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"I have returned!" Yato entered the room with a happy grin on his face.

He had finally completed the trip towards his destiny! And sure... he had abandoned his fiancee for it, but she would be fine... Besides, facing his mom, and eventually his harem, would be kinda like a rite of passage.

Tamamo shrieked. "You have returned...!" And then she started muttering to herself. "A little later than I expected to be honest..." Hey, he was a busy man. She should feel lucky he managed to make enough time to correct her asshole.

Hakuno pouted. "Welp, this is happening." Is it weird that she felt like a third-wheel here? She didn't want her butt being threatened or anything, but...

Tamamo was clearly meant to be the main show.

Which she also didn't care about! It was just strange, that's all. Especially since she had been on Yato's harem for a decent bit of time now.

Yato smiled towards the goddess. "So, have you prepared yourself with good ol' lube or anything?"

Tamamo glared at him. "How am I supposed to do that!? You left me tied up during this whole thing!" Oh, right. "So give up your anal dreams, fiendish Campione!" That might be the first time someone had called him a fiend.

Yato waved her off. "Eh, it will work out. Have you ever seen people use lube in hentai and stuff? Nah, they just stick it in." If you wanted sex to work out... it just kind of worked out. Probably.

Tamamo's eyes widened. "I am a dead fox..."

And suddenly Hakuno was actually a hundred percent okay with being a third-wheel. In fact, she sort of felt like a scientist about to discover something brand new. Even if that something brand new was probably a cosmic horror.

Yato threw his clothes in the air as fast as he could. "You are a captured fox, I already told you I won't kill you." He might kill her dignity though. A fate all gods deserved! Praise be to the Campione!

Yato got into bed, and his mind started running through scenarios.

First of all, he definitely couldn't just... dick down her asshole and leave. That was mega rude. Second of all, he was pretty pent-up, and he was now a soon to be married man so moments like this would become rarer. He had to make this moment special.

So he first got atop of Tamamo. "Ready...?"

She glared at him. "I'll find someway to ruin this to you. Mark my words." Wow, so she wanted to have all the fun? How rude.

But he would ignore that for now. Instead of arguing back, he just shut her up with a kiss.

It was an awkward affair. Mostly because Tamamo tried resisting as best as she could, even trying to bite his tongue at one point. Strangely enough that completely failed, as a Campione even his tongue was strong as hell.

When the kiss ended, she was panting.

And Yato was displeased. "This is hard." Not only because of her resistance, but also because she was tied up and that made everything more awkward.

Meanwhile, Tamamo was confused. "This is strange...!" How did a forced kiss feel that good!?

He had to have activated some magic or authority, there was just no other possibility. And because of her expertly crafted bindings, she had not noticed... Well, she could still resist this. She was not some eroge heroine!

And then Yato decided to get off her. "'Kay, I'm doing Hakuno first." It was a decision made on the spur of the moment.

Tamamo's eye twitched. "You... you immediately went for the netorare...?" It was hard to spean, she was still recovering from the kiss.

How was she, a legendary concubine, still recovering from a kiss!? What kind of monster was she dealing with!?

Hakuno blushed. "So it's finally happening huh... for real this time..." And then her face immediately went from bright red, to pale white. "Wait a second, you aren't gonna do anal on me, are you!?" She wished she could go back to being a third-wheel!

Yato sent her a thumbs up. "Don't worry, I'm planning on taking your virginity the correct way!" He might as well unload all he had been saving up in the... erm... correct spot, so to speak.

Hakuno smiled. "That's good." And then her smile died. "Actually, I don't know if rolling the dice on the pregnancy game is better than never sitting normally again or not..." What a conundrum.

Tamamo started struggling against her bindings again. "Don't worry, you won't have to roll any dice since your Tamamo will save you!" That said, if her master could show a bit more panic that would be great.

Seriously, wasn't she too calm!?

Hakuno rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah..." And then she looked at Yato. "So, how are we doing this?" The truth was that Hakuno was a bit of a fake pervert.

Her Servant during the war had called her a pervert, and she was definitely... curious about such things, but she also had never gotten even close to sex. And no, entering people's hearts and making them moan by revealing their secrets didn't count as sex.

So she was very, very lost.

Yato tilted his head. "Um... first of all, let's get you free from those bindings." With a quick swiped of his hand, he tore them apart, also destroying any magical enchantment they may have along the way.

Immediately Hakuno stretched her body. "Ah... That's nice." This was already enough to make her moan. Just not in a sexual way...

And to make Tamamo mad. "Hey, not fair! Why does she get to be freed and I don't!?" She didn't even think about suggesting Hakuno should run away or try to fight the Campione.

Mostly because it was clearly impossible. If Hakuno tried punching or kicking him, it would be like trying to break a metal wall. And running away would probably make Yato even more excited, like some sort of cat.

Yato's reasons for it were obvious. "Because she's not a threat at all...?" She could be if allowed enough time, mostly to the rest of his harem, but this was something temporary.

