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"That was great Subaru! You're getting freakishly strong recently..." Eris compliments me after knocking me on my ass, what a perfect fiancee she is. By the way, we are training as usual.

We don't exactly have a giant dojo anymore, but funnily enough, the Magical Academy of Ranoa does teach swordsmanship, and so they have places for students to train. They even have an Advanced-Ranked swordsman... But Eris is a better teacher than him, or at least she understands the art more than him.

I struggle to get up, and Eris lands me a hand. "Thanks... I don't know if I'm improving as much as you say, but I'll take the compliment." I don't feel stronger... Actually I do feel stronger, but that's mostly because of our... activities together.

Basically Eris is a beast at bed and I have to keep up with her. Really, this is another reason why a harem would have never worked, besides, I haven't even touched Lalatina yet, so there's no need to rush.

My fiancee sighs. "Um... Maybe me beating you up over and over again isn't good." It's alright! I may not be an masochist, but I do enjoy spending time with you. "You need to spar with a swordsman closer to your level, so your pride isn't completely destroyed." Please don't treat me like a baby.

I blush and look away. "There's no need for that Eris. I'm totally okay with losing..." Also, if my girlfriend saw me losing to someone who is actually on my level... Then my pride would indeed die. Just thinking about it is killing it in fact.

She shakes her head. "Nah. Trust me, you need to start sparing with people around your level... It's kind of frustrating to be honest." Oh? Something is bothering my love? Is it murder time? "For some reason, whenever I ask a student if they're free to spar with you, they run away..." Badigadi really ruined me.

I chuckle a little, at this point I'm not even annoyed at my reputation anymore. "People seem to think I beat up that Demon King. That's probably why they're refusing you." I imagine my reputation would immediately die once an average student beat the hell out of me.

Eris smirks, that expression is perfect for her face. "I guess that's good. People should know just how amazing you are!" Love really is blind, if it makes someone as amazing as you think that of me. I'll happily take the compliment though, in fact I even feel my body becoming more energized.

Still, this is embarassing, and so I look away. "Y-yeah... B-by the way Eris..." It's time that I confess my sins. I have been trying to build up courage the entire day, but I have failed so far. That's unacceptable for obvious reasons, Eris should know I tried to cheat on her.

She tilts her head. "Yeah...?" Her expression is that of curiosity. It goes without saying that she looks incredibly cute, which immediately makes my resolve falter... Please don't let my dumbassery take this away from me...

It would be ironic too, that as soon as Rudeus finally gets on with somebody, I lose my girlfriend. And it would all be my fault too... Well, mine's and the Love God's fault, I'm not completely taking the blame for this...

I look down. "I have... I have bad news..." I can see she is now scowling, preparing for the worst. "I... tried to cheat on you!" Immediately I feel a pain in my cheek. Without any hesitation at all, Eris punched me square in the face.

The force of it is enough to knock me down, and I instinctively puts my open palm over my now hurt cheek. Yeah, this is going about how I expected it to go... Actually it's going better, since she didn't gut me. Way to go Subaru Natsuki.

However, physical pain doesn't matter. What matters is Eris and looking up I see her expression filled with pure... guilt? "I didn't mean to punch you that hard! I'm sorry!" There's definitely anger that, but she seems mostly worried.

I blink in confusion. "It's fine...? I deserve it anyways." She didn't even knock any of my teeth out. Really as long as she doesn't break up with me, this is literally the best outcome imaginable, way better than I deserve.

Eris shakes her head and helps me get up. "No it isn't! You're not Rudeus, I can't just go around punching you...!" Why would it be okay if it was him!? "But...! But I don't know how to punish my fiance when he's being an idiot without using violence!" H-hah!?

I'm so confused by her reaction that I might fall down again, but she continues on. "Geez, this is bad...! Violence against a spouse is no good! At least not when he can't take it..." How modern of you!? "Ah, I wish Ghislaine was here to guide me..." She would probably just tell you to beat me up more...

