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"There it is Lucina... Our prey." He could see the mighty beast in the distance.

Lucina's eyes widened. "Huh, giant toads really exist in this world." She didn't know how to feel about that.

The monster looked ridiculous, not at all scary. That said, according to the quest board it could eat small children if hungry enough. So it was definitely worth killing it before it could hurt any innocents.

Lucina drew her sword. "What's the plan?" She would let Yuuma guide them.

That isn't to say Lucina couldn't act as a tactician however, she had lead her group of friends through the apocalypse for many years even. She was simply letting Yuuma take the reigns so he could grow.

He put his brain to work. "I guess we could... um..." And then realized he wasn't much of a tactician.

In his defense, he didn't have tons of tools to work with. They were in plain fields, there was nothing special about the terrain, so doing anything with that was out. They also didn't have any crazy skills or anything.

Yuuma was a priest, which meant he would eventually learn buffing skills. He was just a level 1 right now however, so he couldn't even heal people yet. Meanwhile Lucina's class as a Princess was pretty basic. At least for now. She could stab people and that was kind of it.

He tilted his head. "W-we could wait until it's night to attack it? That way we can caught it unprepared or stuff." It was already close to night anyways, the skies were already orange.

Lucina raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? The night tends to be dangerous to humans." One should always fear the dark.

Yuuma pouted at having his strategy rebuffed. "Then... we can bait it into a forest or something?"

She shook her head. "Why would we even do that? The forest is pretty far away, and we have no ranged member to fire at him. We also don't have a large party waiting at the forest." She wondered when he would summon another warrior.

Yuuma clicked his tongue and drew a knife.

The only reason why he had one was Lucina by the way. Originally he only planned on purchasing a staff, but the girl insisted he should have something to defend himself even if he couldn't learn any skills associated with it.

He took a deep breath. "Then let's just fucking stab it to death, I don't know...!" There, he had basically thrown the tactician coat to the side.

Lucina chuckled. "Good." He raised an eyebrow. "Sometimes one must realize that the easiest solution is the correct one. Let's go stab that toad to death."

They began slowly approaching the best from behind. It would notice them eventually of course, but for now this was the best choice, just in case the Giant Toad had some secret ranged move upon his sleeve.

Once they were close enough, Lucina tensed her body. "Let me take the lead, and be careful." After warning her supposed fiance, she charged.

"Right!" Yuuma charged with her, though he quickly fell behind due to his lower speed stat.

That was fine though, he doubted he would contribute much. Still, just dealing a bit of damage to the Giant Toad would be nice so he could start raising his leve-.

And the Giant Toad was dead. "For real, Lucina!?" It had happened incredibly fast.

The woman had leapt into the air, and with a loar she crashed upon the beast like a meter. Or more accurately, Falchion did. The sword easily penetrated the Giant Toad's brain.

The princess took her sword from the corpse, sheathed it and then jumped off the corpse. "For real what?" She was a bit confused.

And also strangely disappointed? The Giant Toad hadn't been a challenge at all, it was a big animal and that was pretty much it. Wasn't this world being threatened by a Demon King? Because if so, this didn't feel very threatening.

Oh well, she shouldn't complain about weak enemies.

He pointed at the corpse. "You took the kill! Which I expected you to do, but c'mon!" This was just way too fast, he didn't even get to swing at the damn thing!

Lucina rolled her eyes. "Okay, what is the problem now?" She killed the enemy. Now they only had to find four more.

He sighed. "Well, it's not a problem... sort of... But please remember I need experience points! If you just kill it without letting me contribute I won't get any!" The way parties worked according to the guild lady was fairly simple.

The more you contributed to killing an enemy, the bigger the percentage of the experience you would get after it was over. Which meant if Lucina handled all encounters like this, he would forever be stuck at level 1.

Lucina blushed. "Ah, right. My apologies." She put a hand to her palm. "This actually brings back memories funnily enough..."

"Memories of what?" Had Lucina always been a dirty experience hogging whore? The more you knew.

