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"I-I won't waste this opportunity Mister Natsuki! I swear!" Right now my poor self is being forced to hear Otto's rambling. "I'm not a failure! I'm not!" And he's crying... I'm never gonna go out drinking again.

You see, after our little business meeting, we all had a massive headache, so we decided that the obvious solution was going to a bar and drinking until it went away. We even dragged Banana with us... somehow.

However, this decision of ours was foolish. Mostly because my headache is seemingly only getting worse... Ah, I can't wait to go home and spend some time with my fiancee's, then maybe my headache will heal.

Kazuma smirks, he's drunk too. He's not a miserable drunk like Otto though, he's a cruel one. "We'll see about that Otto! Just remember... Mine and Subaru's families are at stake here!" His drunken state has caused him to confess that he plans to build a family with Nina. Cute.

He continues. "Which means your family is at stake too... Ya wouldn't want to piss off the Hero of Belzerg and the spooky Purge King right?" I'm not that scary, but alright. Honestly, I'm shocked you didn't mention Nanahoshi in your little bullying session.

Otto covers his face. "N-no...! Why does the scary stuff always happen to me!?" He then sighs. "And why does the Purge King of all people have a family...? Isn't that strange?" No! Seriously you haven't even had time to hear any rumors, so shut.

My eye twitches. "I'll have you know that you already met one of my fiancees. In fact, from what I heard she saved your life." That was a stroke of good fortune for sure. Otto seemed to really understand business when talking to us.

He gasps. "F-for real!? Wait... which one? Miss Fern seemed really mean..." Welp, that's probably because she's a crazy Axis Order follower and you worship Eris. And you aren't her soulmate like I am.

I chuckle, it feels kind of good to brag about this. "She introduced herself as Red to you. By the way, I meant when I said fiancees in plural... Also, Lalatina here is my woman." I point at my bodyguard, who blushes.

She's currently the only one that isn't drinking, mostly so she can take care of us in case another man who wants to collect a bounty shows up. It always makes me swoon when I see serious Lalatina... Serioustina... Swoonedbaru. I'm Wooedbaru right now.

Otto downs his drink. "Man, people from the Central Continent are crazy!" Are you calling me crazy!? Fair enough. "Back home even nobles have difficulty bagging multiple spouses... And who would even want more, after getting on with a woman like Miss Red?" I'm a shitty guy, what can I say?

Kazuma too downs his drink, and the bartender begins filling it immediately, thankfully the drinks are on Nanahoshi's wallet today. "I know right?" Stop complaining, you have Nina, and she's like... an inferior Eris. So more than good enough.

He points at the woman who's resting on my shoulder. "And look at that! The bastard is always, always looking for the next target too!" Ah, the woman who's resting on my shoulder is a drunk Banana by the way.

Otto nods, a frown on his face. "Ah... Miss Seven Stars, and Mister Natsuki... The two people who are making my life harder have found love in eachother, there's no way that's okay!" We literally cannot fall in love.

I sigh, I'm beginning to feel like I'm the annoyed type of drunk. "There's nothing except friendship between me and Nanahoshi." There might not even be that anymore, she has been mad as hell recently.

Drunkhoshi then whispers in my ear. "Don't tell them that back in Japan, I had a dream of you taking my first time once." My jaw hits the floor. "Heh, I almost went right back to therapy after that one!" I'm so sorry!

Thankfully she didn't say anything outloud, so my business partners were not given this ammunition. Or at least they wouldn't have it if Lalatina could control her voice. "Y-you dreamed about having sex with Subaru!?" Of course she would have heard it...

Otto's face hits the table. "Ah, this man has three lovers, and one of the most powerful women in the world is throwing himself at him. In the meantime... I'm single, and no one wants to mingle..." Work hard.

Kazuma points at me. "I'm gonna make you pay one day..." He then lowers his finger. "Actually that sounds like too much work, so I'll just keep silently hoping that you say something wrong to Eris and she cuts off your something-Calibur." He's a legendary hero everyone.

Nanahoshi shrieks in my ear, it makes me recoil. "S-Subaru...! I think they found out my secret! If they tell Subaru then I'm gonna die!" Don't worry, with the amount you have drunk... you won't remember anything that happens today.

