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"So you're Kazuma Satou huh...?" The Banana makes a disgusted face, like she's seeing me... or another thing that she despises. "You're a NEET aren't you? You're definitely one." Who are you to talk!?

Though I can kind of get where she's coming from... That's because right now Kazuma really does look like absolute trash. He has dark circles under his eyes, his skin is pale, and his hair is messy...

In summary he looks like I did yesterday, except for some reason Nanahoshi commented on it. She must be feeling extra mad, hopefully that won't affect our conversation with the merchant Otto... He is supposed to arrive any minute now.

Kazuma's eye twitches. "My NEET senses are telling me you're a loser too, so don't even start." You have those too!? Anyways, I know she's acting really mean, but please be nice to what is basically our sponsor.

Nanahoshi rolls her eyes, seemingly unimpressed. "There is no such thing as NEET senses." Oh, so you haven't reached our level yet. "However that aside... Do you two have any plans of what you will say?" Sort of...

Kazuma and I already decided what products we will be selling... mostly because Kazuma made me throw a coin to decide for each and everyone. For now we aren't gonna be producing anything though, we don't have the resources for that.

Once we do acquire those resources though, Kazuma has some stuff leftover from a deal he was making back in Belzerg. It's basically a bunch of Earthling comforts, but Nanahoshi's company is known for luxury goods anyways.

Distribution will be left up for Otto Suwen, and hopefully Nanahoshi... though I do have some cat shaped ideas on how to speed it up. And marketing will hopefully also be done by Nanahoshi, with Kazuma's legendary name helping us.

Kazuma nods. "Yeah, I know more less. Talking with scummy people is one of my most powerful skills." How do you even know he's scum though!? Is it just because he's a merchant!?

Nanahoshi nods back. "As long as you're sure... I will lend my support here and there of course, but make sure to do things carefully..." She glares at me. "As in, don't gamble your money away." That was Kazuma's idea though!

Speaking of him, he snorts. "Yeah, I sure will be careful. It's not like Subaru will manipulate the market to our favor just by existing or something." Please don't overestimate Goderis' blessing, it may fuck us over one day.

Still, there is comfort to be had over our company being literally blessed by a goddess... And with Wolbach by our side, if my idea for her genuinely works, then it would technically be two goddesses. Actually could the Dark Goddess make our rivals lazy? That's probably immoral even if she can though.

And... Aqua's art is literally divine. I wonder if we could sell that somehow? Like to super rich people... What am I even thinking? It would be cruel to ask that of her... Besides, I can only worship so many goddesses. Though the image of having three little shrines in my future house is pretty funny.

Nanahoshi crosses her arms. "I hope you two go bankrupt." We are part of your company though!? "Anyways, I'll be giving you two a few teleportation scrolls to the Dragon Continent and back." Huh?

Just the thought of teleportation scrolls makes me uncomfortable. It reminds me of the little schizophrenic loli that we just kind of left behind... Well, it should be fine, at this point her love has most likely faded away. Fern has showed that it can happen very fast after all.

Speaking of Fern, we obviously had a talk with the principal, and her first day is tomorrow. I'm looking forward to introducing her to everyone that isn't named Rudeus Greyrat... Though nowadays he has a girlfriend, so he probably won't act weird.

Darkness gasps. "Wow, is Summoning Magic becoming more common or something? You're just handing the out...?" I suppose your confusion is warranted. We just went through a random shop that had them after all.

Kazuma glares at her. "Shut up worthless knight, don't look at a gift horse in the mouth. Besides, why are you even here anyways?" To protect me in case Otto tries to pull a knife on us or something.

And that's not even talking about how someone tried to kill me for money just today... By the way, the reason why the city is still standing is because we wisely chose to not tell Eris about it. I can do something about the casinos once I have a bit more power...

Well, Wolbach is a Dark Goddess who loves me, but I meant power that doesn't involve me ordering the death of a bunch of people. I'm from modern Japan after all, I don't even want to think of killing...

Darkness' face shifts in terror and she moves closer to me. "S-Subaru, Kazuscum is trying to steal me with his honey covered words! Please stop his worthless self before I vomit!" She really does look green in the face...

Kazuma's eye twitches. "I didn't say any such words, it's just that you're a pathetic weirdo! Besides, don't even insinuate that I could find another woman." The light disappears from his eyes. "Nina would skin me alive..." Good luck!

Darkness eyes widen. "P-pathetic weirdo!?" Yeah, you think he would get what you're about by now. "That said, you are correct when you say you cannot find another woman. Even Nina must have been the greatest miracle ever." Or the greatest tragedy...

