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All I do is wake up, train with Eris, sleep, repeat. Sometimes I also get the entertainment of watching Nina bully my supposed soulmate too, I guess... but for a teenage boy who used to have internet, this isn't enough entertainment. Also I need to jerk off. Seriously.

Eris glares at me. "Ugh, what's the problem now?" And then she takes a bite of her piece of meat like she's some sort of tiger. "You gotta a problem with my training?" I can see that tsundere bomb about to blow up from a mile away.

I shake my head. "No, the training is fine and all... It's just that... Don't you guys have some sort of entertainment here?" I look to my... social clique? Eris, Jino and Nina. "Seriously all everyone does here is train all day." It's like I'm inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber! Cell isn't gonna appear, so take things slowly!

Both Eris and Nina roll their eyes at me, thankfully Jino answers my questions. "No, we pretty much have no entertainment here." This sucks... "Trust me, I'm in the same boat as you Subaru, but it is what it is." As expected of the lazy genius, he's also against this shounen regimen.

While my face falls in despair, Nina smirks. "Of course we don't have any entertainment here. Seriously what do you want? A theather?" Maybe!? "This place is for serious training! So stop complaining, B Rank!" Ah, my cursed new nickname.

I'm undoubtedly the weakest person here, since everyone who gets to this place tends to already be a swordsman of some renown, that's why I they started calling me B Rank, it stands for beginner rank. That's technically where I stand in regards to the North God style and the Sword God style after all.

I can't even enter inside the main dojo, since one needs to be of the Saint Rank to be allowed in... Basically this place considers me to be a child, and as such I'm getting bullied for it. The only reason why that bullying has mostly stayed at whispering and glares is because Eris is my teacher, and if there's one thing I learned in this place, is that people are afraid of the Mad Dog... Man, I want a cool nickname too! Die B Rank! Call me Purge King from now on or something!

Jino sighs. "Well, if you want something to do Subaru... You can always read. We have plenty of books really, and since this place is filled with meatheads, they're always available." That does sounds nice, but...

I blush and look down, while I do that, Eris grins. "Subaru can't read! We tried to find a bunch of different books, in a bunch of different languages, but Subaru can't recognize any of them!" Yeah, I'm officially illiterate.

Nina smirks. "Well, well, well I guess even the B Rank can fit in sometimes. Reading is for nerds, I can't read too." This place is a nightmare, it's like I have been taken to nineties movie jock land. And no, I'm not surprised Nina can't read, because...

Eris huffs. "You're wrong as usual Nina. Reading is a important and useful skills, dumbass." Because even as she says that, Eris herself can barely read. I wouldn't call her illiterate, but she's not great at it.

Nina's cocky grin doesn't disappear at all. "Maybe I would take that more into consideration if you actually read more." Yep, the words coming out of Eris' mouth are quickly perceived as shallow.

A blush appears on my soulmate's face. "I-I knew how to read a year ago, I just... I just forgot okay!?" How did you forget!? "Ah, Rudeus is gonna be so mad at me..." If my girlfriend told me she is slowly forgetting how to read, I would be more worried than angry.

I pout. "So there really isn't any thing to do here outside of training and reading?" Even the kids train all day, this place really is the absolute worst! Maybe I should try playing with them? Introducing a bunch of kids to actual fun sounds nice.

Nina smiles. "Well, you can always... leave." My pouts get bigger, and Eris raises a fist. "Wait! I'm not trying to kick him out or anything!" Eris' fist slowly goes down. "It's just that... you can go on a journey or something. I did go on one recently too." That's...

Eris shakes her head. "No way, Subaru is a beginner swordsman. Hell, the reason why I'm training him in the first place is to prepare him for a journey." That's actually what I was thinking too, even if I obviously don't really care about going to Belzerg.

An awkward silence settles in, Nina shrugs while Eris goes back to eating like a dog. Jino however, closes his eyes. Maybe he's lost in thought? To be honest while Eris and Nina are fairly predictable people, the same does not apply to him. I can't get a read on him at all.

But since I'm so bored... I look at the blue haired girl. "Hey Nina, just what happened in your journey anyways? You mind sharing with the group?" Maybe hearing about crazy sword tales and stuff will be fun.