Nanahoshi truly is a fool, that's because she tried to match Otto, who probably only has one rival in the world, and that rival is Aqua. It goes without saying that this Banana who rarely leaves her room lost horribly.

And now she's completely drunk... It makes me want to molest her... I may also be drunk, in fact someone as scummy as I probably should have not drunk so much alcohol. I definitely went way more overboard then that time in Rudeus' room.

Welp, time to molest this Banana and see if she has the goods! This is a wise decisions! So, since she is already so close to me, I wrap my arm around her like I'm the bad guy in a NTR porn plot.

I then cop a feel of her modest chest... It's pretty nice, small for sure, but... There's something exotic in that. Probably because at this point I have experienced the power of big boobs a thousand times with Eris.

Nanahoshi moans, cute. I want to make her a mother. "Subaru~... don't go doing that in public! Have... have some common sense!" Ah, I forgot we were in public, and now my actions are gonna have consequences.

While Otto and Kazuma simply stare at me slack-jawed, Lalatina blushes and comments. "My master is drunk and touching his even more drunk friend inappropriately... I chose the right man...!" Well, if no one is gonna complain, it's fine right?

I give Nanahoshi another grope, as expected of a Banana she is pretty soft. "Nanahoshi, look at me." Her blushing face is way too cute, so I need to engrave it in memories... Though I might forget this night completely anyways.

She giggles. "I'm always looking at you~! I lost sight of you once, and then... bad." I don't get what that is supposed to mean, but I ignore it and pull her in for a kiss. It's okay to do it, because Nanahoshi is cute, and I want to kiss her.

Darkness gasps while watching the scene. "W-wow, how are you gonna explain this to Eris...?" It's fine, cheating is okay as long as I apologize for it. Besides, I'm not Subaru, I'm Wooedbaru. Completely different people.

As we end the kiss, Nanahoshi giggles yet again. "Akito! A brute is taking me~!" Who's that...? One of my past victims? Am I cucking someone? Cool. "If you don't come save me, I'm gonna give myself to him!" You can't do that though.

Because you're not my soulmate and stuff, this is probably only happening because we are drunk. Also, I'm technically not cucking this guy, because you are only supposed to feel disgust for me. Yep, it's okay!

Kazuma gets up from his chair. "Something about this is pissing me off." Probably the sexual harassment? "And it's bringing bad memories too... Okay Otto, let's kill him." The merchant nods, I have plenty of enemies.

Including those four man who just entered this fine establishment! "Is Subaru Natsuki, the Purge King, here!?" Wow, they all have swords too! Scary! By the way, while I appreciate the attention, can you guys go after Kazuma too!? He's the one who wanted to gamble!

Darkness frowns. "It's good that I didn't drink..." And then she dashes at them in a burst of speed... Man, watching her beat the shit out of four armed men is making me dizzy. I think I might go home soon.

Kazuma scratches his eyes. "Am I...? Am I seeing this right? Did I do some sort of drug in my drunken state?" For some reason he sounds completely in shock. "Is Darkness... is she winning? Did she win?" By the time he finishes that sentence all four men are knocked out.

I smile. "Yeah! She always wins! Because she's cool!" She protected me from Aqua's mob, she protected me from the guy in the alleyway, and now this.

Kazuma falls down, I guess he passed out. Welp, time to go home.


I wave as soon as I enter, and whisper very quietly, since Eris and Wolbach are probably sleeping. "I'm back!" Oops, I tried. "Sorry, drunk and stupid here." It was fun being stupid though, so it's fine.

Darkness swoons. "Ah, you're acting so romantically tonight Subaru, I'm falling all over again..." That's not a good sign. Tomorrow I'll kowtow and apologize to everyone about the actions of Drunkbaru.

Sadly Eris has noticed my appearance, waking up. "Subaru...? You're home?" She's looking at with tired eyes. "Did everything go well with the Otto guy?" A tough question, mostly because it will take somedays until we see whether our business is gonna do well or not.

But I nod to alleviate her concerns. "Y-yeah, Otto is a real nice fella, things went well. So we went out drinking to celebrate... sorry about not warning you." She smiles, I guess she's glad. "Also, I molested the woman who's supporting me while I was drunk. My bad." Small boobs are great.

