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An endless cacophony of madness.

Hunt. Kill. Hunt. Kill. Hunt. Kill. Hunt. Kill. Hunt. Kill. Hunt. Kill. Hunt. Kill. Hunt. Kill.

It's an endless cycle constantly repeating on my head, my own voice echoes on my mind with those words no matter what I do. It never shuts up, it never becomes louder, it is just a constant order.

I'm hunting a woman down, a high schooler. She always passes through an alleyway to go back home... I know this because he knows this, and he knows that because he is her friend. So I'll just stay in this dark alleyway and wait for my meal.

Normally waiting this long would be impossible for me, but my mind can focus right now. In fact my mind only seems to focus when I decide to kill a human. Maybe I am a born killer...?

No, saying I can focus is far too much. I can't really focus at all. Drool is escaping my mouth as I wait for my meal, my surroundings are becoming blurry... But I have to wait, even in this state I understand that killing in the open is bad.

Besides, soon enough all of this pain is over. Once I make him pay I'll surrender this body to that voice without anymore of a fight, then I can rest. Before that however, killing his friend should serve as a nice first meal.

A bird lands on my shoulder. I almost kill it by instinct, but I hold myself back.

Killing a human has meaning, but killing a bird does not. It might even bring me bad luck, and right now I need all the luck I can get. That said, what a foolish animal, landing on my shoulder like that...

It begins to chirp, I pay no attention to it. I just have to wait for my meal, all my mind is on that. I can't wait to have a taste of blood, I can't wait to have a taste of blood from someone he carries about.

"Kill the spider, and save the world. You have one year." Was the bird ever chirping in the first place?

Blinding light, the snake is stabbed by the spear, punishment of God, from God, sinless existence, rebirth. My mind goes blank, my body convulses, I fall to the ground as foam leaves my mouth.


"Weird..." Clarity. My mind feels clear and silent, as if I was a new born.

I open my eyes, and stare at the night sky. "I wonder... where am I?" I should analyze my surroundings right? To be honest I don't really know what a person is supposed to do when they're lost.

Well, first I should confirm whether I'm a person or not. Okay, here we go, my name is ■■■■■ ■■■■■, I'm ■■ years old, I live in ■■■■■, in the country of ■■■■■. Naturally I am a person, right?

Maybe I was close to the mark when I compared myself to a newborn.

Slowly I get up, and look around. "Is this... an alleyway?" Maybe I'm not a newborn at all. I mean, I can recognize what an alleyway is, I can recognize what the night sky is, and I can even talk...

I slowly get up, now that I have seen my surroundings, I might as well smell them too. And what I smell is... awful. Not the alleyway however, me. I smell awful, like someone who hasn't bathed in days.

And much like someone who has bathed in days, I don't feel too bothered by it. It is as if my body had gotten used to be being filthy, so... I guess in the end it doesn't matter. At least I can confirm I'm a person who doesn't mind being dirty.

Still, I wish I could look at myself, that way I could find out just a bit more about [■■■■■]. Sadly I don't have a mirror, so I can't really look at my face and figure out those important details.

What I can tell is that I'm wearing a very dirty kimono and not much else, that I look like I haven't eaten in days, that I look like I haven't seen the sun in days... Right now I look like a vengeful ghost. Also, my hair is getting in front of my eyes, that's annoying.

I have black hair.

Why am I suddenly crying? Is [■■■■■] the type of person who just starts crying out of nowhere? I don't know how to feel about being a crybaby, if I'm being honest...

Ignoring all that however, I should focus on the most important thing here. I am holding onto a spear, a spear so beautiful that it illuminates the darkness with its existence alone, even though it's not shining or anything.

How did I not notice this until now? Well, probably because it just feels so comfortable in my hands. It basically feels weightless, like another limb. It's not like anyone would get surprised over having two arms, right?

So let's recapture the things I know about [■■■■■]. He is smelly and doesn't care about it, he looks sick, he has black hair, and he owns this amazing spear, he might also be a crybaby. Those aren't really enough leads to figure out who I am... Which means I should leave this place and find out more.

I start walking to leave the alleyway. Each step hurts and drains my stamina... I don't just look dead, I'm close to actually being dead.

And then someone enters the alleyway too, a girl, a high schooler. "W-what the hell!?" Her reaction upon seeing me is about what you would expect. Well, that's actually not the case, since she doesn't immediately run away.

While one of my hands holds the spear, I use the other one to wave at her. "Hello. Do you know who I am?" I should probably go around asking this of everyone in the street. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.

She picks something out of her school bag and throws at my feet. "Here's my wallet, just please don't hurt me!" And now she's covering her face too. Seriously, if she's scared shouldn't she just run away?

I kneel down and pick up the wallet. "Why did you throw this at me? Does it relate to who I am?" Maybe I should check her documents or something? Wouldn't that be invading her privacy though?

Silence. She doesn't answer and I have nothing more to say, nonetheless I patiently await for her to clarify things. Maybe [■■■■■] was a polite person? That would certainly be nice.

