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"Come my super cool lovers! We must find an inn!" This city should have plenty of them.

It was just a guess of course, Yuuma wasn't actually familiar with the town. That said, as the Town of Beginnings there should be plenty of people who planned on coming here, starting their adventure, and then leaving shortly after.

To house those... tourists, naturally the city would need to have tons of inns, or at least some equally of it. Also, this world ran by RPG logic, of course they had places for random parties to sleep!

Celica blushed. "Do not call me lover." His orders didn't matter, what he made her say didn't matter. She was still engaged to Alm.

So differently from Lucina, she would fight back every step of the way! She would still defeat the Demon King of course, but this brat clearly needed to learn a lesson too! And she was very good at giving those!

Her words had gone unheard however.

Lucina smiled. "Rest sounds wonderful right now." Her body wasn't really tired, she could go on days awake. Her mind was another story however.

This whole experience had been... something. Lucina was looking forward to closing her eyes and resting for a bit. Especially since once she woke up her theory of this being one big fever dream might be proven true.

Yuuma gave a hearty laugh. "I'm glad everyone is in agreement!" He sighed. "Now we just need to find a inn in the first place... You up to the task, Lucina?" After the merchant incident, she had become his navigator in a way.

His first summon nodded. "Of course, though instead of aimlessly looking around, let's just ask someone for directions."

Yuuma pouted. "Sure." He didn't like how asking random people for help was becoming common for him.

He asked Aqua and Megumin for directions to the guild. He asked a random dude for directions to the merchant. And now this... Well, that was just the nature of being in another world. At least he knew the language to ask in the first place, he supposed.

Celica interjected. "Wait, you two do not know of a place where we may rest? How long have you two been in this world?" Honestly, she was sort of assuming her summoner had been born in these lands too.

Clearly not. All three of them were foreigners fighting for innocent people they had never even met. How noble... Or it would be if their leader wasn't a weird degenerate.

Just thinking about that anal thing made her shudder.

Yuuma scratched his cheek. "Well, I arrived today. It was pretty early..." He didn't know exactly what hour he had died, nor did he know what exact hour he had been summoned here. Or would the more appropriate term be revived here?

Lucina crossed her arms. "And I got summoned here by this guy a few hours before you did. The sun was pretty far from setting..."

Celica sighed. "So you two really are clueless..." Because her situation couldn't get any worse. "There is something I'm wondering though... how did this supposed goddess bring Yuuma here? He arrived first after all."

Yuuma shrugged. "I dunno anything about divine shenanigans, so don't ask me. Even the power I have is more instinctual than anything." Which is why he hoped he could train it.

If he didn't understand something, then surely coming to understand it would make it better? Just to be safe he probably shouldn't get his hopes up.

Celica frowned. "A divine power you can't even truly control huh? That is sure to go well..." She supposed she couldn't speak ill of it.

She too had relied on the Mila's Turnwheel without barely understanding the device after all. Furthermore, Yuuma has received this power directly from the goddess. It was no item, nor something passed down his family.

Lucina interjected. "We should just be glad someone was kind enough to grant a weapon capable of fighting the Demon King." Even if she wished a kinder man could have received it.

Well, at least it picked a really cute kid who would hopefully grow into a really handsome man.

Ah, her stupid romantic inexperience was rearing its ugly head again.

Celica looked around. "Speaking of the Demon King... This town appears quite lively for a world under the threat of it." People were just walking around as if nothing wrong was afoot.

Her world looked much more... despairful than this, and they were only in the middle of a "common war". Or at least that's how it used to be, Alm had been going to great lengths to rebuild after that accursed war had finally ended.

Lucina nodded. "Yeah, we were confused about that too... We ended up theorizing that his forced have simply not reached this town yet." She then thought back to her Adventurer Card. "And besides, people here are quite... crafty. You'll see eventually."

Celica scowled. "Theories are great, but how do we know our summoner isn't lying about this Demon King to get us in line?"