I raise a hand. "Eris, let me check if you actually heard what I said. I just told you that I tried to cheat on you... So if you wanna beat me down, that's totally... that's totally fine. I deserve it." In fact, I deserve way worse.

She pouts, a red blush on her face. "I heard you loud and clear! And I'm super angry at you...!" You... sort of aren't acting like it? "But if you learned your lesson... Then that's fine. Just don't go doing it again! If you do I really will punch you!" That's all!?

She starts giggling to herself. "Mother always told me that all men will fool around with other women and never say a word about it... But my darling actually went and confessed! You really are amazing Subaru!" Just how fucked up is this place, that you think this is okay!?

She continues, putting her hands on her hips. "I have to remind you though, if you ever feel... you know... That's why we have Darkness! You should have just taken her to the school's restroom or something!" I... I don't know what sort of childhood you had, but you definitely deserved better.

I... I can only nod as she goes on. "By the way! You better not have put a bastard in someone! Then I will actually get mad...!" She starts chewing on one of her nails, her anxiety clearly visible. "Mother was gonna tell me what you're supposed to do about them, but she... you know what happened to her..." Your mother was a special woman Eris.

I clear my throat. "Eris, you shouldn't be worrying about bastards." I should try to alleviate her concerns at least. "I... there's wasn't any sex. I just tried to cheat on you." And I failed miserably.

She blinks in confusion. "H-hah...?" And then she suddenly hugs me, a big happy smile on her face. "How are you this perfect!? You have to be the best guy on the entire world!" The real question here is how are your standards this low!?

She then releases me from the hug and takes a few steps back. Eris must really be feeling energetic from our training. "And I punched you for it... Even though that now that I'm remembering, you did tell me the circumstances from the very beginning..." Why are you feeling guilty!? That should be my position!?

Then, her expression shifts to rage, she clenches her fists, I can almost feel her murderous aura. "Wait a minute, tried? That would imply someone rejected you..." This cannot be reality. "What sort of picky bitch decided you weren't good enough!? I'm gonna go break her fucking jaw!" Megumin definitely won't survive you...

Speaking of jaws, my has hit the floor. "Eris you... really don't have to beat her up, don't worry." She pouts at that, clearly not agreeing with me. "Besides, let me tell you the full story..." It wasn't exactly just an attempt at cheating after all.

Eris raises her eyebrows. "I don't think... I don't think I want to hear this story. I know guys like talking about their conquests, but... I'm your girlfriend you know?" This wasn't even a conquest, I completely and utterly failed.

I weakly smile. "I know Eris, it's just that... I wasn't just aiming for sex. I actually... I was trying to bring her as a second girlfriend..." Now Eris does actually look shocked and hurt. I should have known this would be way worse than just carnal desires...

Still, hasn't she basically given confirmation that if it is just carnal desires it's basically okay? Because if that's the case, then I could pin Sylphie against a wall and... And this is not the time for such scummy thoughts!

Eris looks down. "Ah... I knew this was coming eventually..." To be honest, now I really wish she would punch me. "I... I'm not a good wife after all. Or a good fiancee. I can't cook, I can't clean, I definitely have no idea on how to raise a kid..." Who cares about that!?

It's surprising for someone with Eris' personality, but she definitely grew up on a very traditional home, that's for sure... Or maybe it's just because everyone in medieval eras thinks like she does. Either way, this pisses me off, Eris should be knocking my teeth out, she shouldn't be looking insecure...!

Now it's my time to hug her. "I...! I don't think any of that stuff Eris! You really are the most amazing girl in the whole world...!" She trembles a little. "It's just that... that I thought this girl liked me, so I wanted to give her a chance." Also, I wanted her. Just in general.

Eris hugs me back. "Subaru... what's the name of this girl?" Why do I have a feeling telling you would be a bad idea? "I want to kill her. Just rejecting your sexual advances normally was already bad enough, but actually rejecting your romantic ones is unforgivable." Yeah, telling you is definitely a bad idea.

I chuckle, I'm engaged to such a strange girl. "Shouldn't you be pissed off that I tried to bring her into our little group? I will accept any punishment you inflict you know?" This... feels way too easy. Please punish me for my actions, or I will keep rotting.