Tamamo clicked her tongue. "Where's the equal treatment here?" She was just trying to be annoying at this point. Fate had been decided.

She wouldn't be able to save her wife, so the most she could do for now was be here and annoy the Campione. Later she could then comfort her wife.

Yato looked depressed for a moment. "The Soviet Harem is dead." And then he lightened up again. "Rin was always my favorite by the way." He could now say those words without a single hint of fear! Actually maybe he should say his fiancee is his favorite...

Hakuno sighed. "Well, that was pretty obvious..." She took a deep breath. "Anyways, let's get this whole thing started..." And then she pulled Yato for a kiss.

"Eh?" Tamamo could only act in confusion.

Why was her wife throwing herself at the Campione? Why was she kissing him like some dirty slut? Why was she grinding her body against him? Eh?

When Hakuno ended the kiss, she was actually drolling. "That wasn't half bad..." The girl desperately tried to regain her breathing.

Yato nodded. "You weren't half bad either. Don't pull my head so fast though." The girl had put her hand on the back of her head and basically forced herself on him. It wasn't bad, but a warning would be nice.

Slowly Hakuno nodded back. "Alright... I'll try." It was like the brown haired girl was in some kind of trance.

Naturally Tamamo actually assumed Hakuno was indeed on a trance. "Bastard Campione...! You'll pay!" She had finally founded someone as evil as her. What was essentially the complete opposite of a handsome soul.

But no one was really paying attention to the fox. Yato was very obviously distracted with the sudden assault by the girl, while Hakuno... she was focused on the task at hand.

She wasn't enjoying this. Not at all. Or at least not like the concubines in his harem did. But she was here, so there was no point in resisting it, in fact she might as well try to end it as fast as possible. Yep, that's definitely why she was kissing him.

And because of all that, she eventually got on top of him. It would let her set the pace, and that pace would be one that let her end this charade as fast as possible.

Tamamo's jaw had hit the floor. "Ugh... What am I even watching?" She had no words.

Yato meanwhile, was just enjoying this whole thing. It was a rare thing that he wouldn't be the one in the lead. That said, he was also a bit surprised at Hakuno's attitude, and it made him feel kind of bad. She must have been just as pent up as he was.

A panting Hakuno lined herself up to him. "Hey, Yato..." He raised an eyebrow, and waited for her to continue. "Am I actually gonna get pregnant from this?" That was pretty scary.

She had faced some pretty scary things in the past, but... well, nothing like getting pregnant. And maybe because of that, she was actually a bit more scared of this then she thought she would be.

Yato shrugged. "I dunno. Apparently it's pretty hard for a Campione to get anyone pregnant." He smirked. "However, I am me. Expect triplets in nine months."

"Ah." Now she really didn't know what to believe.

But it's not like she had any option in the way this thing was gonna go anyways, so she decided to suck it up and start griding herself against him. Preparing her body and her heart for that moment.

It felt good.

Or it would have felt good if the situation was less insane. It would also help if that damn fox goddess stopped crying and muttering about hentai tropes.

Yato seemed happy at least. If that counted for anything.

The Campione was smiling to himself. "I missed this..." And the fox goddess being distraught to the side was only making things better.

She had made his live suck for the past few days with her little tricks, so it was only fair she had to suffer. And besides, she was delusional anyways, maybe this would actually help her in some way.

And now it was about time to get into the main event!

And then the door bust opened. "Yato Shibata, I demand an explanation!" It was Skadi. Who saying his full name. This couldn't be good.

Tamamo's crying gained a new reason. "Oh, the heaven's answered my prayers and sent the baddest bitch they had!" Yato wanted to punch her. Gods were the worst.

For now however, he awkwardly ignored the fox goddess... and the woman atop of him, and focused on his concubine wife. "About what? I'm kind of in the middle of something here."

Hakuno nodded... and sadly moved away from him. "For real..." She thought Yato was the type of harem protagonist who actually got laid? What's with the interruption?

Skadi scowled. "The reason is obvious, my husband! I wish to know when I agreed to turn our marriaged into some debauchery filled harem!" Since forever!? That was his whole thing after all.

Frustratingly enough however... he understood what she was talking about. Skadi probably didn't consider the concubines of his harem nowhere near her level, so she didn't care about them one bit besides finding them a bit annoying.

Now however, Yato was actually about to get married. So Skadi had finally found someone who could be threatening. In essence, his allowance of her delusions had bit him in the ass just when he was about to have fun

He closed his eyes and started muttering to himself. "She's not here, she's not here at all. This is just an after effect of the Tamamo's authority or whatever." He nodded to himself. "When I open my eyes she's not gonna be here anymore... becuase she was never here in the first place."

"Husband, I am still here!" Damn it!


Right now Yato felt like a man surrounded by sharks in the ocean.

He did not have his Yato-Shark repellent, and he was bleeding. Which Sharks did not actually care that much about by the way, they much rather pursue the blood of fishes, since that's what they're used to eating.