Lucina waved her off. "I have seen a merchant mention the Demon King, and his generals. He is a real threat." In the end Celica ended up deflating.

Yuuma pouted. "Wow, a priestess calling someone a liar... and you're a pervert too. How sinful can one girl be?"

"Let's just go find that inn already." She regret ever asking questions in the first place. Maybe Lucina was right, going with the flow and adapting might be the correct choice.

No! She would not!


"Innkeeper, give me one of your best rooms! One with a single bed... But like, a really big one." They had finally found a inn. Or more accurately, a stranger had recommended them one.

Its quality was middle of the road. It was nowhere near the most expensive inn in the city, but it was also not the cheapest. Which meant they could actually afford it and sleep comfortably for the night.

Still, their money gained by the tiara was running out really goddamned fast. Tomorrow they would need to complete as many quests as possible if they wanted to keep this comfort.

Being an adventurer was scary.

The innkeeper nodded. "Sure, we have a few avaliable-."

And then Celica cut him off. "You cannot be serious Yuuma!" Oh boy. "I would accept this if the room had individual beds, but this is way too much! We are a man and a woman!" She would also accept this if it was the only option available of course.

But it wasn't. Her summoner clearly just wanted to be a pervert again.

Yuuma sighed. "Are we really having this discussion right now? In front of the innkeeper?" It reminded him of how he and Lucina argued in front of the merchant.

If this trend continued, soon enough Yuuma and his entourage would be known as the most scandalous party in Axel.

Celica put her hands on her hips. "Where else would we have this discussion!? I was certainly not warned this shameful display would happen!" It wasn't like Celica was unused to sleeping by a guy's side.

During her journey to find Mila, she rarely got to choose where she would sleep after all. Nonetheless, in those times the men around her were trusty companions who were honorable to the core. Yuuma was a little pervert.

However, it was because he was a little pervert that she knew nothing she said matter.

Unless she got someone to agree with her. "Please help me put some sense into his head Lucina!" Maybe if the two disagreed with his plans, they could change it.

But Lucina just rolled her eyes. "I don't care. As long as I can close my eyes and sleep everything will be fine." She didn't have the energy to confront Yuuma right now.

Celica clicked her tongue. "You...!" She was only here for one day and Lucina had already basically given up.

How weak was her will!? Did she have no self-worth!?

The answer to the latter was yes of course.

The innkeeper interjected. "Sorry young man, but who exactly are these two for you?" If this boy was trying to force his party into sleeping with him, he would naturally put a stop to it.

For Yuuma, this was a chance to brag. "They're both my cute fiancee's. And yes, I know I'm very lucky." In more ways than one. He had essentially won the lottery two times.

The innkeeper raised an eyebrow. "Is that right...?"

He wouldn't judge, he had seen adventurer do weird shit all the time. Polygamy didn't even crack the top ten in his list. That said, he at least wanted a confirmation from everyone involved.

Lucina nodded. "That's right." No point in denying it. Still, why was she blushing?

Celica however, was another story. "I am not his fiancee! Nor will I ever be!" It would be probably be easier to smile and nod, she knew that.

But that would also mean betraying Alm's trust. She couldn't do that.

The innkeeper glared at the boy. "Explain."

Yuuma pouted. "Celica is... um..." She really chose the worst time to screw him over. "She's a big tsun-tsun with very little dere. Doesn't the red hair give that out?" He just noticed something amazinf about this whole thing.

Lucina was blue.

Celica was red.

Color coordination! Ah, he kind of standed out from his group, and not in a good way. Should he dye his hair? Generic brown wasn't exactly the coolest color to ever exist.

The innkeeper's eyes widened. "A tsundere huh? Well, just be careful so that she doesn't give you brain damage from a comedic punch. My cousin died that way." T-that's sad...?

Celica interjected. "I do not know what a... tsundere is, but I'm certainly not one!" It was hard to prove her point when she didn't even know what they were talking about. Why did Yuuma know so many strange things.