Eris huffs. "Kay then! I want an extra hour of sex today!" I won't survive, but I'll die a happy man. "And Subaru... To be honest, I... know men sometimes take other wives." This again!? All I need is Eris and I'm happy...! "And before you say anything, hear me out!" For some reason, I doubt you will bring up any good arguments.

She ends our hug and crosses her arms. "I know... I know I'm not perfect. Like I said, I can't handle all the duties of a wife." I hate myself, I can't believe I made her feel insecure...! "And... and... I think that's fine." Hah?

She plays with her hair. "Everyone has their strengths and their weaknesses right? I... guess I don't mind you bringing another girl in the fold if she can fulfill a few duties that I can't." This is...

This is the best. This is the absolute worst, Eris is having these twisted opinions because of the time period she was raised in, so taking advantage of them as an Earthling would be so fucking wrong... I can almost feel Nanahoshi glaring at me.

But then again, I did decide to live here, didn't I? When in Rome... What a shitty excuse, what will I do next? Buy a slave? No, that's evil. It's perfectly fine to pick and choose the things I think are okay and the things I think are not, that's something every rational being can do... What I need to do is stop looking for excuses to cheat on my girlfriend!

I frown. "Eris... I swore an oath to you. That you would always be my one and only, so... So you don't need to compromise like that." We can both learn how to take care of a household together, it will be an amazing experience, I'm sure...

She raises an eyebrow. "You didn't make any such oath." But...! "You aren't a follower of Milis, and neither am I... Subaru, if you're hurting yourself for my sake... please stop!" She raises a finger. "One extra wife! You can bring back home one extra wife!" My mind immediately races with different possibilities.

I try to speak up, but she cuts me off. "There are a few restrictions though! And you'd better follow them!" I can only dumbly nod. "First, she can't be Darkness! giving a sex slave a promotion like that will create a bad precedent!" I don't think she wants to be an wife anyways.

Eris continues. "Second of all... It can't be the woman who rejected you! You don't need to go through that humiliation!" MMT doesn't even want me anyways... "And third... It can't be Aqua! I don't like her!" She would constantly try to kill you anyways...

My eyes are open wide, I can't believe what I'm hearing. "Eris... is that really it?" There's no way this is happening right? I mean... I mean... It's not like I care about harems, but if the opportunity is presented to me.

She makes a thinking pose, clearly unsure. "W-well, there are a few other restrictions! I guess!" You guess!? "She can't be a better swordswoman than me! Actually... I guess she can, but I would prefer if she wasn't." Finding someone more skilled than you isn't exactly easy anyways.

Eris closes her eyes, trying to think of more restrictions. "And she... um..." Her eyes open. "She can't be a noble lady! I know the whole kingdom probably wants you, but a girl like that would get funny ideas..." I would say I don't have nobility attracted to me, but... a princess is my soulmate.

Eris starts tapping her foot. "And she can't have a so-...! And even if she has a son first, mine will be ahead in the line of succession!" She blushes. "But that won't even matter though, because I definitely will have a son first!" Over and over again I'm being reminded that this is a medieval land.

I awkwardly laugh a little. "Eris, is not like I even have any inheritance to give..." And my fiancee is seemingly disinterested in fighting for her blood right or whatever. There's nothing to be passed down to a heir.

She looks away with a huff. "You say that now, but things will get complicated in the future...! I'm not budging in this rule!" I nod... That seems fair enough...?

She continues. "And... and... I have even more rules!" I feel like she's running out of ideas. "She has to be nice! I have to like her! If I don't like her she has to accept rejection... But I will be fair, I swear!" An extension of the Aqua rule basically.

A blush appears on her face, she starts sputtering. "By the way, this is fairly obvious, but I don't want to have threesomes with her! That's not allowed! B-but you can have threesomes with her and Darkness...!" That's way too great...!

