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"Eris... not that I don't appreciate this, but my will has been broken, and therefore I must ask... Just what are you doing?" She's clinging to me like crazy, which is making it harder to walk. Also it's making harder to not have an heart attack.

She looks around us with a serious expression, but she never releases her grip on me. "Scanning for threats! You never know what kind of assassin could be hanging around..." What am I!? A Game of Thrones character!?

I understand why she's acting so protectively of course, but it's still bothersome, and more importantly... embarrassing. To other she must look like a very clingy girlfriend after all... Which would be fine by me in other circumstances, trust me, I'm all for it! But she's not actually my girlfriend!

I sent Nina a side look. "Hey, help please?" She's not being as crazy about this as Eris, so maybe she will see my side of the story. Yet again I curse Jino for not following us, because if he had... Well, it would be nice to have someone level-headed around.

Eris immediately whispers in my ears. "Help? Did you see anything suspicious?" My body shivers at her voice, for... reasons, but I shake my head. I can't even ask for help without this woman going crazy!? That's hot...! Control yourself Subaru Natsuki!

It can't be helped, I haven't jerked off since I appeared here you know! And like all useless NEET's this body is used to doing it multiple times a day! And now there's an very attractive girl all over me... If she didn't have a boyfriend this would be the best.

Nina shrugs, finally responding to my pleas. "Sorry Subaru, but I'm with Eris, guarding you is important." It is then that I noticed that one of her hands is on her sword's hilt, she's ready to draw the blade at any moment... In fact she has been like that ever since we left the priest's house.

Damn it, so she's in the Subaru is made of glass camp too!? I can even hear her muttering to herself. "Dumbass weakling... I'm making you live to your thirties at least." Isn't that kind of low!?

I sigh. "Seriously guys, it's fine. We are in walking in the street of a big city, not in the middle of a warzone." Currently we are going to that magic academy, to try and find that Rudeus dude.

I imagine that once we find him, Eris will probably dump me in his house so she can go out to do some quests. Who knows, maybe her boyfriend will even go with her? That would certainly kill any stupid notions of loving me, that she has deluded herself into having it.

I don't deserve someone like Eris, after all I'm the type of guy who is secretly hoping she gives up on this Rudeus guy... Damn it, I really have fallen into Lancelot territory, maybe instead of calling myself Purge King, I should call myself Lust King...! I'm such a scumbag.

Eris pouts. "Cities can be dangerous, not more dangerous than warzones sure, but I have met plenty of trouble in places like this before." With your passive and peaceful personality? Impossible.  "Normally Rudeus would be the one deescalating conflicts, so until we find him I'm staying on guard." Now I don't know if I want you finding him or not...

My eye twitches. "I see..." I doubt that there's any argument I could give that would change her mind... Besides, if she insists on acting like this, then I will throughly enjoy the touch of her body.

That's right Mister Rudeus! Your girlfriend is all over another man! And all because you took too long to be found! I really do sound like a NTR bastard when I think stuff like this, but my NTR future is about to die anyways.

Still now that we are so close to him... "Hey Eris, what can you tell me about this Rudeus guy anyways?" I should probably prepare before meeting him. And I also should prepared myself! Seriously my heart will explode if he turns out to be a two meter tall chad.

Nina immediately sighs, I can almost hear her soul leaving through her body. "Please don't ask stuff like that from Eris, she will gush for hours." Gushing over your boyfriend is understandable though.

I once wrote a ten page essay praising my girlfriend. That girlfriend was a 2D silver haired elf girl from my favorite anime of course, but the feeling is the same no matter what. People wish to share their feelings towards what they love.

Eris hums. "Well... to start with his name is Rudeus Greyrat." My eyes widen, but before I can make vomiting noises Eris continues. "He's not my brother by the way, we are from different families... It's just... It's just complicated, okay?" I nod, I'm just glad no incest is happening!

Because if it was, then I would be completely okay with starting my legendary NTR plan! I have two types of relationship that I don't mind homewrecking, incestuous ones, and elvish ones. I really wish I had an elf girlfriend...

Honestly I probably shouldn't be thinking that considering I got three soulmates, but in my defense... Eris is happily taken, and I have no idea on how to even reach Aqua and... Goderis... If she hears me calling her that, she might cry.

