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It turns out it wasn't time to beat a god.

It was time to sit down in a random bench and wait for Skadi to finish whatever new magic she was doing with those shards. As it turns out, magecraft isn't instantaneous, even when done by a goddess.

Yato sighed. "Ugh, what a bore." And he couldn't even satiate his boredom since those assassins weren't showing up.

Had the enemy god ran out of mana? Before he even met him? That would certainly be way too lame, so maybe Yato would give him sometime to recuperate. He was really looking forward to this after all!

Aoko put a hand on her chin. She was sitting right by his side. "I gotta agree with you there..." She was looking forward to exploding something.

Alice glared at her. "Don't be foolish Aoko. We should be glad we have time to rest." Though she supposed they hadn't fought much anyways. Nonetheless, things were going well, so Aoko shouldn't complain.

Aoko grinned. "Oh? So you're disagreeing with your precious Lord Shibata?" She didn't know why Alice liked the guy, but she knew this would hurt!

Though Alice didn't even flinch. "No. He is correct, and you are wrong."

"But..." That makes no sense! They basically said the same thing!

"No buts. You are wrong. Lord Shibata is right. It is simple." Aoko then decided she didn't want to enter into an argument with some crazy NEET Witch. Her sanity probably couldn't handle that.

The ground shaked. Not out of Alice's sheer stubbornness however. Something was clearly happening.

With a excited hop Yato got up. "Alright! It's action time!" He sent his companions a smile. "You guys stay behind me and lend a hand if I job!" It could always happen! He could like... stumble on a small pebble.

Or refuse to use his ultimate sword out of pride. Stuff like that happened to the best of us.

Aoko sent him a thumbs up. "Got it." She didn't like playing second fiddle, but it was whatever. And if Yato did end up jobbing, she would probably just pull something with the Fifth. Even if the Counter Force would end up pissed off at her.

Alice nodded. "G-got it." She was just imitating Aoko. The truth is that she didn't even know the meaning of the word job in this context.

She didn't want to look like a fool in front of Yato however! Especially since Aoko seemingly knew its meaning! Aoko! Alice could not be less knowledgeable than Aoko of all people!

With their confirmation, Yato rushed towards Skadi. She wasn't too far away, so his companions wouldn't be too far behind.

Once he got closer to Skadi... He saw that pillar. Though now it was less of a pillar and more of an egg. A gigantic one that looked like it was about to burst.

His eye twitched. "Hey Skadi, what's happening?" Did she disobey his orders to change plans? That was unacceptable in a situation like this! This was definitely deserving of some punishment.

She smiled. "I'm bring that god here!" Oh, that wasn't too bad.

This was weird though. "Okay, but why is it that there is a pulsating egg of darkness in my vision?" Was this an hallucination? Since Yato was going bananas, he couldn't discard that possibility.

Skadi immediately raised a finger. "Because I'm giving birth to a god." Oh! Scary! "Though only the word is thinking like that. The truth is that I'm using those shards to bring that Sun god here by tricking the world." Oh! Confusing!

Yato heard the tapping of feet. It was Aoko. "Is that really what is happening here? This seems very suspicious." Yato didn't really think that, but okay.

Alice immediately agreed. "Yes. This is very, very suspicious." She glared at the Servant. "This isn't a plot to betray Lord Shibata, is it?" She would not trust his natural enemy. "And even if it is not, will this have any consequences?"

Naturally Skadi... did not respond. She didn't need to consider the words of lowly humans after all!

Aoko wondered whether she should blast her away. Alice was smarther however, so she pulled Yato's sleeve. "Lord Shibata, please question your concubine." She would have no option, but to listen to him.

Yato pouted, and nodded. Skadi was getting a bit too haughty even for him. Though he supposed that was his fault for never getting her used to the normal world. Still, wasn't this too much!?

"Skadi, this is not some convoluted plan to betray me, right?" He might as well copy Alice's words. "And even if it isn't, it won't have crazy consequences, right?" He kinda hoped it did. His body was ready for action!

The goddess rolled her eyes. It wasn't like she hadn't listen to Alice after all, she just chose to ignore her words. So this was a bit ridiculous.

"I am not betraying my little pumpkin." She had expanded her nicknames away from the snow theme!? "Though I already told you that during our last conversation!" That was true...!

"As for consequences..." A weird sound rang out across the temple.

It was like that off a microwave. It happened so out of nowhere that Yato almost started laughing the moment he heard it.

Skadi jumped in joy however. "It's done! And now all this talk about my loyalty can be put to rest!" She clicked her tongue. "Stupid concubines, whispering lies to my husband! The nerve!" Her husband had to have the worst taste in women imaginable!

Aoko scoffed. "The nerve of this bitch, calling me a concubine." This might be the most infuriating woman she had ever met! And Aoko had met her own sister!

Alice too scoffed. "I would never lie to Lord Shibata." There is a different between lying, and what she was doing. Alice was just doing her best to protect the Campione from trickery.

None of that mattered at the current moment however. Skadi walked towards the egg, and with a touch of her wand... it popped.

The sky darkened, the earth screemed, mud flew everywhere. And Yato decided that this would very much have consequences eventually, even a dumbass like him could tell that.