She chuckled. "There were many times I defeated an enemy and then the tactician that was leading us scolded me for critting too much and... stealing kills." What did critting even mean? Her mother was a weirdo like always.

Yuuma's eye twitched. "Just make sure it doesn't happen again."

"Of course." It ended up happened again.


Yuuma was eating Giant Toad meat. No, he wasn't just eating Giant Toad meat. He was angrily eating Giant Toad meat!

Lucina looked down. "Sorry..." She had finished her food already, but she also didn't eat nearly as much as Yuuma.

The reason for that was simple. In this world eating gave experience, and Yuuma desperately needed that. Meanwhile Lucina had already gotten plenty of levels today, mostly because she kept repeating her mistake over and over again.

Yuuma pouted. "I better gain a level from this or you're screwed." And he wasn't even threatening her with that comment, it was just basic logic.

He needed a level to get skill points so he could learn healing magic. If he didn't have healing magic, then Lucina was basically acting without any support at all. Though he supposed he would only be able to heal small wounds at first anyways.

Lucina at least looked guilty. "Right..." She tried lighten up the mood. "But at least we beat our first quest!" Or at least she did, but that was the root of the problem anyways.

Yuuma nodded. "Yeah, I guess we are officially adventurers with a bit of experience under our belt." He meant actual experience of course, not the one that raised your level.

"So Lucina, what did you think of the quest anyways?" It was one where they had to hunt five Giant Toads

Apparently it was a quest often taken by beginner parties. Though Yuuma wondered if that was actually wise or not. Sure, Lucina had handled them easily, but she was actually already strong. Surely a rookie would've just gotten eaten?

Was this Goblin Slayer logic where the weak monsters were actually super scary? Well, even if it wasn't he would forever avoid goblin related quests. Just to be on the safe side of things.

Lucina put a hand to her chin. "To be honest, the quest was far easier than I expected... I struggle to even call the Giant Toads an enemy. They were just dangerous wild animals we hunted down." It was like putting down a pack of wolves.

She continued. "Isn't this world under an attack from a Demon King? I expected us to be sent against his armies." She expected another Grima, essentially.

Yuuma shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you. The goddess who gave me powers didn't tell me much outside of how the world was under threat by the Demon King." He at least existed, since that merchant knew about him and his generals.

"I guess maybe his army just hasn't reached this town yet? If this place is essentially made for rookies, the country would be screwed if it fell." It was a giant training ground in a way.

Lucina looked... disappointed. "You are probably correct..." She was one of those hero freaks who needed a villain huh?

Yuuma finished eating, and took his Adventurer Card from his pocket. "C'mon level up...!" If he didn't get one he would need to order even more food. He didn't think he could handle that.

"Yss!" He had gotten it. Immediately he learned the healing skill. "I am now officially a medic!" And he didn't even need to go to college.

Lucina smiled. "Congratulations." However, speaking of support abilities... "May I ask you a question about your... powers, Yuuma?" She wanted to know more about his summoning ability?

Could he bring an army to his side literally right now if he desired? And another thing, would he summon more people from her world? Well, probably not since Yuuma was surprised by her summoning, but she was still worried.

Many people from her world had suffered enough, they didn't need to be dragged down into another conflict. Lucina wished to bear that burden by herself.

The boy looked away. "I don't know much about the healing stuff, I just learned it." By cheating at that.

She shook her head. "That's not what I'm curious about." Well, she actually was very curious about that. It's just that she knew Yuuma was just as lost as her in this topic.

The ability to just learn whatever skill you want as long as you had enough "experience points" was quite an amazing one. The type of thing that would have made defeating Grima a breeze. Perhaps it was due to such a wonderful blessing that this world had not fallen?

"What I actually want to know is the limitations of your summoning ability. For example, can you summon another warrior if you so wished, right now I mean?" And another thing... "Also, can you choose to a certain extent what you summon?" Surely he could not summon anything evil.

He flinched. "The latter is certainly a no. What I get is what I get... I though I couldn't get humans either." His Pokémon dreams were already dead... Nah, he would definitely make a team of super creatures one day.