And then slowly she lowers her arms. "Um... I threw that at you because you were trying to rob me?" She looks at my spear and gulps. "With that giant weapon and all...?" Oh. A misunderstanding huh...

But I didn't even threaten her. "Sorry that you misunderstood me." I get up and throw her wallet back at her, she clumsily tries to pick it up, but it falls to the ground. "I just wanted to know if you know who I am." If she doesn't I guess I'll just leave.

She shakes her head as he body trembles. "No... No, I don't know you... Am I supposed to?" I sure was hoping you did.

But I suppose things won't be so easy. "I don't know. To be honest I don't know much right now..." Though I have pieced one thing. This girl is clearly Asian, and we are speaking Japanese... So I'm probably on Japan.

She takes a step towards the alleyway. "Um... do you need to go to the hospital?" Even I can tell she's being naive by approaching me. Or perhaps she's not naive, simply caring. That's not a bad trait to have.

I cover my face. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea... Please take me to a hospital, Miss." There is a high chance of them helping me figure out who [■■■■■] is. And after that I can start my real job.

There is only one thing I didn't forget about myself after all.

She slowly nods. "Okay... My name is Satsuki Yumizuka, by the way... What's yours?" Oh, so we have reached the stage where we introduce ourselves already? Perhaps I'm handsome or charismatic then...

I would like that. "Have you not connected the dots? I do not know my own name, Miss Yumizuka." I guess I should come up with a placeholder. I don't want to disrespect [■■■■■] though.

She looks away. "Right... erm... Can you drop the spear before we go...?" Oh. In the end I was the one who didn't connect the dots. She was probably scared due to my weapon, and was trying to introduce herself to create a bond between us.

I appreciate that, but... "Sorry, I really can't drop the spear, it would be dangerous to just leave it here. That said, I can't make it disappear for a while." I dismiss the weapon, it goes back to my soul.

Her eyes widen. "W-what did you just do?" Ah, right. Having spears suddenly disappear is not something common, I think... But things like that can definitely happen, I'm sure of it.

I shrug. "I put the spear back inside of my soul. It's a pretty convenient method to carry it, and conceal it, wouldn't you agree?" I don't know how I can do that though, I just can. Again, it is a metaphorical limb of mine...

Her jaw hits the floor. "And now you have gone from crackhead overdosing on something, to magic warrior..." I have gone from what to what...? "I-I mean... erm... why do you have that spear in the first place!?" She's now blushing as she takes another step forward.

And then her blush gets fiercer. "Oh right, you don't know anything, right...?" Just as she was about to be right, she is wrong.

"I do know, I can't forget the reason. I was granted the spear to save the world from a spider. I have one year to do so." Yes, that is the only piece of information which I have retained. Probably because it's really important.

She gasps. "Oh." Indeed. "Hey mop head, maybe taking you to a hospital wouldn't be a good idea..." And then she covers her mouth. "Sorry for calling you a mop head, it's just that you don't have a name and-!"

I touch my hair. "I... I shall follow you for now, be it the hospital or not." Even though I don't really get why she discarded the hospital. It sounded like a good idea. "However, am I really a mop head...?" There's no way, right?

She looks away. "Yeah... You are." It's over...


"Okay, here you go." She hands me a pile of clothes. "Um... you know how to take a bath, right? I don't know if I can help you with that..." And now she's blushing. She does that a lot, I suppose it's shyness.

I nod. "I know how to do basic things. It seems my amnesia only applies to personal details about my life." That is to say, this could be much worse. "That said, are you sure this is okay, Miss Yumizuka?" I have decided I like this person.

I once wondered if she was naive or kind. I have decided that she is both. She took me to her own house, and is now letting me take a bath to clean myself from this putrid smell. There's no way someone who is just kind, or just naive would be okay with this.

She nods back. "Yeah, dad won't even notice that those clothes are missing... hopefully. They are pretty old." Nonetheless, I feel bad for imposing.

So I bow. "I see, thank you very much for the help Miss Yumizuka." I will pay her back by saving the world. "As soon as I clean myself, I shall leave. I promise you that your life will last for longer than a year." I want to protect this world. And her.

Well, I haven't seen much of it. My first impression however, seems like something worth protecting, so I hope that becomes a trend. And with those thoughts, I can feel the spear vibrating in agreement, almost as if it had its own will.

Her eyes widen. "You're leaving that soon?"

I tilt my head. "Yes...? I do not wish to alarm your parents." I doubt they would be okay with having a ghost near their daughter. Or worse, an adult male. "So I will leave as soon as I finish this bath." Which will probably take sometime, I am really dirty.

She shakes her hands. "No, no, no! You can't just leave!" Why not though...? "Just... look, I'll hide you from my parents okay? I'll start locking my room, and you can stay there!" That doesn't sound nice...

"And if they want to enter, I can just hide you in the closet for a while, so you can totally stay!" Why is she so insistent on this...?

I won't look a gift horse on the mouth. "Understood. Still, feel free to kick me out at anytime you desire." I won't say not to having a place where I can stay and rest. This might have ended up being more convenient than a hospital.

I continue. "Where are your parents anyways?" I haven't seen them, which is good and all for me, but also very worrying. Specially since I imagine her parents must be as kind, and as naive as she is.