Right now though, he needed to worry about this Sun god! And from the egg's insides appeared... a tied up woman with fox ears and a tail. For some reason tendrils were stopping her from moving, and were even covering her mouth.

She fell to the ground with muffled screams. She was struggling, clearly trying to break free... Since she was naked, her boobs were bouncing everywhere. Yato very much appreciated that.

He just wanted to know who she was. So he pointed at her. "Hey Skadi, who's this?" He was expecting a powerful Sun god, not a cute woman with animal features.

Skadi was then reminded that her so-callled husband tended to be an idiot. "The god who has been trying to kill you, of course." The process of giving birth... summoning it had gone off without a hitch!

Yato tilted his head. "But that's a girl. Not a guy.."

"It would seem so." Skadi didn't care much about this bastard's gender. It had hurt her precious hubby, so it would die a painful death.

Yato pouted. "Huh..." This complicates things. He could fight girls of course, but he could also give them different punishments when necessary. "So, any idea about her true identity?"

Aoko gave him a look of despair. "A-are you real...?"

Yato's face was immediately filled with concern. "Of course I am! Don't tell me you're hallucinating!" Was the goddess doing something to her!? So she stopped targetting only him... or at least changed her focus.

Aoko grit her teeth. "O-of course I'm not hallucinating! And she's obviously Amaterasu!" This was worse than Soujuurou at his peak. She was kinda amazed at that.

Yato's eyes widened. "How did you come to that conclusion!?" That was a big leap! Surely there were tons of other sun goddesses out there!

Aoko decided that maybe she didn't like dumb guys that much. Tastes changed all the time, and hers were changing right now.

Alice interjectes. "Lord Shibata, we used pieces of Amaterasu's mirror to summon her. It is only natural to assume we are standing before Amaterasu." To think such a goddess would descend...

Yato hummed. "That makes sense!" His gaze shifted towards Aoko. "Still, you're really smart for realizing that! Like Sherlock Holmes!" Rin levels of intellect even... How amazing!

For a second Aoko thought about getting angry.

A switch was then flipped in her head however.

"Yep! I'm super smart!" She got closed and pat his head. "So make sure to pay attention to what I do, 'kay? In fact, call me Sensei from now on!" She had finally realized her mistake!

She had been approaching this by treating Yato as a teenager. She should have been treating him as a child however, one as young as Shiki when she met him. Actually, maybe she should treat Yato like he was even younger!

Young boys were sort of cute in her opinion.

Yato shook his head. "Nah, I'll pass." What's that supposed to mean!?

He went back to looking at the struggling goddess. "So this is Amaterasu huh? Why is she not doing anything?" Was she really purely a trickster type? That was kind of pathetic. At least Yato thought so.

Skadi smiled proudly. "These tendrils that are tying her are not just any tendril. They are the will of the dead dark god... to a certain point. Since she's naturally weak, she's hopeless right."

Yato wondered if this officially made Skadi the best women restrainer in the world. She could restrain normal girls like Hakuno, Servants like Saber, and now even a goddess! It was certainly impressive.

She continued. "Though I rather doubt she's Amaterasu." She glared at the downed goddess. "Isn't that so, scum?" The fox simply continued to struggle against her bindings, even if she knew it was futile.

Immediately she gained everyone's attention. "So Aoko was wrong?" She's not actually super smart!?

Alice grinned. "She's typically wrong."

Skadi shrugged. "I will not completely discard the idea this scum is Amaterasu, but... Amaterasu should have nine tails. This woman does not." Yato thought nine tails sounded very fluffy.

She raised her feet. "Most likely she is simply a part of that woman." And then stepped on the sun goddesses head. With just enough strength to hurt, but not to wound. "That said, such a being would not be a true goddess."

"Unless she got sponsorship from Amaterasu herself... Well, how she ascended doesn't matter. Let's kill her." Fast!

Yato tilted his head. "Um... I don't know. Let me think..." He was deciding on something very important right now!

Skadi raised an eyebrow. "What is there to think about? Let us put an end to this assassin." She hummed. "A new authority awaits, cutiepie." The tied up goddess immediately scowled at the nickname.

Yato raised a hand. "Nah." He had come towards a decision!

Skadi pouted. "Let me guess, my beautiful snow wind of love, you want to fight her at her full power?" The snow theme returned!? And the tied up goddess' scowl became even fiercer...

Yato waved her off. "Not really." Since Skadi had basically confirmed this goddess was weak, he lost interest.

"Eh, then what is it?"

Yato puts his hands on his pants. "I'm gonna make her a concubine! She's already naked anyways." His Campione instinct had been spreaking at him to break her from the moment he found she was a woman.

Skadi immediately pouted. "Hah, I can't say anything to that..." If her husband wanted to add another whore to his harem, then that was that.

The tied up goddess' eyes widened, as she sent a look of disbelief at her fellow goddess.

Aoko sighed. "I really don't wanna watch this." Though she didn't feel bad enough for the goddess to stop it either.

Alice nodded. "M-me neither..." Just thinking about it was making her heart hurt. She had to accept however, for this was the price she must pay for loving such a man.