The scary thought of wasting a charge summoning a bacteria suddenly sprouted in his mind. This ability really wasn't all that great huh? Though he knew that and picked it anyways. All he had to do was keep being lucky!

He continued. "As for summoning more people... I have a certain bar, and I need to fill it before I summon anyone else. I don't exactly know how to fill the bar though... That said, it's full right now." Which meant he could summon another hero if he wanted to.

He probably shouldn't do that in the guild however, not when he could summon a demon or something. And besides, he and Lucina had just gotten their party ready, adding a new dynamic to it so soon might make a mess of things.

There was only one thing he was worried about...

He didn't have two bars. He had one. Which meant that he wasting precious charging activities. Whatever those were. It was a system that encouraged someone to use their power as soon as they had it.

Lucina nodded. "So you can summon someone else..." He couldn't summon an army at a snap of the finger tips, but this ability was still useful.

A sudden realization hit her. "Wait, you summoned me today and you can already summon someone else? This bar seems to get filled very fast." It hadn't even been a day yet.

Yuuma had considered that too. "Yeah, but I doubt that will last. It's just that well... I think the bar gets filled by achievements." Why had he reached such a conclusion?

Because in Gachas they gave you currency for shit like that. Hell, they even gave you currency for summoning sometimes.

"Today I became an adventurer, I technically fought a few monsters, I completed a quest, and I even gained a level. All of those put together was probably enough for a charge." Thankfully he didn't waste any charge. He completely filled the bar when he leveled up just now.

With that said... "But don't think this speed will continue. Gachas always stuff you to the brim with premium currency at the beginning to get you addicted. It will probably slow down soon." Yep, he didn't trust capitalism at all.

And suddenly he broke Lucina's brain. "Gachas...? Premium currency...?" She was understanding what he was saying until those words. Nonetheless she got the gist of it.

Lucina shook her head, and got up. "Very well, let us summon a new comrade." The more hands to... instruct Yuuma the better.

Yuuma raised an eyebrow. "You want me to summon someone?" The kidnapped girl wanted to see more girls being kidnapped!?

Though this time he doubted his luck would be that good.

She smiled. "Isn't that only natural? And I'm sure many heroes would gladly offer their strength to stop a Demon King." Did she miss the part where he said he couldn't control what he summoned?

He sighed. "If that's the case... sure. I was actually planning on leaving this for tomorrow, but if you want to summon it now..." He definitely wasn't as scared as he was during the first summon.

Lucina crossed. "I wouldn't mind retiring for the night... But it would be better for us to summon our new ally as fast as possible. The passage of time itself could be what charges your ability, and as such we must not waste it."

So she figured out the same thing he did, that having just one bar was kind of annoying.

He too got up. "Okay then, let's move to an alleyway or something. We shouldn't randomly summon some dude inside of here."

Hah, he wondered how Lucina would have reacted if she got summoned during nighttime.


"A Demon King...? That sounds... truly awful." She knew truly understood the circumstances. "To be honest I have quite a few duties back in my home, but war has left our lands..."

She took a deep breath. "And so, if this land needs me... and I was chosen by a goddess, then there is no way I could decline lending hand." She put a hand to her chest. "I am not half the warrior my fiance is, but if you would have me..."

Lucina smiled. "We would gladly have you. If you were summoned, then you must be powerful indeed." She assumed. Why would the goddess summon a normal girl after all?

"May I ask your name however?" Lucina then gasped. "Oh, and mine is Lucian, while the summoner is named Yuuma."

She had handled introductions, mostly because Yuuma was a weird little man who could not control himself. Except... he kinda of was controlling himself? He had not interject at all while Lucina explained the situation.

He was even looking away, a look of confusion on his face.

The new summoned warrior smiled back. "I'm Celica, a mage. Though I can use swords as well." Lucina twitched at the name.

It was something she recognized... It was... a name of a historical figure or something, she couldn't quite put a finger to it. That said, did it really matter? Was she gonna freak out everytime she saw a man named Marth?

People named their children after heroes. In Ylisse the most popular male name was Chrom nowadays, while the second most popular was Marth. For girls the most popular one was Caeda... That's just how things worked.