Eris smiles, seemingly recalling her time with her boyfriend. "I met him when I was really young, he was actually my tutor... Even though he's younger than me. That's because he's was a mage already... I guess you could say we are childhood friends." A perfect target for NTR then... Shut brain.

Suddenly a sad look appears on her face. "You definitely don't know this, but a few years ago there was a mana disaster that teleported thousands across the entire world." That sounds awful! Like straight up horrible! "Rudeus and I got teleported together, and while we were making our way home, I fell in love." I would call it cute, but I... Well, I wish I had met her before.

I can't help, but think of what dad would say in a situation like this... Probably something about how I should follow my heart, but this is more complicated than that. Eris is my soulmate after all, and for some reason women feel the effect immediately... It would be unfair to her.

Eris sighs. "But... I felt... undeserving of him, as you know. So I left a letter explaining the situation and left." I frown, I can understand her since I feel the same way towards my father, but... I don't know, it feels wrong here, since the two are in a romantic relationship. "That's pretty much it really, we are about to meet after a long while." I have a feeling things will be complicated.

Still, I have something I have to do. "The guy sounds amazing, but I can't see someone ever being more amazing than you. Well, either way I will be cheering for you." My feelings are the same that they were when we previously talked about this.

She nods. "Thanks... Honestly trying so hard to become someone's equal is tiring." Don't nerf yourself to his level! "Do you have someone you're chasing too Subaru?" I have and I... Just thinking about is giving me a headache.

But I can't keep this from her. "Yeah, my dad..." I don't want to think about it. "And you. Since you're so amazing and all." Maybe if one day I reach her, I can reach my dad too... Then maybe, then maybe...! I don't want to ever go back.

Eris brushes bright red. "You... you don't need to catch up with me at all." I wonder if Rudeus thought that too? Either way, I'm making his girlfriend blush. Suck it dude! Ah, now that I'm this close to the finish line I'm getting antsy.

Damn it...! Why do I feel like I'm the one about to get NTR'd here!? She is literally this guy's girlfriend...! I'm acting like some idiot who got mad because a popular girl who he talked with once had a boyfriend...! But she said she loves me...

Nina raises an eyebrow, and takes me out of my existential crisis with a question. "Um... is that all Eris?" Huh? What do you mean by that? She gave a pretty good summary all things considered. I don't need information like his cock size! 

Eris slowly nods, a confused expression on her face. "Yeah...? Oh, I forgot to mention, but he's a mediocre swordsman who can hit above his level because he has a demon eye." How chuuni! Gimme one...! 

Nina tilts her head. "Weird, last time I asked you about Rudeus, you talked about him for three whole hours. It got to the point where I was about to stab myself." Three hours!? Just how loving is this girl!?

Eris looks away. "I just... I just didn't feel like talking so much right now, got it? I mean we are walking." That makes no sense, but okay! I guess talking about your boyfriend to me is weird and uncomfortable.

Yeah, we are walking towards her boyfriend...! I need to buy time. "Hey, I'm kinda hungry, how about we eat something in the way." What do you mean buy some time!? Ah, I'm so pathetic that I want to enjoy this fantasy for a little while longer...!

Eris' stomach growls at a very convenient time, thank you Goderis! Sorry for calling you Goderis! "Well, it's true that Lancel didn't have anything to eat..." Don't say the priest's name! That's like... illegal or something. Also, you just said a very sad fact.

Nina sighs. "I know you're a monster Eris, but please calm yourself down... We pretty much ran out of food by carrying Subaru here." How though!? Were you guys eating like bears when I was dying!?

I raise a questioning eyebrow. "Just what happened to the food?" I want to say the bear thing is a joke, but I know Eris far too well at this point. She's my first girlfriend after all... No she's isn't! Ah...! I gotta stall! No, I don't!

Nina looks away, embarrassed. "Well, we tried carrying with us at the beginning of your... poison, but eventually we had to drop most of it as your condition kept getting worse." I'm sorry for my incompetence!

Eris frowns. "It's my fault sorry, if I had given up on those supplies sooner maybe you wouldn't have died." Nah, I understand why you wanted to keep them. It's just basic survive logic, I guess.

I shrug. "Eris, it's fine really. It's just a shame that we don't have any money to go to a restaurant or something." I'm not even hungry, I just don't want to see Eris with another guy. And I can't even be angry too, because I always knew this was gonna happen.