She flinches. "They're busy with work, don't worry about." I raise an eyebrow, wondering what's up with her reaction. "Don't worry, it's not a thing that happens all the time."

I nod. "Very well, I shall not worry." Why does she suddenly seem disappointed? "I take it back, I'm very worried. Tell me what's wrong." Woman truly are mysterious, they say something, but mean something else...

And then she starts pushing me. "J-just go take a bath already, mop head." I take it back, she's not kind or naive or both. She's a cruel and ruthless woman. I don't think I like cruel and ruthless people.

Still, as I step in the bathroom, and she leaves, I can't help, but finally stare at the first mirror I have seen. I can now see my reflection. "I... really am a mop head..." I have very ugly looking black head.

My face is actually pretty handsome though. Or at least I think it is. And I have... I have pretty blue eyes. The type of eyes which you could find in any human, normal eyes. Yes, I have normal eyes and normal ugly black hair.

Why am I crying again?

Ugh, it's about time I admit it, I'm a crybaby who cries for no reason.


"Thank you for this. Your kindness makes humanity worth protecting, Miss Yumizuka." She offered me a home, a bath, clothes, food, and now she's even cutting my hair at my request.

She chuckles. "That's good to hear... Though now I won't get to call you mop head anymore." That's exactly why I asked for this. I would not be able to keep living otherwise...

She continues. "You know, your hair is surprisingly easy to work with. I'm not really experienced with stuff like this... and I thought your hair would be a mess, but this isn't too bad." Really? I'm just as surprised as her.

"I'm glad you aren't having troubles. And... I have no idea why my hair is easy to work with, maybe I just naturally have good genes." It was so dirty before my bath... if she tried cutting it before she definitely wouldn't succeed.

She hums. "Yeah, sometimes there are just lucky people like you wandering around... Hey, do you have any plans for tomorrow? I can follow you after school is over..." She wants to follow me?

I have nothing against that, I suppose. "I shall look for clues about my identity... somehow. I don't really have any leads to be honest. However, you are free to follow me." There shouldn't be any danger.

She smiles. "Awesome, I'll definitely be joining you! This sounds so exciting...!" It does? "C-can you wait until I come back from school though...? I-I don't want you getting lost." I don't want to get lost either...

But from what I've gathered it takes quite a long time for her to go from school to her home. Waiting for her would just waste my precious time. I need to get this over with so I can focus on saving the world after all.

I sigh. "That sounds troublesome... instead I'll follow you to school, and then come back. That way I can go to your school when you are about to leave it." That way we can start the search right away, and I can learn a little bit about this city's layout.

She looks away. "Well, having a guy follow me to school might be a bit troublesome... but as long as you don't go all the way it should be fine." Oh? I guess people would find it strange, since I'm not even a student.

I still haven't figured out my age either. I think with my appearance I'm older than Yumizuka, but I don't know by how much. Maybe I'm on my late teens or my early twenties? I'm definitely not a old man at least.

She suddenly grins. "Okay then, I'm finished!" It seems I no longer am a mop head. "Give me a sec, I'll be right back." And like that she suddenly sprints out of the room.

I just can't understand this girl at all. Is she shy or outgoing? Naive or kind? Either way, there is no denying she is helpful at least. Speaking of her being helpful however, what should I do tomorrow as I wait for her to be released?

I guess I could train, I need to find out more about that spear and all. Yeah, that doesn't sound bad, training during daylight is a bit of a pain though, so I'll try to be careful.

As soon as I decide on my course of action, she comes back with a pocket mirror. "Here! I though you should take a look at yourself! Please don't get mad if I messed up..." She hands me the mirror, suddenly getting nervous.

I raise up to my face and see... "I don't look like a ghost anymore." One would not be able to recognize the person from the alleyway anymore. "Thanks, Miss Yumizuka." This time I manage to hold back my tears. Good, I'm improving.

She giggles. "You thank people a lot, that's a nice trait." Yeah, [■■■■■] was definitely a polite person. "And... you're actually pretty naturally handsome, so this wasn't hard to pull off." So I was right.

I take another look at myself. "Good to know." It's better to be pretty than ugly.

Yumizuka is suddenly stuttering. "H-hey, since you're not mop head anymore... can I like... call you something else?" I raise an eyebrow. "I mean, I need to call you something right, even if you don't remember your name." That's...

"Fine, feel free to give a momentary name. Just be aware I will probably discard it eventually." I didn't want to disrespect [■■■■■], but I don't want to disrespect her either. What a conundrum.

A blush appears on her face. "T-then how about..." It seems like she's building up courage for something. "How about Shiki!? That sounds good right!?" It's a fine name, as good as anything else.

But... "No, sorry, but I really don't like it." But for some reason I naturally reject it.

"O-oh... Got it, I'll try to come up with something else..." I will accept anything else, anything that isn't that name.

And I have no idea why.


AN: Hah!? What's this!? A very weird omake, that's what. To be honest, I just suddenly felt like writing it, so I did. Get mad at Sacchin, not me.


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