This was strange however. This goddess never showed any power related to time. Though Alice supposed those days were forever lost... only she would remember them.

Yato smiled. "Welp, goddess sex time! Let's start with anal!" Since her tail was so close to that area, it would probably be an experience both interesting, and weird.

The goddess screamed against her bindings, and then...!

"Oh, I guess we should talk before that, right?" He hadn't exchanged one word with his troublesome wannabe assassin. "Can you free her mouth, Skadi? Just her mouth." The rest was kinda hot!

The goddess snapped her fingers. "Sure." And then went back to looking away as she tapped her feat. It was clear she was not happy with this situation.

Basically killing a goddess for her husband was supposed to reward her! Not lead to her husband obtaining yet another worthless hole...! Well, normally she would be happy with the company of another goddess, but this one was clearly lacking.

As for the tied up goddess... "What the hell is wrong with you, you pervert!?" Beautiful first words. She was technically a newborn! "Who the hell goes straight to rape!? Are you an orc perchance!?"

Yato pointed at himself. "Nope, I'm a Campione. Also, it's not rape when you do it with a concubine. Since they're a concubine, they can't say no."

The fox woman smiled, clearly mockingly. "Ah, that makes totes sense!" She nodded. "If you're a moron! Now get me outta here, because my days as a concubine are not about to start again!" Oh? That was interesting.

"I'm a wife! A cute and loyal wife! And speaking of cute and loyal, what's with that traitorous goddess and nicknames!? Who gave her permission to have a loving relationship!?" The fox was actually a bit jealous.

She glared at Skadi. "And what's with you, huh cuck!? Are you really gonna look away while your lover goes to town on another woman!? Aren't you gonna say something about it!?" And then... she spit on her.

It had enough force to reach Skadi.

The world became just a little colder.

Skadi glared back at her. "Shut up. I don't care if my husband pleases himself with some worthless whore like you. However, since you dared to touch me, I'll say something..."

"I'll find this husband of yours. Turn him into a woman. And then make... orcs to have fun with him... with her. That is the price you pay for your insolence." Yato was just glad she managed to more or less control her temper.

The fox women flinched. "I really am surrounded by Netorare villains!" She sent a pleading look to the Witch and to the True Magician. "Hey you two, don't just stand there and do nothing! Help me!"

Naturally her pleas went ignored.

Yato sat besides her. "So, what's your name?" He needes to at least know that before fucking her.

Netorare huh...? He wasn't really into that, but it wasn't his fault she attacked first! He hoped this husband guy would be able to find another wife. Hopefully a smarter one.

She looked away. "My lips are sealed. Hum."

Yato laughed a little. "They will be sealed with my penis soon enough if you don't answer what I asked." This was fun. He missed being super rude towards women before sexually abusing them.

"Tamamo-No-Mae! I'm Tamamo-No-Mae!" That incited a gasp from everyone.

Except from Yato. He didn't really know who that was. "I see! That's a pretty long name, so I'm just gonna call you Tammy!" It wasn't a bad name though. Yato found it to be very graceful.

The fox gasped. "Don't give me pet names! That's one of my weak points!" And apparently announcing her weak points was another. How convenient.

Yato pat her head. "That's such a cute weak point! You're so cute!" He chose to ignore the fact that Skadi was clenching her fists on the background.

Tammy glares at him. "And don't call me cute either! That's a privilege that does not belong to you! It belongs to my spouse!" Silly fox, didn't she know how Netorare worked? Soon enough she would hate her husband...

"Who is your husband anyways?" Should he be worried about him...? It was probably another god after all.

Tears appeared on the corner of her eyes. "It's not a husband! A-and you know very well who she is, since you have been trying to take her from me!" Yuri!? He was about to Netorare yuri!?

Hot. "Oh, cool. So, what's her name?"


Hakuno Kishinami stared at a tied up Tamamo-No-Mae. She too was tied up, of course.

She pouted. "Haven't seen you in a while, weirdo." Yato had basically stopped visiting her after that... incident. It was a damn sham- nope. She was not going there.

Yato waved at her. "My bad, I was sick." He motioned to the goddess. "Anyways, do ya know this woman?" This was a test. One to see if Tamamo-No-Mae was being honest or not.

Tammy screamed, resolve in her eyes. "Of course she knows me!" Their love was strong! Super strong! The strongest in the whole universe!

Stronger than the love between a Campione and his dumb ice goddess! That was for sure!

But she had other things to do right now. Like reassuring her beloved for example. "And don't worry my master, your Tamamo will get you out of here soo-."

"Yato, I have never met this woman in my entire life." Hakuno interrupted the goddess with an awkward smile. She didn't need even more weirdos in her life

Foam came out from Tamamo-No-Mae's mouth, and she promptly passed out.

Yato nodded. "Gotcha. Can you believe she lied about being your wife?"

"Really? What a messed up weirdo." She was Yato's concubine, not somebody's lov-.

She didn't have a lover!


AN: Mikon! Or something.


Infinite Daze

Is it really NTR if you take both?


Different timelines, Different waifus

Yuval Roth

It's double NTR, but two negatives make positive, so it is relationship therapy instead.