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"Are you sure this is necessary, Ddraig...?" I end up questioning the dragon in my arm yet again. To be honest I have done this multiple times at this point, but it's only natural.

I mean, there's no way any normal person would be okay with this...! So obviously I'm both nervous and afraid! It may not be as bad as a blowjob, but having Rin and Sakura suck on my fingers is still embarrassing...

The dragon is sobbing. "Yeah, it's necessary partner... Unless you want to suddenly look like a very, very ugly hybrid." That wouldn't be too bad to be honest, at least my wouldn't get scarred from it.

Leaving this embarrassing thing aside though... "Um... Ddraig, why are you... getting emotional?" I didn't even mention the legendary Boob Dragon, so I don't get it. Maybe this is giving him a PTSD attack?

His sobbing gets worse. "Don't worry partner, these are not tears of sadness!" That's good? "I'm just so proud of you, that I couldn't help, but burst into tears." I really have nothing to say to that.

"I mean... You are feared world wide, even just now I had to fight Ibuki-Doji away from your head because she wanted to drink with you until you dropped dead!" That's scary, please don't deliver information like that out of nowhere.

"And now you went and became a Knight of the Round Table... The days of my partner being known as the Boob Dragon are over. There is no way I wouldn't cry." I actually respect Issei though.

I end up stuttering. "I-I see. Well, I'll try to keep up with this good reputation." Though to be honest this reputation dying out would probably be way better. I really don't want scary people invading my head.

I'm just lucky none of them have come to see me in person yet.

Still, I think I made Ddraig happy. "Please do so... Anyways, if you are okay with it, I'll show up and announce when all the dragon energy has been removed from your body." I nod and the Boosted Gear goes back to resting in my soul.

And now I just have to wait for Sakura and Rin go get ready and enter the room... My heart seriously can't take this. In the end there's nothing I can do about it, so I might as well enj- endure it.

Should a Knight of the Round Table really accept this though!? When I eventually meet my fellow knights they will definitely shame me about this incident! Please forgive your kouhai!

Eventually the door to the room opens... Rin and Sakura walk-in as Ddraig recommended, they are only wearing a towel. Upon seeing such a sight, I naturally die and go to hell. Or at least that's what it feels like.

I wave at them. "Y-yo..." I don't want to make this awkward, but I also don't know if this can ever be not awkward in the first place. A situation like this is just doomed for failure.

That said, I know there is a certain little gremlin who can turn a catastrophe into the apocalypse. If I feel that damn wheel spinning I will be kicking its ass, I don't know how, I don't even think it's possible, but I will do it.

Rin's face is completely red, as one would expect in this situation. "D-Daichi... don't even speak with me. Don't speak with me until this is over, and try to not speak with me after this is over either." That's understandable.

Sakura pouts. "Don't... don't... Look, Daichi is just as embarrassed as us, so there's no reason to get mad!" Ah, her boobs bounced just now. I'm not a boob guy, but I do still like them ya know?

Rin clicks her tongue. "I'm not mad at him!" I am! "I'm just...!" She sighs. "Let's just get this over it, give me your fingers Daichi." She gets closer to me and then... gets on her knees. I must not get a boner...

I slowly nod. "Right..." And then I extend my hand. "Ddraig said that he would announce when it was done by the way." Hopefully that also means he will show up talk if we messed it up somewhere.

She nods back. "That's good, I don't want to humiliate myself any more than necessary." I would like to say that isn't humiliating, but we both know that would be a horrible lie. Sorry big sis!

She takes my hand... and starts sucking on one of my fingers. Immediate I flinch... something strange is washing over my body, which is probably a good sign. This weird, perverted ritual is indeed real.

Sakura clasps her hands together, much like Rin, she is blushing. "So, should I just do the other hand...?" She's also sweaty too, even though she just took a bath. That sickness is getting worse...

Should I let a sick girl suck me off? I mean, suck on my fingers? Eh, it probably doesn't matter. "S-sure... ah... do whatever is easier for you." A strange groan just eacaped my mouth... This ritual is weird!

Sakura gets on her knees too... Isn't this sight too erotic? Isn't asking me to hold a boner far too damn cruel? Oh right, holding back a boner should be easy, since they're familiar and all. Thanks for reminding me, brain.

Thankfully neither she, nor Rin make any weird comment about my moan. Sakura simply picks up my other hand, and starts to work.

That said, she does things... differently than Rin. While my oldest sibling is just carelessly going on with her duty, Sakura is taking her time... And if that wasn't bad enough, the weird sensation of this ritual is hitting me even harder now.

This is the worst. "A-ah... Sorry everyone..." At least this sight is a little less sexy than I expected. I mean, it's not like I have two dicks, so watching them attack two hands is not-. What am I even thinking!?