Celica gazed at Yuuma. "It seems our summoner is quite shy, isn't he? He hasn't said a word yet." She was actually a bit worried about him.

The boy looked young, very young. Not to say Celica wasn't young either, but the boy looked even younger than her! It was quite a worrying situation, but she was sure a goddess would have known the right champion to pick.

Lucina didn't really know how to respond to that. "I wouldn't say he's shy..." His attitude right now was very weird however.

She looked at Yuuma, he was... biting his fingernai?

Yuuma started muttering to himself. "What are the odds of this happening? It's crazy..." That's right, he had been silent out of shock. He had basically won the lottery two consecutive times. He had summoned another cute girl!

Which actively made him suspicious of his new power. Was this thing rigged? Did the goddess accidentally gave him the wrong power? Was this truly just luck?

That was the thing about random chance. Sometimes miracles like this really did happen, just like those freaks of nature who would pull six five stars in one ten pull.

Celica tilted her head. "Is there something wrong, Yuuma?" Now she really was starting to worry about her summoner!

He shook his head. "No, I'm fine, sorry." He extended a open hand. "I've been a bit rude to you, haven't I? My apologies, Celica."

She shook his hand. "Ah, don't worry. I'm sure this is as overwhelming to you as it is to me. Nonetheless, we must march on and protect the people." Hopefully it wouldn't take too long however. Alm must be so worried...

Yuuma smiled as he let her hand go. "Well said Celica. Get ready to get even more overwhelmed however, there are quite a few... intriguing system in this world." Having a mage was definitely going to be nice.

Celica smiled back. "Is that so? Well, I'm always excited to learn." And maybe she could even bring a few of those ideas back home, she was going to be a queen after all.

Lucina glared at Yuuma.

This was weird, he hadn't acted like a pest yet-.

"Okay Celica, call your fiance a cuck and profess your eternal love for me. With like double the passion you would have done for him." Ah, there it was. No hyena could fake being a innocent man for long.

Celica's mouth moved without her consent. "M-my fiance is a... cuck?" What was happening? "And I love you Yuuma! From the bottom of my heart! You are my world, sun and moon!" Why was she saying these things!?

This was not the first time Celica's body had been puppeted by another, but this time... it felt different.

Celica's heart felt like it was about to explode. "W-what did you do to me!? And what is a cuck anyways!?" What a strange word. Though she could sworn she had heard Faye being called that once or twice.

Yuuma's eyes widened. "You don't know what a cuck is?" That was kind of beautiful in a way.

Lucina was equally surprised. This Celica woman had to have grown up being quite sheltered. Lucina didn't consider herself nowhere near depraved, but even she at least know what the word meant.

Celica glared at him. "Why should I know your strange words!?" Though she could tell it was clearly an insult. He would pay for that. "Now tell me what you did to me already!

Yuuma smirked. "I did nothing, my beloved Celica. These are simply your true feelings." He chuckled. "Is this what they call love at first sight? Your poor, poor fiance... He will be driven to tears if this keeps up!" Yuuma actually felt a bit bad for the guy.

But you snooze you loose, or something

Celica blushed. "That cannot be so!" And yet her heart had indeed moved... and this did not feel like that other time she had been controlled. There was no evil magic here.

Which made sense, as she had understood this power was given by a goddess. By divinity. And not one who had fallen to madness such as Duma.

Could it really be that...?

Lucina sighed. "You're right, it isn't so. He can order us do things." At least Celica hadn't been called a succubus yet. So as far as Lucina was concerned, she had it easy.

Celica paled. "Control us!? That's horrible!" This was nothing like the righteous mission Lucina had told her about.

Lucina pinched her nose. "I know... Please put up to to it, since the fate of the world is at stake." Sacrifices had to be made. "Besides, you get used to it." Especially since Yuuma hadn't actually crossed any insane line yet.

Celica sputtered. "I don't believe anyone can get used to this!" What was wrong with this Lucina woman!?