The summoner rolled his eyes. "Celica I order you to say you love me right now and beg me to keep you around. I'll cancel our marriage right here if you don't." Ah, she probably really wanted the latter to happen.

Celica became a tomato. "I... um... P-please don't leave me! I-I l-love you! I really, really do! I'll grovel if you only ask of me, so don't abandon me!" In the end she had tried to resist as much as possible, but as usual it was impossible.

Did he really have to ask her to beg though!? Though she supposed it was a good thing Yuuma did. Now the innkeeper was sure to notice her hand was being forced, and he would therefore do something about it.

Except Celica committed one big mistake.

With her resistance, she ended up stuttering. And she naturally had a big red blush in her face while saying such ridiculous words. In the end, she looked like the perfect picture of a good ol' tsundere.

The innkeeper sent Yuuma a thumbs up. "Okay kid, one room coming up! Do make sure to not bully your tsundere too much though, or she might break."

"I... will keep that in mind?"


"I'm sleeping on the floor." Celica immediately declared her intentions. "It would be inappropriate for us all to sleep together." She didn't mind sleeping on the floor at all. She had done it plenty of the times in the past.

Lucina sighed. "Why do you do this to yourself?" It was like seeing Cynthia set up increasingly complex entrances that always bit her in the ass.

Yuuma chuckled. "Some people are just slow learners Lucina... but it's fine, I'll teach you two all you need to know!" He was definitely qualified to be a teacher, since he was a genius and all that.

Lucina scoffed. "I think there is only one slow learner here."

"Hey, let's stop making fun of Celica for a moment." Mostly because the priestess was clearly reaching her limit.

Lucina grumbled to herself. "I wasn't talking about her..."

Yuuma cleared his throat. "Anyways... here are a few rules! No assassinating me while I sleep! That's an order!" This way he could actually rest without being overly paranoid. Though there were definitely loopholes.

Lucina nodded. "A wise order, though I wouldn't do such a thing anyways." Not to say assassination was above her if the situation called for it. Even if she didn't like it.

Celica gasped. "I wouldn't either!" She had her pride as both a priestess and a princess. Assassinating a boy while he slept was just wrong. Even if he did deserve to be apprehended for his crimes.

He sent them a thumbs up. "Okay, the second rule, is that I order you two to sleep in the same bed as me. None of that floor is stuff, it's bad for the back." He was doing them a favor when you really think about it.

Okay, maybe Celica would have killed him after all. Lucina however, still didn't feel very murderous.

Yuuma grinned. "And also... I order you two to undress! I want to see those pantines! No need to be fully naked though." Taking things slowly was important. Yeah, he was definitely taking things slowly. For sure.

Lucina clicked her tongue. "Maybe I would kill you after all..." But she still began to undress. She had no other option after all.

Celica scowled. "N-not only do you wish for us to share a bed, but you also wish for us to be undressed while doing so!?" Even as she complained, her body moved on its own.

Yuuma shrugged. "I mean... Yeah, pretty much." He was undressing too of course!

However, as this went on, he noticed something kind of embarrassing.

Celica was... unbelievably hot. Like a fit supermodel, but somehow even more. And Lucina was much the same, even if she was taking a bit longer to undress due to the fact she wore some light armor.

Meanwhile Yuuma was... scrawny. He wasn't fat, or a skeleton, his body was healthy, which was impressive for a NEET. Nonetheless, he couldn't compete with a fairly active person, much less two supermodels.

So he felt a bit... inferior.

He started muttering to himself. "This is unacceptable for a future king..." On harems stories a big appeal was always a average guy picking up hot girls due to some contrived plot device.

In this case his plot device was his cheat ability. So he really shouldn't care if he wasn't on the same level of beauty as them, but still...

He grumbled. "I'll get hotter." He would be forced into working out due to his occupation. And besides, surely the Priest class had something to make him more beautiful as time went on? Maybe healing magic was good for the skin?