She raises an eyebrow, her face riddled with suspicion. "Why...?" Ah, as expected. Of my little 'friend' group, Nina is the one who dislikes me the most. I have no talent for the sword after all, and while Eris took pity on me, and Jino doesn't really care... Nina is insulted by my very presence.

I will show her, eventually, because surely I have some amazing talent... "I'm just curious it's all. You're pretty incredible, so surely any adventure you went into is incredible as well." I have to admit that, even if it's frustrating to do so.

Nina is an amazing fighter, at this point I have seen her sparing with Eris and... seen might be the wrong word, because I felt like a Z fighter watching Cell and Goku fight, they were just blurs to me. Jino is obviously Gohan by the way, calmly observing without any effort at all. 

To my surprise she blushes. "Incredible...? You think I'm incredible...?" Normally a NEET such as I would immediately have my expectations set to high heaven at that reaction, but the love god did say any girl who isn't a soulmate of mine would puke at a love confession.

Besides, her blush quickly dies on Eris glares at her for some reason. Ah, and Jino is glaring at me... Just what kind of rom com did I stumble on!? I just wanted a nice isekai non-harem adventure damn it!

Still, I ignore the tension on the table and give her a smile. "Yeah! You have my certified approval! So please tell me what you were up too." I might die of boredom otherwise. Man, I have fallen so low that I'm basically asking for a bed time story.

The blue haired girl nods, even as Eris glares at her. "Well, I actually traveled  to-" And she's quickly cut off by that very same red haired swordswoman. Man, these two are like oil and water... I'm so thankful I wasn't stuck in a situation where both were my soulmates or something. Eris already brings complicated enough feelings thank you, so I'm hoping none of my other future soulmate are so... complicated.

Eris is pouting. "Who cares about Nina's stupid story? She just went to a magic school so she could try to bully Rudeus. She failed miserably by the way." I care! Seriously, I was the one asking! Besides, a magic school!? That sounds super interesting!

Nina crosses her arms and huffs. "Why did I even tell you that anyways!?" Then a grin appears on her face. "By the way, your Rudeus was definitely super close to two beast girls, people were even challenged him for their hand..." Eris raises a fist. "But you know, friendships can be strange." Pavlov is scary.

Eris lowers her fist and sighs. "Well, it doesn't surprise me at all if Rudeus is being perverted. If you told me that he had swore celibacy or something... then I would be worried." She nods to herself. "I'm not a super pure Milis or Eris Order follower or anything of the sort. I'm not gonna get mad if Rudeus finds a mistress..." For real!? Damn you Delinquent King Arthur Goku!

Still, Milis? Eris Order? I have no idea what she's talking about. Though I guess that's just the disadvantages of being summoned to another world... And I can't even read books to fill my knowledge gaps.

Nina snorts. "I'm surprised you're not a member of the Axis Order..." Jino then hides a smile, while Eris seems genuinely offended. Just what did the blue haired swordswoman say to get such a powerful reaction.

I raise a hand. "Sorry, but could you guys fill me in...? I'm totally lost here..." It's a bit lame to interrupt their conversation like this, but I need to fill my gaps of knowledge someway or another...

While Eris glares at Nina, probably hoping she explodes, Jino addresses me. "Ah, I guess you would be lost... They're just religions... you have that back in your world, don't you?" I nod in response, I was wondering when things like this would be brought up. "Anyways, the Milis religion is pretty big, it doesn't allow things like polygamy, and they hate demons." Sounds like the type of church who's revealed to be evil at the end...

He continues. "The Eris Order is another massive one, it's a lot more lax and it concerns the worship of the Goddess of Fortune." He motions to the Eris I know. "The name is just a coincidence by the way." I figured, Eris would definitely be a War Goddess after all.

His face then shifts to awkwardness. "And about the Axis Order... They're a pretty small religion that worships the Goddess Aqua, their members are mostly found in some small parts of Belzerg. They aren't dangerous though, just losers." Ah, so that's why Eris felt insulted.

Eris cracks her fists. "And if a particular loser happens to insult me one more time... I don't believe in the Goddess Aqua Nina, but if she exists I'm sending you to meet her!" Scary! It's sort of funny though.

All of these religions... I wonder how many of them are actually right with their beliefs? I mean I met a god, and that god presumably went and found another god to drag me here. Who knows, maybe even these so called losers are really worshipping a real goddess.