Still, to escape the NTR allegations... "By the way Lalatina, you're the hottest. Also you're a shitty woman born to breed and that's it." A man has to compliment his sex slave sometimes, or the consensual love there might die.

The knight immediately blushes and looks away. "Oh...! Thank you for the compliments, but I'll never give in!" You have already given in, you literally gave in as soon as we met, so I don't get why you try to keep up the perfect knight thing...

Now it's Kazuma's turn to look green in the face. "You... I dread the day a true pure and good knight meets you. Her worldview will probably break in some many pieces..." Lalatina can be surprisingly pure, I'll have you know...

The knight makes a thinking pose. "Actually when I first met Isolte, my shameful existence only made her convictions stronger... Something about how she must never be like me." I don't know who that is, but I feel pity for her.

Nanahoshi starts snapping her fingers. "Attention back on me, now." Ah, sorry, I was busy seeing my sex slave embarrass herself. "What are you guys talking about Summoning Magic and it being common? It's extremely rare... and if it wasn't, then my business wouldn't be where it is." Oh?

I raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that...?" It's kind of rude to answer a question with a question, but now I'm curious... Nanahoshi might be using a similar tactic to what I had considered Wolbach for.

Nanahoshi shrugs. "I use teleportation circles to move my business around. Just teleportation would use too much mana, but magical circles help circumvent that... and then if I also have another circle on the other side it becomes even more sustainable." Yeah, it's more or less the idea I had for Wolbach.

The Dark Goddess told me she could do crazy things with teleportation, and so I was thinking of asking for her help when expanding my business, but I guess Nanahoshi already has that in lock.

The Banana continues. "My current plan is to start your Pleiades in the Dragon Continent, so we'll be using teleportation to get there faster. I have an annoying rival there who I want to crush." Business is scary!

Kazuma puts a hand on his chin, and closes his eyes, seemingly lost in thought. "Are you talking about Anastasia Hoshin...? Yeah, my previous partner told me she could be a pain." I was right to bring you on, since you clearly know more than me. "Anyways, is this teleportation thing even legal? It sounds to broken to be true." I hope it is...

Nanahoshi smiles, happy to abuse this world's marker... Scary. "Yeah, it's legal. It's not exactly something anyone can exploit... By the way, people who find out how I do it tend to disappear." Both Kazuma and I gulp. "And speaking of rarity, Darkness, explain..." So we're back to that...

Lalatina looks away. "It's just that... we stumbled onto a shop who was selling teleportation scrolls to Lugunica." She wasn't even selling them, she was going to give them away for free... Three months, that's the time Lara gave me.

To be honest, I know that Lara is a weirdo, but... I might listen to her advice, since it was so specific. I don't want to return to that creepy shop though, so I'll probably just ask Wolbach for whatever help she's willing to give me.

My knight continues, raising a finger. "And that isn't all either. Subaru got engaged to a woman who can do Summoning Magic yesterday." Not just a woman, a Dark Goddess. I feel like that's an important detail.

Kazuma blinks in disbelief and looks at me. "B-but... you didn't get engaged to Eris yesterday. And I definitely know she barely knows any magic at all, so..." Oh, right... This is going to be an awkward conversation.

Banana immediately glares at me. "Subaru Natsuki!" Why are you calling me by my full name like you're a mom who's mad!? "Should I give you the beneft of doubt and assume that Darkness misspoke? That you are not insane?" I'm definitely not insane.

I look away. "Yeah, I got engaged to another woman yesterday. She's actually Chomusuke and also a goddess just like Aqua." I'm hoping to confuse them so much that they enter into shock and leave me alone.

That certainly works for Nanahoshi, but Kazuma has known Aqua for longer, so he is immune to this tactic. "Wait...? Chomusuke? Did you fuck a cat? Did you decide to expand your harem by having sex with a cat!?" I'm not a cat fucker.

He points at me. "Actually, who gave you permission to have a harem in the first place!? Go back to Japan, you god damn shitty eroge protagonist!" Look who's talking, the legendary hero who killed a bunch of Demon Generals.

Ah, he snapped Nanahoshi out of her shock. "I agree! Come back to your senses Subaru! Do you think this is some sort of dating sim game!?" I wish it was, then people would just shut up and let me pursue the Eris route in peace.