To my surprise Eris glares at Lalatina, and not me. "Darkness...!" Before she starts screaming though, she seemingly remembers Wolbach. "You're supposed to satisfy Subaru's urges when I'm not around." Huh, I could have molested her, couldn't I?

Darkness blushes and bows. "Sorry... It won't happen again, I swear on my pride as a knight." Do you have any pride as a knight at all?

I wave them off, time to save my sex slave. "It's fine Eris. Lalatina was busy saving me from a bunch of hired thugs who wanted to kill me 'cause the casinos put a bounty on my head." Well, she wasn't busy the whole night, but my fiancee doesn't need to know that.

For some reason the air feels strange now, and Eris is taking deep breaths. "I see. I'll deal with that tomorrow then." Is she gonna pay then back for the money I basically stole!? My future wife is so great... I want to introduce her to the family I will never see again!

I smirk. "Ah... you're the best Eris, I love you." She blushes bright red. "Let's do it! Let's have sex until the sun comes back...!" Oops I screamed, thankfully Wolbach didn't wake up. And speaking of sleeping...

Yeah, by asking for something like this, I'm giving up my chance to sleep, but... that's fine. I have decided that being intimate with Eris is way more important that my mental health. Yeah, that sounde like a wise decision to me.

Eris pouts. "Subaru... I'm sleepy... and Wolbach is here." No...! Ah, failure... "Go have sex with Darkness instead, this is why she's here after all." And then my fiancee closes her eyes and tries to go back to sleep.

While Darkness blushes, I grab her by the arm. "Kay!" And then we leave the room. I can't have sex there, since all the noise will probably wake Wolbach up, and it won't let Eris sleep either.

So I'm just gonna do it on the hallway! Then we can go back once we finished... Lalatina is a tough girl though, so she will probably take the whole night to handle. She may be a virgin, but she will be in the defending position, so...

Darkness' face is completely red. "S-Subaru, are we doing it!? Here and now!?" Geez, what are you, a titan shifter? Welp, it's about time I made you a woman, I bet just watching me and Eris was getting frustrating after all.

I push her agains the wall. "I guess we are. Get ready to serve me Lalatina." And with that I kiss her. It's about time I put my sex slave for good use, her bodyguard thing is nice and all, but in the end what I want is her body.

As we end the kiss, Lalatina starts panting. "I can't wait to brag about this to everyone..." Maybe don't do that! "S-Subaru... I really am happy I met you. I fell at first sight." I already know that, dummy.

I smirk. "I love you too Lalatina." And yet again she swoons. "Now suck my cock, it's been hard ever since I toyed around with Nanahoshi." That bratty Banana was in need of some correction!

She gasps. "W-wow, I really like this side of you!" Sorry, get ready to never seen him again, because after tonight I won't drink anymore. "A-anyways, I'll try my best, please forgive my inexperience...!" She falls to her knees.

I pat her head. "Don't worry, take your time to learn. Because no matter what you do, by the end of this my semen will be going down your throat." Darkness is okay with me talking like this right? I hope I'm not being to mean...

She sputters as she begins lowering down my clothing, and once my hardened cock is free'd she almost looks afrain. "I...!" Lalatina is the type of person who hesistates at the final moments after all.

That said, she has been getting trained by being in the same room as Eris and I. So instead of running away, she takes off her gloves and throws them to the ground, getting ready for action.

Lalatina then get a nice grip on my dick, I immediately let out a groan. "Ah, you're hands are surprisingly soft..." They're not like the hands of a princess or anything, Darkness is a warrior after all, but the fact that she's also a noble is giving her an advantage here.

She stutters. "T-thanks...? Y-your dick is unsurprisingly hard...?" She's acting weird. Probably because she's not drunk at all, and therefore in a different wavelength from me. She's still adorable though, so it's fine.

The knight takes a deep breath, which just means she took a sniff of my dick. "H-here I go..." She then takes a tentative lick across my shaft. Her eyes glues on my member with complete attention.

An awkward smile reaches her face. "It tastes... weird..." And then she does it again. Licking, kissing, everything. She never actually puts it on her mouth though, and that is getting sort of frustrating.

Which is why I grab her by her hair. "Lalatina, I'm tired of you being a tease, open your mouth and be a good bitch." She should be able to handle what I'm about to do. She's essentially Water God praticing Eris after all.