Rin stops, taking her mouth out of my hand and leaving saliva behind. "Stop talking damn it! And stop making those... weird noises." Ugh... In the end I got called out. At least Sakura is still ignoring them.

I look away. "My bad, I can't help it... It feels strangely good." And now Sakura has increased her speed. She's probably really embarrassed and wants to finish this quickly. I understand that feeling.

Rin grits her teeth. "Didn't I tell you to stop talking!? And why do we have to do this at the same time anyways!?" Why are you asking questions right after telling me to shut up!? What am I supposed to do!?

Besides welcome death, of course. "Ddraig said it would speed up... ah... the process." It makes sense. Two people sucking will obviously be better than one.

Rin's lips tremble. "Whatever...!" And then she goes back to... erm... sucking me. That amazing feeling returns, and I can't help, but think that at least my last two months will be blessed.

But I have to control myself, so I close my eyes and try to hold back my voice. Still, I can feel my legendary sword twitching... if it raises up it will be the end of my life. Not because Rin and Sakura will kill me, but because I will kill myself.

The Dharma Wheel spins.

I immediately open my eyes... But I didn't get a boner, in fact I feel like my boner was stopped just now. Could it be that I misjudged my pal? That maybe Telos Karma is a misguided hero...?

Well, what I think doesn't matter. In the end I'm force to endure minutes of this, with Telos Karma saving me everytime I'm about to fall, until... "It's done, partner." A green circle appears on my hand, as Ddraig free's me from my suffering.

I didn't even know talking through my hand like that was possible. "About damn time..." I'll have to kowtow towards Telos Karma a million times. He saved my ass so many times that it's not even funny.

Sakura releases my finger. "Um... did it feel bad Daichi...? If so, I'm sorry... I wanted you to feel good..." She's panting, she's sweaty, she's... Well, if she wasn't my sister I would have to take responsibility and marry her.

Well, actually I would be asking to put my finger between her tits. "N-no, it didn't feel bad or anything Sakura... It's just weird, right?" And by finger I mean my dick. Wait a second there champ!

She smiles, melting my heart. "That's good then... Whenever you feel bad, call me, okay?" Funnily enough I still don't know how many times I'll need to this per month. I guess we will just need to figure it out.

I also wonder if the Sephiroth Graal could fix my condition. It is obviously my second choice to fix my lifespan, due to the whole insanity thing... But maybe that could be a nice extra.

Rin glares at Sakura. "What are you even saying...? People will get the idea." Nobody here will get the wrong idea! I mean, we are all siblings after all.

Man, I haven't jerked off in a while, I really need to find the time to do that.

And you know what? The only reason I found this event as erotic as I did, was due to not jerking off in a long time. I was just reacting like any teenager would really, there was nothing strange about it.

Rin sighs. "Well, at least this is finally over... I'll go get dressed for our... investigation, Daichi." Right, tonight I will be pairing up with Rin.

We don't plan on doing anything crazy like hunting down Gilgamesh or the Shadow. The only thing we are going to do is pay Kirei a little visit and ask him if he has any connection with Lancer. To be honest, I'm not looking forward to talking with him...

The reason why only the two of us, and Archer are going, is simply convenience. Sakura is weak, so we don't want to force her by fielding Rider. Saber meanwhile can't enter spirit form, which means crossing the now broking Fuyuki Bridge would be difficult.

She can definitely do it of course, and according to her she can even walk on water. The problem is just that she has a chance of being spotted, so it's better to not risk it. Besides, presumably Caster will show up if we encounter danger.

Rin begins getting up as I nod. And then I suddenly remember that the demon of Babylon disguises himself with the coat of the righteous.

The Dharma Wheel spins.

Rin slips up and falls towards my direction, and I realize his aim. If I had gotten a boner Rin would have probably got really mad and left... That is to say, he wasn't helping me, he was waiting for the perfect opportunity to destroy me.

I try my best to stop her fall, and she does the same of course, and we...!

Actually succeed. Rin doesn't kiss me by accident, I don't grope her, nor does she fall face first on my crotch. The power of the human will and of sibling bonds have defeated this cruel and unjust demon.

The only thing that ended up happening is that our faces are really, really close... Why does this feel even more embarrassing than the whole finger situation!?

Rin jumps backwards. "S-sorry!" Really, I should be the one apologizing, considering it was Telos Karma's fault. But to be honest I'm way too afraid to tell her the truth. Sorry!

I wave her off. "I-it's fine..."

And then Sakura, who was glaring at Rin until now, focuses her gaze on me. "I-I can accidentally fall on top of you too!" Then it wouldn't be an accident, would it!?


"Well, we are finally here." Though the Church is just a white spot on my vision. I had to fly pretty high so nobody would spot me after all. The city really is filled with the military...

Rin doesn't respond, and so I end up blushing. "A-are you still mad about that...?" The fact that I just bridal carried her across the skies probably doesn't help my case, sorry for embarrassing you big sis.