And actually before Eris starts trying to kill Nina... "By the way Jino, one more question if you don't mind... What's a witch cultist anyways? Nina called me that in the past..." I regret my question as soon as it leaves my mouth.

While the table was very lively before, now that mood has shifted completely. I have a feeling I brought up a sore topic for everyone, way to go Subaru! This is why you were a popular guy! Seriously, end me.

Eris frowns. "They're... a group of lunatics who worship a really evil woman from four hundred years ago. The Witch of Envy." Eris actually seems to get less tense as she begins to talk. "She was a silver haired half-elf who ate half the world, or so they say, eventually she was defeated and sealed by three heroes though. The Great Sage Shaula, The Heavenly Blade Reid and the Divine Dragon Volcanica." Seems pretty standard JRPG stuff to me.

Still she continues. "The Witch Cult is dangerous and crazy, thankfully they mostly stay inside of the Dragon Continet, so we rarely have to deal with them." She smiles, a look of nostalgia in her face. "I actually met a few in the past, my teacher, Rujierd, deemed them too dangerous so he dealt with them by himself." A responsible guy!? In these shounen lands!?

I raise a hand. "Cool story and all, but how the hell did she eat half of the planet!? Is like... half of the planet missing or something!?" She better have a good explanation! I won't tolerate any slander towards silver haired half-elves...! Ah, by this world's standards I must have the worst taste in woman imaginable.

To think a super bad witch from the past would be my type... Well, I'm sure she's actually ugly and has a green nose or something. Still, I'm truly happy to confirm the existence of elves! Please make one of them my soulmate! I don't care if I have to pray to Eris or Milis or whatever, just give me a elf wife...! For something so beautiful, I would even be willing to steal someone's girl... Shut up Lancelot who lives inside of me!

Eris crosses her arms. "How the hell am I supposed to know!? That's just what the legends say... Either way, she has to exist and be strong though, because she's part of the Seven Great Powers." Anothet chuuni term hits the table!?

I tilt my head. "What's that...?" The number seven immediately makes me think of the seven deadly sins, and she was called the Witch of Envy so... I'm guessing there's a witch for every sin.

Eris' frown returns. "They're the seven strongest, there are murals spread around the world who list them... If you find one, then you can read it clearly, Satella The Witch of Envy, the world's strongest." So the villain is the strongest!? I guess she's sealed, so it's fine...

Still, I wonder if something like that isn't kinda depressing... Reading with concrete proof that the strongest being in the entire world is evil must be kind of soul crushing. Well, no worries since I will be taking her spot on the top soon enough!

Nina interjects. "Eh, you shouldn't trust those murals. She's strong for sure, but those things aren't exactly accurate... They only update with deaths and defeats, and no one can kill or defeat her while she's sealed." So it isn't concrete proof at all!?

Jino smiles. "And speaking of defeats... I had an idea." We immediately all give him our full attention. "I know no one here wants to go too far away, so how about you guys go to the guild instead?" So this place does have guilds!

Across fantasy series they are a stable! So I was wondering when they were gonna show up... To be honest, I'm super interested on them. Maybe I can slowly raise my power level by doing a bunch of quests!

Eris crushes my dreams before they had a chance to even prosper. "No, that's a bad idea. We are in the Holy Land of Swords... There ain't gonna be any simple quests for beginners around here. I can't take Subaru to a difficult quest, because he would be way too much of a bother." Oi! Though I see your point...

If this is an endgame area, then I obviously shouldn't fight against endgame monsters. But still... "C'mon Eris, are you sure there isn't a easy quest about goblins or something?" Unless goblins here are the rapey kind... 

The red head snorts. "Nothing easy about goblins... At least not to a beginner who barely knows how to use his sword at all." She sighs. "If you really are super bored, just ask Jino to teach you how to read or something." Ah, I didn't think about that isekai trope!

I immediately send him a hopeful look, he however is a cruel man. "No way. That sounds like wayyyy to much effort." Damn you lazy genius! Though I guess that's to be expected, not everyone is as great as Eris after all.

I look back at my soulmate. "Eris I have been rejected..." 

She glares at Jino. "Unreject Subaru right now." Fight my War Goddess!

"No." Ah, he isn't as weak as Nina! And Eris isn't pursuing the matter further either...