Sadly, knowing useless facts like that wasn't about to save his life.

Sakura weakly raised a hand. "I think we must first confirm whether what Tohsaka-Senpai brought up is real or not. Is Senpai really about to get married?" She seemed downright pale. Like she was actually sick.

Rin quickly nodded. "Yes! I saw it with my own eyes...!" If Sakura looked sick, then Rin looked like a wannabe prophet who saw the apocalypse.

After her shout, every single person looked at Yato.

He looked down... in fear.

The Soviet Harem had truly collapsed, and now the consequences of it were showing themselves. And by that he meant they dragged him away from his high schooler pussy, and now were basically interrogating him.

What happened to the whole fear the Campione thing? Did they just forget about it? Probably. The reason for that was mostly due to how comfortable they had gotten with Yato throughout the time they spent here. Which would normally be a good thing, but right now it was just inconvenient...

Yato chose to dodge the question. "Um... Where is Aoko anyways? I feel like she should be here for this." All his concubines were, after all.

Well, besides Hakuno and Tamamo. The first one was experiencing what blue balls felt when one had no balls, and the other one was probably celebrating the survival of her ass.

Cleopatra sobbed. "Ugh! As one would expect, he's completely ignoring the concubines to focus on the wife...!" Her normally already pale face had gone even more pale somehow. "I'm already useless as a concubine, so surely it is over for me..." Many other such delusions were shouted.

Thankfully there was one woman who still had composure, Luvia. "Ah, she's drinking tea with your mother while looking all smug." Her eye twitched. "By the way, were you really about to take Hakuno's virginity before mine?" Her pride was in shatters.

Oh, Saber still had her composure by the way. Most likely because she didn't care at all.

Yato awkwardly chuckled. "Um... yes? Anyways, I'm glad Aoko is safe!" He got up from his chair. "I shall now return to what I was previously doing!" And not even because he was looking forward to the sex... he just wanted to escape.

Illya glared at him. "Yato, you better sit back down immediately, or I'll execute Shiro."

"Why me!?" For the sake of his redhead, Yato sat down.

A sigh escaped his mouth. "Fine... I am indeed getting married to Aoko." A tense silence filled the room. "But it's not like I'm kicking anyone out. Things continue as normal... except I have a wife now." He was desperately trying to revive the Soviet Harem.

It wasn't working.

The proof of that was shown when Skadi started sobbing, and left the room. "Ah! To be cheated on by my dearest pumpkin husband!" He was just glad she went the depressed route and not the murderous ones.

Panic filled the room soon after.

Yato tried his best to parse what he heard.

Rin shouted something about how man were the worst. Sakura said they should crucify Aoko. Luvia said something about how his fiancee was fitting enough. Illya agreed with Sakura. Cleopatra cried some more. He was pretty sure Illya and Sakura were planning murder...!

But that was all stopped by someone. A hero.

Or a heroine. One of holy origins, her name was Caren. "Calm down you fools!" The girl had more or less stayed silent until now, so she managed to gather the attention of everyone.

"Who cares if Lord Yato is... getting married." She shuddered as she spoke. She definitely cared! "In the end it is as easy as him marrying all of us. It is as he said. Nothing has changed." She caressed her tummy. "Besides, my son won't be a bastard now."

Illya put her hands on her hips. "Well... you aren't exactly wrong. It's just that Yato married me once and then divorced me." Rin's denial of the event went ignored. "So why is he getting married now?"

Caren waved her off. "Because he changed. As all men... and even gods do. Do not question it, and simply embrace the fact that you were technically the first wife." She snorted. "And also the first dump."

Illya clicked her tongue. "Screw you..." But she could see her argument.

And so could all the other women here. Sure, it was a strange direction Yato was taking this thing towards, but it didn't really matter in the end. As long as he married them all, then the only big change is that they could say they had a husband.

Hell, even Saber was even happy about it when she thought of it like that. Mostly because she knew marriages had a way of crumbling and leaving everyone dead and miserable, but still...!

Naturally the fact that Aoko had been the first was annoying... or the second if one asked Illya.

But that couldn't be helped. Yato lost his first kiss to someone. He lost his virginity to someone. He had a first concubine. And yet the others couldn't exactly burn the place down because of it.

So in the end, Rin recovered. And asked a question that all others would soon ask. "Alright...! But I want to know when we are getting married too!" She started playing with her hair, a blush in her face. "In other words... please marry me, idiot." It was such an embarrassing moment, that a little bit of her tsun returned.

And a lot more would return soon.

Yato waved her off. "Nah, I only plan on marrying Aoko." Ragnarok ensued.


AN: No Tamamo anal... This whole thing is more despairful than anything that has ever happened in human history.


Yuval Roth

I have never seen such a sadistic person as you, you have been mocking us with the almost Tamamo anal for chapters upon chapter.


We readers are being edged...