Lucina raised an eyebrow. "What are you muttering to yourself over there?" She had finally gotten down to just her undergarments.

Yuuma thought they were a bit boring, especially when compared to Celica's more intricate ones. He couldn't blame Lucina though, people normally didn't go around wearing sexy underwear. Hell, not even Celica did, she probably just had more money or something. Which was strange since Lucina was a princess, but whatever.

Celica glared at him. "Something perverted no doubt."

Yuuma pouted. "Sure." For once she was wrong. "You gals are pretty cute after all!" He put on a confident smile on his face. "Now let's finally go to sleep, tomorrow is gonna be a long day." Today was already a long day.

But still, tomorrow they needed to get an Adventurer Card for Celica. They needed to buy clothes. They needed to complete as many quests as possible. They needed to maybe look into a more permanent form of housing. It was a lot...

The bed was smaller than Yuuma expected. He felt scammed. He also felt really glad in a way, because currently he was being sandwiched by two hot ladies.

More importantly, he was hugging Celica, that is to say, he was the legendary big spoon! "You're surprisingly soft. Are you really sure you can fight on the frontlines?"

Celica shrieked. "Stop saying things like that! Now!" She was being hugged by another man.

While both were basically naked.

She hoped Alm would forgive her.

Lucina sighed. "She's right, Yuuma. Please let's just go to sleep." She was tired, but she wouldn't catch a wink of sleep if those two kept screaming.

She was also hugging Yuuma from the back. The big spoon to the big spoon. Tomorrow she would make sure the bed was actually big enough for three people before they paid for it, that was for sure.

Yuuma yawned. "Fine, fine... Goodnight to everyone, I guess." He closed his eyes.


"An ambush!" Lucina almost jumped out of the bed!

Naturally Celica almost jumped from the bed following her. "Where!? Who!?" She still felt half-asleep, but there were times when she had experiences like this.

Yuuma wanted to die. "W-what...?" Out of the three here he was by far the heaviest sleeper. Nonetheless, he still... sort of woke up from Lucina's shout.

Lucina smiled. "My apologies, I was mistaken. Let us go back to sleep."

"What?" They went back to sleep.


Celica woke up. She did not like the thing she was feeling. She started whispering. "Yuuma.... Yuuma... Please wake up...!" Nonetheless, he was a heavy sleeper. So he did not...

Until Lucina jumped out of bed again. "You will not stop me!" She was already fully alert.

And her shout made Yuuma wake up. "W-what... the fuck...?" He was not accustomed to waking up two times during the night.

Now that he was awake, Celica could finally ask what she needed to calm down her heart. "Yuuma, what is that I feel pressing up against my butt? Why is it growing bigger? Why is it twitching?"

Yuuma grasped the situation. "Do you really want to know, or do you wish to go back to sleep and live in blissful ignorance?" Does the priestess stare at the abyss?

Celica closed her eyes, Lucina returned to the bed. They went to sleep.


"I challenge my fate!" Lucina jumped out of the bed again, kicking the air.

Celica growned. "Why...? Why am I experiencing this...?" This was the worst night of sleep she had ever had. If this could even be called sleeping at this point, since she was being woken up every five minutes!

At this point Yuuma kinda wished someone would assassinate him in his sleep. "Lucina explain before I break rule number one and suffocate you with a pillow."

The princess looked around, a scowl on her face. After a while she calmed down and looked at her summoner. "Explain what exactly?"

Yuuma pinched his nose. "Why... why do you keep waking up like a insane maniac? Are you having nightmares or something?" She was clearly the type of character to have a tragic backstory, so...

Lucina blushed. "You're the maniac here..." She then shook her head. "And about nightmares, I do occasionally have them, but... that's not why I keep up waking up." Oh, was she doing this just to make them suffer?

"I have trained myself to wake up at the slightest of noises, even a creak from another floor entirely is enough to make me jump into action!" She had a proud smile on her face, as if this was something amazing.

