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Our eyes meet, a shock runs through my body. "Subaru Natsuki..." I haven't seen him in years, and now to think I would just stumble onto him in a convenience store. I guess the world can just be weird sometimes.

Immediately after I say his name, I instinctively flinch. I should have just ignored him, I don't want the eyes of the precious baby boy of Kenichi Natsuki on me. He doesn't look like he has changed at all after all.

Scary eyes. He has scary delinquent looking eyes, and... Honestly he just looks awful in general. With messy hair, and messy clothes, it's like he's some sort of NEET who decided to leave his basement for once. But Subaru Natsuki isn't a NEET, he is a dangerous man who eats girls whole. Probably.

He raises an eyebrow, it surprises me for some reason. "Sorry, do I know you?" Ah, now that I have listened to the tone of his voice I get why I was surprised. It's because I couldn't understand how a dead body was moving.

I'm probably exaggerating of course, but he really does look... tired, I guess. It's making me worry, even though he really doesn't deserve that, whatever trouble he has gotten himself into isn't my business.

So I'll just apologize and leave without explaining anything. "You forgot me? I'm Nanahoshi Shizuka..." That was the plan at least, but for some reason I told him my name. I'm such a god damn idiot...!

He hesitantly nods, and then scratches his eyes. We are in the middle of the day right now, so why does he look so tired. "Yeah, I forgot you. My bad." Suddenly I take deep breath, it's like I'm inhaling glass.

Why am I feeling like this? Is it because I'm mad? I guess that might be it. For me this boy was the demon himself, but he didn't even bother to remember me. That's a bit too cruel, right? There's no way that's okay...

That's it, I'm telling him who I am. And I'm making a damn scene too...! I'm not the scared little girl I used to be, I want back everything he took, and I want it with interest!

A shy smile reaches my face. "Don't worry then... We were just friends back when we were younger, in middle school." I couldn't tell the truth in the end. I guess I might have forgiven him after all, so there's no need to dig up old wounds.

And... and... he looks so, so hurt. That's right, it's only natural I would feel a bit of compassion right? I don't know what he's going through or anything, but there's no need to throw more food at his plate.

And now that I mentioned I knew him from school, it's like someone has just punched him in the face. "O-oh... I see... sorry. I'll be going now, I gotta buy some stuff..." I suppose that's to be expected, we are in a convenience store after all.

I nod. "Sorry to bother you." Urgh, for some reason my mood has now been spoiled. I was actually feeling great just a while ago, me and my friends had a fight yesterday, but we settled the matter and everything turned out alright.

So I have been in a good mood until now, and that mood is only further ruined once Subaru waves me off. "It's no trouble. See ya." This feels wrong. The kid I knew would never ever shut up, he really was like a little star, shining for all to see.

And burning me before I ever got close, but that's another matter entirely. Right now I'm worried that he is seemingly always trying to say the least amount of words possible... My heart is beating fast.

He turns around, and I... I put my hand on his shoulder. "Wait...!" Ah, I went and did it, I embarrassed myself completely. Seriously, I just screamed full volume in this stupid store, what the hell is wrong with me?

He turns around. "Do you need anything?" I... You.

A red blush appears on my face. "W-wanna hang out...?" I'm horrible at this.


"S-Subaru...! Wait!" Right now I'm panting as sweat runs down my body, and my face is completely red... The reason for those things is pretty simple. I'm about to lose that thing people say it's precious, the legendary V-Card.

Well, I never cared too much about something like that, but I'm not some sort of cold statue. If my boyfriend of one years starts making out with me of course I'll be hot and bothered! Girls have needs too...!

He smirks. "Yeah...?" It's both scary and exciting. That the old Subaru Natsuki has returned, that he's back to attending school, that he's back to being popular... And that this popular guy is my boyfriend.

What Kenichi Natsuki said to me one day pops back up in my mind, that he always thought his son just needed to find the right girl to put himself together for, and that he was grateful I was that girl... That's right, I have the approval of his parents, and he has the approval of mine... That he got somehow, despite them knowing our shared history.

I take a deep breath, trying to recompose myself. "D-did you buy... buy condoms...?" It's an embarrassing thing to ask. I have no doubt I want to spend my life with this man, but... I'm still young. Safety is important.

He nods. "Yeah, I got them... Let me..." A blush appears on his face. "Let me put them on, I guess." Ah, this is a pretty awkward moment... Please don't make a joke about putting a condom in the banana, I might die.

Subaru puts his right hand on his pocket. "Here we go..." Dark hands grabs his body from behind. Suddenly the weight that was atop of me is gone... Suddenly my boyfriend is gone.

I blink in confusion. "Subaru...?" I look around, not seeing him anywhere. "Huh?"


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