I sigh. "First of all, please forget the cat part. She's a human looking woman, a goddess, she just happened to fuse with Chomusuke because she was her other half or something like that." If only half of Wolbach was already strong enough to be a Demon General, then how strong is she right now...? Eh, I don't care.

Kazuma's eye twitches. "D-did Chomusuke die? Did you guys kill her while I wasn't paying attention!?" Depending on your point of view, yes. But don't say that to Megumin or she might cry herself to death to follow her cat.

Nanahoshi looks away with a huff, there's a... smile on her face? And she begins to mutter. "Hah, so it really was a demon cat after all..." You were still thinking about that day!? I should force you into patting Wolbach.

Still, I better deny what Kazuma said. "Chomusuke isn't dead. Again, she was always Wolbach, they just fused together..." I have a feeling he isn't buying what I'm saying, but whatever. There is no escaping from this reality.

Nanahoshi's eyes widen. "Wolbach...? As in the rumored Demon General from Belzerg? The one who wipes away armies with a wave of her hand?" Oops, I let it slip that my fiancee is a war criminal.

Welp, I don't care thst much about it, probably because I wasn't there... If Wolbach doesn't do it anymore then it's fine right? And it was a war... And I technically have not received confirmation that she is a Demon General at all... That annoying Human God may be right about me teaming up with villains.

I doubt Nanahoshi the woman who refuses to give up her Earth morality, and Kazuma the Demon General slayer feel the same though. "Um... Wolbach is just a very common name! Yeah! Please call her Red when near any powerful and knowledge people though." Though I don't know if anyone would have much success in killing her anyways.

Nanahoshi closes her eyes, trying to escape to a better place. "Subaru... did you know this woman before yesterday? You better say you did, you better." Oh? We are moving past the Demon General part? Awesome.

Still... I shake my head. "Um... not really. I was planning to introduce the two of you eventually though! Because she's a goddess and also good with teleportation stuff... Oh, Aqua dislikes her though." Hopefully Nanahoshi won't follow her lead.

Nanahoshi's scowls. "You really did meet her yesterday...!? What the fuck is wrong with you!?" N-nothing...? Also, are you really gonna ignore what I just said about teleportation? "Is she... Be honest with me Subaru, did she force you?" Strangely enough her voice sounds hopeful.

Kazuma snarks from the sidelines. "I don't know what's worse, this bastard seducing a woman in one day, or a goddess forcing him into marriage." If you keep acting like you're jealous over my success with women, Nina might castrate you.

Darkness glares at him. "Only you would find the idea of being forced into a relationship attractive, Shitzuma." The adventurer now begins staring at her like she's an alien. She's not though, she's just a hypocrite. Something which is way easier to find.

But I have no time for them, I have to respond Nanahoshi's question. "No, Wolbach didn't force me to do anything." Surprising really, she is super understanding, something that isn't common among the people I know. "She... just proposed and I accepted I guess." It wasn't a decision I really thought through, but...

It was a decision I made, and now I must make sure I don't regret. Also... c'mon, she just looked so cute when asking for my hand! There's no way I could reject an elf looking woman, even if she technically isn't one...

Nanahoshi grits her teeth. "I see. I see...! Let me guess, she's also a bombshell just like Eris and Darkness?" Before I can respond, she raises a hand. "Don't answer. I don't want to know. What I do want to know, is when your rotted brain decided that it was okay to get a second wife!?" I feel like you're always mad when we meet...

Kazuma raises an eyebrow, and start silently muttering. "Hey... isn't this suspicious? Why did this woman even give Subaru a loan in the first place...? And now she is..." I have a feeling he is going to reach the wrong conclusions here.

Lalatina whispers on his ear. "It's exactly what you're thinking." And now the adventurer is back to glaring at me, even though it's not at all what he's thinking! Nanahoshi probably genuinely hates me at this point...

I smile, it's weak... "Well, Eris and I had a talk recently, and she decided that if I wanted to bring another woman to our little happy family I could!" And so most of my problems were solved... But not really.

Nanahoshi's eye twitches. "And you... you just accepted the first woman that asked? As if you were trying to fill up a RPG party slot!?" Sort of... I will admit that when Eris gave me permission I started to look things in a different light.

I was probably a bit too hasty, as she said, it was like I was trying to fill in a empty slot. That said, it's not like Wolbach was a bad choice... she slidded in perfectly. It was a stroke of good luck really.

Nanahoshi covers her hand with her palm. "And if you really needed a second wife... then... then..." Then what? Ironically enough my options were pretty limited. "You should have talked with Megumin. In fact you should have stopped ignoring her already." Ah... that's gonna be tough.