Eris away scratches her head. "And... she has to know I'm the first wife...? Yeah! I don't want anyone thinking they're better than me!" She stomps on the ground. "I was here first, so they better respect me! In fact, you can only marry her after we marry, got it!?" This is...

I sit down, I need time to process this. "Got it..." I came here expecting to have my teeth removed with the power of heavy violence, but instead Eris is basically raining down gold upon me... Man, what the hell is wrong with me?

Normally I would totally be happy with a monogamous life, I'm a man raised in a society where that's the standard after all, but now... Now that I'm being given the chance, I might die. Yeah, I will definitely explode soon.

Eris sits down too, she's clearly worried. "Subaru, what's wrong...?" I can only stay silent, I'm at a loss for words. "Did... did I put too many rules...? If that's the case, then I guess I can be more lenient!" What? "I'm new to this head wife stuff, and I'm stupid, so if I mess up, please forgive me!" Is this a test of some sort?

It has to be right? There's now way this is actually happening. Yeah, as soon as I accept her proposal she's gonna freak out and call me a bastard. I mean, who would be okay with their boyfriend bringing home another woman?

I grin. "You're doing great Eris, those rules are more than fine." I'm taking the bait. Please don't rip out my guts, I need them to live...! "I... By the way, did you know Rudeus found a new girlfriend?" Why did I just bring that up anyways?

Eris blinks, and hesitantly smiles. "R-really? That's great! I'm super happy for him!" She then slightly lowers her head. "I'm not exactly sure what that has to do with conversation though." Me neither Eris, me neither...

I lay down. "Eris, screw an extra hour. Tonight I'm messing you up, neither of us is gonna sleep." I love my girlfriend, she's the best. That's all I can say really.

And her now reddened face confirms those feeling. "O-okay! You're acting all strange, but I'm okay with this!"


"You really have been acting all cocky since this morning." She's talking about me of course, I have been grinning since our language lessons. "Also, take your feet off the table Subaru." Don't wanna.

Megumin glares at me. "Look at the Purge King, showing his true colors..." Give me a break. No, seriously, if MMT starts to shit talk me, my good mood might be ruined. Which might as well count as a legendary feat at this point.

Welp, if nothing else, the Arch Mage clearly didn't say anything to the Water Goddess about my confession. I can tell that, because Aqua spent our morning lesson crying instead of trying to kill me.

I look at the judging Banana. "C'mon Nanahoshi, don't I need a bit of confidence? I'm probably gonna meet that merchant today right?" I will pass through the inn where Kazuma stays first though, he's gonna be needed for this conversation.

Nanahoshi sighs. "He will probably arrive today, but he will also probably only meet you tomorrow. Come to my room with that other reincarnator then." She then scowls. "Also, take your feet off the table already." Nah.

I look at Rudeus, ignoring Nanahoshi. "By the way Quagmire, did you do anything with Sylphie...?" He told our group that she's dating her, but it's very much a secret not meant to be shared with everyone. The elf is still acting as Ariel's bodyguard after all.

He blushes. "I don't want to have this sort of talk with you! And don't call her Sylphie!" His head then hits the table. "But if you want to know... Sylphie is giving me some time, she's a considerate woman. The best woman." Oh? You didn't immediately attack? Good.

I close one eye, I probably look like the most arrogant guy in the world, but I can't help it. "I see... By the way, how about us going on a double date? You and Sylphie and me and Eris?" The red head probably does want to spend more time with him...

He pouts. "With you? Not a chance bastard." Wow, you're so hostile... It's not like I'm trying to steal your girlfriend again or something. There are so many options I could go for, like for example...

Ariel is royalty. Aqua is forbidden. Megumin is forbidden. Darkness is already my sex slave. Chomusuke is... a cat. Actually now that I think about it, aren't the options around me sort of limited?

Elf girls are cute.

I smile. "Geez, sorry for asking dude..." I'm not planning anything. Just because Eris gave me permission to pursue a second woman, doesn't actually mean I will. So I won't do a damn thing.

I'm just gonna hang out with Sylphie, as a friend.

"Subaru. Feet off the table. Now." Um... no.


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