hey, this isn't gonna be some revelation about how Arue's story is totally true right?" A Megumin who can see the future... Futuregumin...

Frieren starts reading the letter, she's actually starting to look worried. "Fern... you aren't going." It's that dangerous!? "This letter reads that... the Moon herself shall descend upon the Crimson Demons and bring them ruin..." That sounds really bad...!

She continues. "But she won't kill them, instead they will all be forever drowned in shadows... and so will Belzerg." What's with this sudden armageddon plot!? "And... this moon shall specifically hunt down Megumin, no matter where she is... and remove her tongue out of envy, the young Crimson Demon shall forever live in despair." Not my MMT's voice!

By the end even Frieren looks shocked. "There is no salvation. Also, she wrote something extra, PS: Screw the law, please find a way to contact Reinhard Van Astrea, thanks Yunyun, I hope you're having fun out there." Tense silence enters the room.

Megumin breaks it. "Why the heck did she only send that letter to Yunyun!? I feel like I should have received that instead!" And so the inner Megumin politics continue! The Politigumins! No, but seriously, this seems serious.

I pinch my nose. "What a pain... Hey does anyone know any way of contacting this Reinhard Van Astrea in a quick way?" There's no way I'm letting my MMT live in eternal despair. If need be I would even find a way to defeat the Witch Of Envy.

Suddenly the room starts to shine. "Okay! Now that we got all the lore let's go!" That scream came from Aqua of course, who's... who's holding a scroll. One that is probably related to teleportation... damn it.

Yunyun is crying. "Why do people keep stealing stuff from me!?" Light engulfs us all.


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