As soon as I say that, a man dressed in all black who is carrying a knife tries to rush past us. He's not incredibly fast, even I can keep up with him easily, but since Nina is on guard... She quickly gives him a blow to the head with her sword's hilt.

The man falls on the floor, probably not dead... maybe... Eris shouts on my ear. "I knew it! The world is trying to take all I have until nothing is left...! Then I'll just defeat the world! Come at me Od Laguna!" You just dropped some sad words... 

Nina nods, and mutters. "Until he's on his thirties at least..." You're just gonna let me die once I'm old enough!? "I didn't kill him though, so let's torture him for information!" Don't sound so excited! And why are you nodding Eris!?

I sigh. "Guys... I don't think this guy was after me or anything." It was obvious that he was trying to completely ignore us. A thief maybe...? Or maybe just some weirdo with a weird fetish running with a knife for some reason.

And before I can say anything, a woman comes from the corner. "S-stop him!" A very rich looking woman at that... Huh.


Thank you Goderis! For making my fantasies last just a little longer...! Also the food we are eating right now is super nice, I guess. Though I'm hoping this restaurant isn't scamming us, we can't read so we just had to follow their lead after all...

Eris laughs, she's probably the happiest of all of us at this result. "Man this is great! I haven't had such good luck since ever...!" Yet again, I must thank Goderis! "Stupid noble lady... Just hire a bodyguard." That's right, we just helped a noble who got robbed.

And a nice one too, one who gave us money for a good job, and even offered us actual jobs! Though we declined... Ah, if this is some godly luck kicking in, I feel bad that I fucked someone over to get this. The lady didn't deserve the traumatic experience of getting robbed after all, even if she's stupid for wandering around without bodyguards... Hopefully she learns her lesson.

Thanks to her though, I can stall for just a little longer...! Damn it, what am I even hoping for anyways? That this Rudeus guy drops dead before we make it there? I wouldn't want to hurt Eris like that...

Nina completely ignores my existential crisis, something she's apparently good at doing. "Yeah, I'm glad idiots like her exist though!" Don't say that! "It's like people say, before having good luck, you need to experience bad luck! This is our reward for yesterday!" Stop with that twisted logic!

Eris sighs. "I feel like this good luck doesn't balance what happened yesterday..." She sends me a look full of... of something. "Nothing could really, you're way too amazing Subaru." Ah!? Now I'm blushing! Where did your tsundere act go!?

Nina snorts. "We are about to go see your boyfriend you know? Stop with those confessions of love Eris." Don't remind me of that, I really don't want to think about it... Ah, this is like a NTR! Yeah, I'm getting NTR'd here...! No, I really am not.

This time Eris is the one blushing. "S-shut up...! I'm regretting even bringing you here! Subaru and I could have been having food alone!" Seriously, don't toy with my heart like that. I'm a romantic so obviously if you tell me that you love me...!

What would my dad do in this kind of situation!? I already though of that, so why is it repeating over and over on my head!? What route does Subaru Natsuki take to become Kenichi Natsuki...!

He ignores this and leaves, he's way too good at social situations to mess this up. I know Eris for a few week, Rudeus knows Eris since she's a little kid, if they had the soulmate thing it would have been straight from an anime. 

Suddenly Eris scowls towards my direction, it makes me flinch. "Subaru, are you okay? Did something happen?" Even though she looks livid, none of that hatred is pointed at me. It's making my heart skip even faster.

I was always like my mom, I was always like Naoko Natsuki. I want to look cool, I don't want to be pathetic and lame, but... I also really want to be protected. Shut up, think of what Kenichi Natsuki would do.

I awkwardly look away. "Everything is fine Eris, really... Let's finish our food and go see your boyfriend." I can't stall forever. I want to stall forever. Maybe I can... maybe I can... maybe I can... I could tell her.

About the soulmate thing I mean. I could raise my voice, do my confidence filled pose and declare that we are quite literally destined to be together, that our souls perfectly matched on some stupid god's love app or however they decide soulmates. I... keep quiet though, I'm not a scumbag.

Eris squints her eyes. "Okay... but... if something happened, please tell me, okay?" I nod, even knowing I'm lying. Breaking promises has always been a specialty of mine, and this is kinda like a promise, so I won't tell her...

Nina takes a sip of her drink. "Hey Subaru, did you ever have a lover?" Ah!? What's with this sudden question...! Have some common sense and read the room...! Actually, don't do that, I don't want people to realize how pathetic I am.