Lucina shook her head. "Humans are surprisingly adaptable. And to avoid a dark fate any and all sacrifice is worth it." She would have gladly become a slave in the past if it meant defeating Grima.

This woman was a bit too much for Celica. "You...!" She was just as weird as their summoner!

Yuuma laughed. "Thanks for backing me up, partner!" That was it meant to be a guild! He was truly glad Lucina had already gotten the memo that protecting the healer was the most important thing ever!

Lucina's eye twitched. "I am not backing you up." She was simply stating the truth. Lives were at stake, Celica being uncomfortable was not important when compared to it. However that was no excuse for Yuuma to be a creep. "Now sto-."

Yuuma pointed at Celica. "Dump your fiance and ask for hand in marriage!" Ah, of course.

Celica grit her teeth. "I... I do not believe I even have the authority to simple dissolve my engagement, but very well... I officially declare that I do not wish to take that man as my husband anymore, and..." Her words were strained.

Lucina rolled her eyes. "Don't bother resisting. It's futile, so just go with it." That's what she had done.

Still, was Yuuma aiming for a harem? That sounded like something Inigo would have done. Welp, somehow Yuuma was still more charming than him.

Yuuma sent Lucina a look of disbelief. "Who's side are you!? I mean, I'm glad this is happening and all, but still!" Lucina rolled her eyes. She was on the side of the innocent people who lived in this world.

Celica didn't heed Lucina's words. She fought 'till the very end. "Now that I do not have a lover, would you marry me, Yuuma...?" This was horrible! And also weird. Since when did the girl ask for the man's hand!?

Yuuma send her a husband. "Sure! I'm the type who accepts a marriage proposal from any girl as long as she's cute!"

Celica bit her lip. "But you forced me to...!"

Yuuma shrugged. "Eh, does that really matter?" Yes! "I mean, it's not my fault you're a pervert who falls for a guy at first sight. This is the part where you say you can't wait for anal by the way." His power was truly annoying in some ways.

The single bar was one of its flaws, but the other one was the he had to verbally give commands. It would certainly make easier to gaslight people if he didn't... Could powers evolve with training? That was worth testing.

This time Celica didn't bother resisting much. "I can't wait for anal!" She didn't bother resisting because she was super confused. "What even is anal anyways!?"

Lucina looked away. "I can't watch this." It was just like watching a poor village being devoured by a risen. Terrifying.

Yuuma was in love. "It's like sex, but the penis goes up the butt."

Celica naturally exploded. "Why would anyone do that!?" It just sounded like a horribly painful and disgusting experience!? "And... and... how would children even be born with such a process!?"

Yuuma raised an eyebrow. "Children aren't born with such a process. Duh." Was this woman stupid or just ignorant?

"Why have sex if you won't be blessed with children!?" Yuuma took back his previous feelings towards her ex-fiance. He didn't feel bad for the guy at all, for he had just saved him from a horrible fate.

"Um... Celica... How were you raised? I order you to answer it." Maybe she was raised in a cave by fairies?

That was strange shift in the conversation for Celica... but it was also way better than talking about this fearful anal thing. "I was raised as a priestess in a secluded island..." One trained mostly in combat, but still one...

"Oh, that explains way too much."


AN: Celica is here! I was actually gonna wait a bit longer to introduce a new character, but trios are nicer than duos.

I also thought it would be fun to make Celica a bit clueless when it comes to sex. We never see her really discuss these matters, because Fire Emblem isn't that type of game, but... she was basically raised as a nun, so...

So for Celica, sex is something to be done after marriage for the purpose of reproduction. If Intelligent Systems ever canonizes that Celica isn't clueless about this, then I will formerly apologize.

And then I will wonder why the fuck is Intelligent Systems talking about Celica's knowledge of sex.

Also, as many people have pointed out throughout the eras, Celica can be really, really stupid sometimes. So now Yuuma has a buddy.


Some Guy

Thank you for blessing us with more peak fiction Fakeking


This guy is incredible. I wish I had the courage to say that kind of thing.

Infinite Daze

You don’t need courage you just need dubiously ethical divine granted mind control powers