To my surprise she actually objects. "B-but you're the one who's always teasing me...!" And with that she opened her mouth, so I force my dick in. Thankfully Darkness doesn't bite or anything, so instead I finally get the amazing sensation of fucking her mouth.

And don't get me wrong, I really am fucking her mouth, because I'm controlling the pace here, by pulling her by the hair. "Um...! Mmm~!" She's screaming, or at least trying to, but it's only making me feel better.

The thought that this is a bit too close to rape passes through my mind, but then I remember this is Lalatina and I start going even faster with my thrusting. There's no questioning the fact that she wants this after all.

I'm losing my mind while I melt inside of her. "You're the best Lalatina...! Fucking a sex toy noble girl like you is the best!" I wonder how the citizens of Belzerg would feel if they knew I was currently about to shoot a load down their future duchess' throat while treating her like a piece of meat.

Darkness puts her hands on my legs to support herself, and starts trying to match pace with me. I wonder if she liked what she heard? Knowing her she's drenched right now. She really is a rare and unique find...

That's why as I get closer and closer to my limit, I can't help, but wonder how the hell I'm the first person to be doing this. Are all the people in Belzerg idiots or something...? This woman is perfect to fool around with!

I shout, hopefully the entire dormitory doesn't hear it. "Lalatina, I'm cumming...!" It was about time I used my self proclaimed toilet, so I cum load after load inside of her, while she struggles against it. Hopefully she doesn't choke...

As I free Darkness, she starts coughing, it actually makes me a bit worried. "Lalatina, are you okay...?" If something bad happens I can bring her to Aqua, but that would be a super awkward conversation for sure.

The knight nods. "Yes, I'm alright Subaru. Thank you for using your toilet like it's meant to!" People normally don't fuck their toilers. "N-now... are we gonna do that? I really want it..." There's no way we wouldn't it.

I nod. "Yeah, get on fours like the bitch you are." To be honest, Drunkbaru is starting to die, but I'll still try to treat Darkness like this, since I know she enjoys it. Ah, I might be too embarrassed to function tomorrow though.

Darkness starts panting again. "Y-yes...! It's time to say goodbye to the curse called virginity!" Loser. Also most people don't really want to lose their V-card in some random ass hallway, but alright.

I give Lalatina some space so she can get in position, and I move behind her. After that I start removing her clothing... it takes some time though, mostly because of her armor. Thankfully she is Darkness, so taking this off is easier than it would be for a normal knight.

The crusader looks down. "Um... do you have protection with you Subaru...?" I take some time to process what she's asking, mostly because my gaze is fixed on her ass. Life truly is perfect!

I smirk, and slap it, earning me even more panting. "I don't need that, I didn't even know that exists." I guess even old cultures always had some type of it. I wonder if Kazuma and I could create the modern version somehow...

Lalatina's body trembles. "I could get pregnant though...! So..." It's alright, I secretly have the supreme protection called Goderis. I think. Not enough time has passed for me to actually confirm that though.

I start position myself, grabbing her ass. "So what? It's not like I ever use protection with Eris either... Besides, making this fit body of yours grow a large belly sounds nice." One day I will have sex with a pregnant woman!

She swallows salive. "W-well, I always thought you and Eris were fooling me about the condom thing, but... but...!" Welp, if she's against it, there's always the back door... "Make sure to cum lots and lots! Make me a disappointment who got pregnant before marriage!" Right, this is Darkness.

And with that, I penetrate this slutty crusader without any hesitation. "Who are you giving order to!? Dumb pig!" As expected, she's incredibly wet. Darkness probably has lots of stamina, but she's also incredibly easy at the same time.

For someone like me, who routinely matches up with Eris, this is easy. Which is why Lalatina immediately starts moaning. "Oh~...! Sorry! But I'm begging you to make me pregnant!" Though some of those moans might be from pain... Welp, she likes it both ways, I suppose.

I chuckle as I start thrusting. "That will be up to lady luck, piggy." And luck is always on my side! Which hopefully means I won't need to feed another mouth before I even find my own footing in this world.

She shouts, probably waking up everyone arounds us. Sorry Eris! Sorry Wolbach! "I'll pray that your cum ruins me to Lady Eris everyday! I swear Subaru...!" Please don't do that, it might actually work if she's feeling nice.