Eris is suddenly looking very interested, but if she wants a cool story, she's about to be disappointed. "Nah, I know it's embarassing since I'm eighteen, but I never had a girlfriend or anything." To be fair, I never tried for one either.

Eris smirks. "Virgin." Please don't rub in my face that you had sex before. This is seriously becoming more and more like a storyline where I get NTR'd. This Rudeus guy will definitely be tanned...! Calm down Subaru, there's no NTR to be had here.

If this was something different, if Eris didn't have a boyfriend... Then I would be willing to challenge a whole room full of knights for her, but even I'm not crazy enough to delude myself into believing Eris belongs to me.

Nina nods. "I figured, to be honest you made my heart race a few times." I blush, while Eris glares at her. "But... everytime I think of us like that I want to throw up." That hurts, but it doesn't surprise me. It's love god or nothing for me.

Eris' eye twitches. "Your point? Or are you just insulting Subaru because you wanna die? This time I'll make you pee yourself and vomit at the same time." So you were the origin story with her weird pee obsession!?

Nina smirks and looks at me. "My point is that you are almost a man worthy of me, the daughter of the Sword God. That's why you have no limits..." She scratches her cheek in embarrassment. "Remember that the Sword God style is focused on offense, and that you pratice it." I...

I think she's cheering for me? So I smile and take a deep breath. "Thanks...?" Offense? What kind of scum goes on the offense on a girl who has a boyfriend!?

Well, I constantly call myself trash anyways, so what's the problem with shattering my limits... Is my inner Vegeta trying to challenge Rudeus' inner Goku or something!? 

Just shut up already Subaru Natsuki.


My trembling heart is weakly following my body. It's about to happen, we are about to meet Rudeus Greyrat, the lover of my lov- the lover of the sun. Honestly I'm surprised they even let us in the academy so easily... But Nina dropped her last name and they gave up any resistance.

They even gave us directions towards his room, though it's unlikely he is there right now, so we are heading to the special students class right now, either he will be there, or at the library. My time is running out.

I'm deadly silent as Nina speaks up. "So, looking forward to your big meeting Eris?" While she says that, she pokes my shoulder, as if trying to remind me of something... But Kenichi Natsuki wouldn't do anything right now, even with all his courage. And Naoko Natsuki is far too passive, even with all her wishes.

Eris nods, there's a light smile on her face. "Yeah, it's gonna be a tough talk, but... I'm sure we can get through it." I want to be like Kenichi Natsuki, I'm more like Naoko Natsuki, I...!

My father once told me I would change for the better once I found a nice girl. I stop walking, I'm fifty percent Naoko, and zero percent Kenichi... The rest is all me. Subaru Natsuki can't give up now!

Eris releases me from her hold, and raises an eyebrow. "Subaru...?" She turns to look at me, a look of confusion on her face. It makes me feel even more anxiety than I currently am, but... If I had fifty percent of Kenichi together with that Naoko I wouldn't stop. 

My face is bright red. "I'm about to kiss you, so if you don't want that, dodge and punch me!" And so I pull her in, hoping that my status as a massive virgin won't ruin everything.

It does, because our kiss begins awkward as hell, but that doesn't matter at all, because she didn't dodge. No, even as I feel her lips, I have to remember that Eris might be just surprised, after this she's gonna kill me for being so idiotic.

She pulls me in, and her tongue invades my mouth, she's definitely not doing this out of surprise anymore! In fact, she's completely taking the lead... Ah, I'm kissing a girl who's taken, ah I couldn't care less about it.

The kiss lasts for a while, I think. To be honest I lose track of time while doing it, just being happy that Eris is the one actually taking the lead... Eventually all things end though, and so she pulls back.

The kiss was surprisingly... lewd, I guess. We actually left a trail of saliva behind, something I thought only happened in pornography, and Eris is blushing and panting... She's not doing that because she's tired of course, she's doing that because she's... excited. And so am I, though that goes without saying.

Our moment is shattered however. "Huh...?" I turn around and I'm faced by a Nina who's giving a very positive thumbs up, a strange elf... that I do not recognize, and the person who actually spoke up. "Eris...?" A brown haired man, looking very pale. I never met him until now, but...

Oh shit, this is definitely Rudeus Greyrat.


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