I guess the play with kids plan is gonna have to be what I go with. Well, that's not too bad, I guess I can fill this place with the poison called common sense. Kids shouldn't just train all day after all.

Nina raises a hand. "Well, if the guild is too dangerous, and we can't travel far... There is a really, really interesting place pretty close to here." There is!? Then bring that up sooner damn it!

Jino sighs, a annoyed expression on his face. "Nina... Don't even start with that topic." For a moment I wonder what he's talking about, but then I notice Eris looks completely pissed off. I have a feeling these two will kill each other one day.

The blue haired girl pouts. "I'm just saying you know? The Ranoa Magic Academy is really close, like... two weeks of travel at best." That's not close at all! Oh, right, medieval era... Give back my airplanes. 

Still... A huge smile appears on my face, for a moment I forget that Eris looks so mad. "A magic academy!? That sounds awesome...! Maybe my secret talent is with magic or something!" It's definitely magic! Give me one day of training and I will become this world's next Merlin!

Eris punches the table. "That's...!" And then all my enthusiasm dies out. I don't want to have the Mad Dog trying to kill me! Though I don't really understand why she's so mad in the first place. Maybe her natural shounen aura clashes with the nerd aura of the academy?

While the conversation is silent for a moment, Jino eventually speaks up. "It's a bad idea to go there anyway. Even if Subaru did have talent as a mage, the curriculum lasts for years, and it's paid too..." Ah, that does create problems.

However, Eris shakes her head in denial, surprisingly enough. "No... We can go there, I guess." Her sudden change of attitude make my eyes widen. "I... I probably shouldn't, but I need to talk with Rudeus about some stuff." What does your boyfriend have to do with...

Oh, I get it! This is the school he's attending! I definitely approve of this plan, because that way she could be reminded of her love and this NTR plot would die out. Or that flame will finally die out so I c- Shut up Lancelot.

Nina smiles, feeling pride. "Ah, I knew my suggestion was gonna be the best! Besides, it's not like that place is just a magic academy, there's a whole city surrounding it after all." Her smile is sent to me. "I'm sure you will find something non-boring there, B Rank." Actually I'm the Purge King.

Eris nods. "Yeah, but..." She sends a serious look at my direction. "Stay close to me and Nina at all times, you're to weak to fight any monster, so we will be avoiding them." That's fine by me, I know more than anyone else how weak I am.

She continues. "And be aware that the journey won't be easy... It's constantly snowing here, and it will constantly snow for most of our travel. Take this as training, since I can supervise you... Eventually you will make a far longer journey to Belzerg after all." I probably won't!

I give her a thumbs up. "You can count on me! I will follow all your commands Lady Eris!" She smiles, seemingly satisfied by my answer. Honestly I don't mind following her lead at all, because I'm just so happy with the current situation. I'm about to actually go in a big isekai journey!

I'm about to explode with enthusiasm, sure this journey isn't about beating a Demon King or anything... Instead being about training me for travels and for Eris to talk with her boyfriend, but it's still exciting!

I raise both of my arms. "Subaru Natsuki, Eris Greyrat, Jino Britts and Nina Farion, this will be the first of our many insane heroic journeys! I name our legendary group... Pleiades!" Yeah, I'm secretly wanking me. Shut up.

Jino interjects. "I'm not going though." Huh!?

I send him a glare. "What do you mean you're not going!? Don't you want to see a magic academy!? My amazing talent at surviving the wild!? Eris reuniting with her boyfriend!?" What's with this guy now!? Is he about to pull a Sasuke?

He shrugs. "Eh, I just don't see any reason to leave the Holy Land of Swords, even if it's for a short time. You guys can do whatever, I guess." I'm beginning to hate lazy geniuses. Seriously I was just like you when I was a kid.

Nina smiles. "Well, I'm going! I learned a lot in my previous journey there... Maybe it will be the same this time." She looks at Eris and chuckles. "And I need, need! To see just what mess that's gonna end up being." I'm sure Eris and her boyfriend will get along.

The red head glares at her rival. "Watch your mouth." And then she sends me a serious look. "And don't think our training is stopping just because we are gonna be on the road... To be honest I think taking you with us is stupid as hell, but I just know you would complain if we left you." Of course I would! Who would guard me if you left!? Lazy Jino over here!?

Still, I have more or less accomplished my objective of leaving the starting area! Way to Subaru Natsuki!


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