However, now that we have actually found a rhythm, it's time to to use my secret Lalatina exclusive technique. I didn't just chose to do her from behind to appeal to her fetishes, and because I like feeling her ass with my body... though those are all valid reasons as well!

The real reason is this, I grab her ponytail and pull her back. She moans in response, because she's the best. "You're too slutty Lalatina, keep that up and I might go crazy...! Ah, who am I kidding, you already made me that!" And now she's getting me close to my second release too.

The knight puts her tongue out, I don't know if it's genuine or she's just trying to entice me, but it's definitely working. "G-good! I want you to be crazy over me...! Because I love you!" Ah, if she drops a sudden line like that my heart will explode.

I give one final thrust. "That's it! Here it comes Lalatina...!" Please don't get pregnant...! Eris will probably start freaking out about bastard and such...!

And as Darkness screams, and cums around me. "Fuck...! Get me pregnant~!" I can't help, but wonder... will she really match up to Eris' stamina?

I guess I might as well test that.


I yawn. "Ugh, it's finally about to be over." And then I kick a door open, a scowl appears on my face and I release my bloodlust just like Rujierd taught me. "Okay, everyone who doesn't surrender is dead meat!" This is finally about to end...

Me and Wolbach had to hit up so many casinos... thankfully the Dark Goddess is actually pretty smart, and has experience with warfare, so I let the planning to her. It wasn't long before we found out the gangs and stuff that controlled them.

So we have been going to place after place and wiping them out. It's boring work, mostly because the gangs are filled with mages, who I counter pretty heavily as any Sword God praticioner does, but eh, it has to be done.

You never know when some thug might get lucky and actually hurt Subaru after all. Besides, it's not like I'm killing them all... We are sparing a few, Wolbach said something about sendind a message, and she's smart like Rudeus, so I'll obey her.

A mage points at me as soon as we enter. He starts chanting. "The fi-!" But I cut him off. Literally. His head has flied off, and I didn't even need to use the Sword of Light... Man, this place is pathetic.

They have no decent swordsman... It reminds me of when Rudeus was young, and he faces a criminal North Saint. Couldn't they have at least something like that? The way they are, they were basically asking to be wiped out.

That wasn't the only mage in the room, though. There was another one, and he's dressed way better, probably an advanced mage or higher... In the end though, he needs incantations.

So Wolbach has more than enough time to point at him and... "Sorry!" Make him literally explode. She also doesn't sound sorry at all... a Dark Goddess of Sloth and Violence indeed, she's brutal as hell.

And strong too. When I first met her, I thought she was going to be someone like Rujierd or Ghislaine. Powerful, someone that can change the course of a war, but... She's much, much scarier than that.

Instead she's someone like Gal, the Sword God. She could probably turn this country to ashes if she wanted to... I'm just happy that she's on our side now, Subaru really is amazing considering how fast he completely seduced her.

The boss of this little gang falls down on his knees. "I...! Why!?" He doesn't even beg for his life, like some of the previous ones have. That's bad though, because it means he might not bow down to Subaru.

Well, either that or he's just an idiot. He's the guy who heard my Subaru had made a Demon King run, but still decided to put a bounty on him just because he was really lucky one night. Yeah, this guy is dumber than me.

Wolbach sighs. "Because you foolish little men put a bounty on my man." I pout. He's my man too you know! So add me to my conversation. "You may either know him as Subaru Natsuki or Purge King, in case you're confused..." Subaru sounds cuter, so I like it more!

The man starts hyperventilating. "I...! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Oh! He's a coward after all, so maybe he gets to live! I hope so, Rudeus' always say how life is precious... It's kind of nuts that he never killed anyone.

And neither has Subaru, maybe that's just something they have from back in their world. Which is why I have to protect their innocence from bastards like these. If Subaru started crying because he killed someone... then I would be a failure of a wife.

Wolbach walks closer, and slightly slaps the man's face. "It's fine... it's fine... you're forgiven." He isn't! I'll never forgive people who mistreated Subaru! "But I do need a gesture of goodwill from you... You see my fiance is starting a business, so... let's just say that this city should belong to the Purge King." And then Wolbach starts discussing business.

I don't get any of it! Because I'm dumb of course!


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