Yuuma supposed she was right in a way. If you were a paranoid mess. "I... Just tone it down. You keep waking me and Celica up." The priestess weakly nodded, already going back to sleep.

"O-of course." They went back to sleep.


"I say when it ends!" Lucina jumped high enough to hit her head on the ceiling. She powered through, for her comrades if nothing else.

"Fuck...! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Yuuma woke up yet again. He seriously considered every decision he had made in his entire life up to this very point. Was this his punishment for being too great? For making inferior people aware of their inferiority?

Naturally Celica woke up too. Though she was worried about something else entirely. With tears in the corner of her eyes, she whimpered. "Y-Yuuma, why are your hands on my chest...?" It felt weird.

Yuuma did not take his hands off her. "Sorry, I guess I instinctually sexually harass girls while asleep." He certainly wasn't doing this on purpose.

Celica slapped his hands away. "I do not accept your apologies, Yuuma!" Even if she apologized a thousand times to Alm it would not be enough.

She had slept with another man. That man had pressed himself against her. That man had touched her.

He shook his head. "But let's talk about the more important issue here!" He glared at Lucina. "The. Fuck."

The princess blushed and laid down again. "Sorry, I know I agreed to tone it down, but it's not exactly something I can control." This had been a habit of her for many, many years. And it was a useful one.

Yuuma's eye twitched. "Right..." This harem thing was quickly becoming hell.

But he had a solution. "You two, listen to my order." Both Lucina and Celica immediately flinched. "Have a full night's sleep, and dream nice dreams." And then they closed their eyes.

They finally, actually went to sleep.


Celica and Yuuma walked along calmly to the guild. "Just remember to pick a mage class! Or a warrior one! Leave the healing for me." And Yuuma was marking his territory. He was the healer boy here!

Celica rolled her eyes. "Of course." Lucina and her summoner had throughly explained the mechanics of this Adventurer Card. Or at least her summoner had done so.

Lucina cleared didn't get it. Well, neither did Celica if she was being honest to herself.

And speaking of Lucina... she giggled. "Come you two, there is no need to argue." The sound was so demonic that both Celica and Yuuma flinched. Actually, it was pretty cute, way too cute even.

Yuuma sent her a look of disbelief. "You know, I didn't wanna say it, but... you sure are something today." She was skipping along. That's right, while Celica and Yuuma walked, Lucina skipped.

The princess tilted her head. "What do you mean?" There was nothing different about her today.

Was Yuuma about to do something weird? She braced herself for that.

The boy seemed at a loss for words. "It's just that you seem very..."

Celica finished for him. "Cheerful. Way more cheerful than you were yesterday." Well, Celica felt more cheerful too. No doubt Yuuma would slowly end that as the day went along however.

Lucina scratched her cheek. "I suppose I am a bit more... energetic than usual." She looked to the skies. "But this looks like a day worth getting energetic for. The sky is clear, we are going to help people with our quests and..."

A blush appeared on her face. "And we are going to purchase clothes, correct?" Yuuma nodded, they really did need to. "That sounds... fun. I want to see what the fashion of this world has to offer."

Celica hesitantly nodded. "I see... Well, let's hope that ends up being as fun as you expect."

Meanwhile, Yuuma had fallen in love all over again. "Gap moe...!" Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute.

Their conversation got interrupted however.

A brown haired boy rudely approached them. His face was set in disbelief. "Oi... you two... No way... Why...?" He completely ignored Yuuma's presence.

Yuuma smiled. "Sorry, do you need something?" His presence was super weak when standing next to two heroines huh? Not unexpected, but annoying nonetheless.

The boy ignored him yet again. "What... what are Lucina Fire Emblem, and Celica Fire Emblem doing here!?"

"W-why did you say Fire Emblem like it's their last name or something!?"


AN: I've been doing a FE Awakening playthrough recently. Married Sumia, immediately regretted it. Amazing.


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