Kazuma pokes Darkness' shoulder. "Oi, explain what she means by that you shitty crusader." It's kind of insane that you are only finding out all of this crazy information right now. It can't be helped though, communication isn't convenient here like in Earth.

Darkness sighs. "Well, Megumin made a super embarrassing confession of love to Subaru that she thought no one had heard, but we all did." Never tell her that. "Then she got accepted, but then she shot down Subaru." Yeah, and then her cat fused with her teacher.

She actually didn't even come to class today. If that repeats tomorrow, then I'll check up on her in her room. I also haven't seen Aqua today, which is more worrying to be honest. You can never know what a idiot is planning after all.

Kazuma closes his eyes, he's trying the same trick Nanahoshi did, but reality can be cruel. "Man, just what did I miss...? You know what, as long as I don't need to get involved..." Wow, you're cutting your losses!?

I clear my throat. "Well, about Megumin, I actually..." Have no clue on what to do. Just how do I deliver a happy end to my perfect MMT? It feels like I'm actually dragging her more and more into the watching a NTR tape bad end...

Suddenly there's a knock on the door. "Um... Miss Seven Stars? It's me, Otto Suwen..." Oh, the man has arrived! Thankfully he gave me a nice escape from this awkward topic. Though... I know I'll have to come back to it eventually...

Nanahoshi raises her voice, she actually sounds... a bit intimidating? "Enter." I'm surprised she can pull off the whole rich boss thing. But I guess anybody can with enough experience on the field.

The merchant enters the room. He actually looks... not that impressive. Though that might be because at this point I'm used to meeting unbelievably impressive people like Eris and goddesses.

He bows, even though his body is trembling. "H-hello again Mister Seven Stars... I see that you're without your mask..." He must be super afraid right now. I now he owes Nanahoshi a massive debt after all.

My Japanese friend glares at him. "You have been a massive disappointment Otto." He flinches. "I was told you would take the Dragon Continent from beneath Anastasia Hoshin's nose, but you have failed miserably until now... Even though Lugunica's marker has been more exploitable than ever." Interesting information...

Nanahoshi continues. "Why is that Otto? Why is that the money you took from me is still missing? You better have a good excuse." Why do I have a feeling you're enjoying this? This Ugly Hobgobbo enjoys pushing the weak around huh...

The merchant swallows his saliva, and ends his bow. "Um... it was bad luck Miss Seven Stars... Margrave Matters suddenly closed off trading in his lands, and so..." He flinches again with Nanahoshi's glare. "I'm so sorry! Please don't sell me!" Sell...?

Ah, right. Slavery is legal here, so I guess if you accumulate enough debt then you could theoretically be sold into slavery. I doubt Nanahoshi would do that though, even if she does look very scary right now.

That's because she's a nice girl raised in Earth, and we understand that slavery is a horrible, unforgivable thing... Even I, who has decided to stay here, still believe this. And I won't change my mind anytime soon, in fact I might try to do something about it eventually.

Nanahoshi sighs. "You say you're unlucky Otto? That can't be it, because you caught me in a good mood for once." The merchant gains a hopeful gleam in his eyes. "I won't forgive your debt, but I'll be throwing a new task under your feet." I guess it's my time to shine.

Otto quickly nods. "Y-yeah! I'll do anything!" Man, he really does sound desperate. That's pretty much how Fern described him though, so it doesn't surprise me. Now... should I mention I know them?

Nanahoshi motions to me. "This is Subaru Natsuki, a friend of mine, that blonde woman is his bodyguard." She then motions to my partner in crime. "And this is Kazuma Satou. Yes, that Kazuma Satou." Otto's eyes widen in shock.

She continues. "They will be opening a business in the Dragon Continent... and here in Ranoa... with your help. In the end all of the important decisions will be up to them, but I expect you to aid them as much as you can, understood?" She's leaving him no place to argue.

He hesitantly nods. "U-understood... I won't disappoint, I promise." Poor guy, he's terrified... Welp, it's not like I'm planning to scam him. As far as I'm concerned Otto might as well be the third founder of Pleiades.

He then looks at me. "B-but may I ask what exactly this business entails...?" It entails mayonnaise. Also tons of other stuff... tonight is gonna be a long, long night. And it will probably end with me having a headache.

I extend a handshake. "First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm known as the Purge King..." This will be hard, but... I have to do it for Eris, and for our future family.

I promise that by the end of the year, we will have a house!


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