She pouts. "No, I'm not, it's just that..." She shakes her head. "Let's just go down, okay? I want to get this done with already." Me too, like most people who have met the man, I do not like Kirei Kotomine.

I slowly fly down, hoping that there is nobody here to spot me. This place is kind of in the middle of nowhere, so there shouldn't be, but you never know... This also mean that we will have some time until people arrive if a fight breaks out.

Once I land in front of the gate, Archer materializes to my side. "The coast is clear..." That's good to know. "Your fight didn't really reach this area, so I guess people don't care about it." Right, most people are wandering around the broken bridge.

I gently drop Rin. "Let's hope we don't attract any attention with a fight then..." I really don't need to continue my Kamen Rider Legend. I already peaked after becoming a Knight of the Round Table after all.

Even if pretty much nobody knows that.

Rin grins. "Well, it's not like the fake priest can do much to us. Even if a fight broke out, Archer would finish him off in seconds." That's true, and if he was indeed Lancer's Master... that wouldn't really matter anymore.

She turns to her Servant. "Anyways, wait for the adults here like a good boy, Archer. If you spot trouble make sure to warn me through our link." And then she begins walking forward, like an idiot.

I grab her by the shoulder. "Wait a second there! Archer is going inside with us!" What was even the point of bringing him here, if he's just gonna stay outside!? We might as well have come alone in that case!

And then Rin reminds me why I managed to steal her stuff. "Entering the church with a Servant is against the rules, Kotomine is the administrator after all." She still cares about those!?

While I'm shocked into silence, Archer simply walks forward and ignores her. "Don't pay attention to Rin, the things that make her a perfect magus can also make her an awful one. I suppose that's the price to pay for following a guide." A guide...?

Rin grits her teeth. "Whatever. Still, this is not meant to be a place for battle, masters are supposed to take refuge here, so at least dismiss your wings, Daichi." Geez... maybe she secretly likes Kotomine or something?

I shrug. "I'm not even a Master in the first place, so no." To be honest I want to summon all my Longinus before entering here. Or alternatively I want to enter guns blazing with a Balance Breaker.

We make our way to inside the church, upon entering I finally see Kirei Kotomine, a man who I haven't seen in years. "Hello Rin. Ignoring my calls is quite rude..." And then he gazes at me. "Daichi Ryouta." I'm trembling.

I don't know why. It's not fear, it's not hatred, it's not any of those, and I never felt like this towards him before, but nonetheless my whole body is trembling. So I can't even speak...

Rin crosses her arms. "I haven't taken those calls because I haven't been staying at my house... How bad is the situation? Is the Association razing Fuyuki to the ground?" Please don't tell me that is the case.

Kotomine ignores her, looking at Archer instead. "Bringing a Servant here is against the rules you know...?" And then he gazes at me. "And your father would disapprove of hanging around this fine young man." It still hasn't stopped.

My body still hasn't stopped shaking. I still can't talk. Seriously, what is this...!?

Archer snorts. "Don't talk about rules, Master of Lancer." He doesn't hold back on the accusations. Good, that's why we are here for after all. "Or do you deny that, priest?"

Kotomine chuckles. "Well, I'm certainly not a Master of anything anymore. I must ask you Rin, did you put Lancer down? Is that how you find out?" He isn't even going to deny it!? And Lancer never told him about our alliance huh...

Rin's eye twitches. "So you admit it, fake priest?" She is definitely feeling betrayed. From what I understand Kirei is her legal guardian... It makes sense, he was father's apprentice after all.

He nods. "I do. Not that it matters anymore, after all... I have lost that dog. Kill me is you wish, that is the only thing you can accomplish here." Welp, at least we confirmed Lancer's Master.

Gilgamesh must have used his special ability to collect information to find this out. I bet he had a good laugh over knowing that the administrator of the Holy Grail War was a cheating bastard.

Archer tenses. "Well, killing you doesn't sound like a bad idea at all... And it's not like hiding the war is needed anymore. We might as well remove the snake's head, even if it has lost its venom, don't you agree, Rin?" Kirei simply smiles in response.

After sometime in silence, Rin sighs. "No... We are letting this useless priest live." She then glares at Kotomine. "At least we will if you tell us what's happening on the Clock Tower and the Church!" Yeah, at least we can obtain that piece of information.

He rolls his eyes. "You would know if you had answered my multiple calls. However, it is about what you would expect..." He won't elaborate. "Well, I don't mind confirming your suspicions, but for now... Daichi Ryouta, why are you here?"

The trembling stops, just enough so I can talk. "Following Rin, I guess." To be honest I don't really want to give him details about our alliance. And besides... I doubt I'm trembling for no reason.

He raises an eyebrow. "Is that so...?" He snorts. "I always thought you would follow your father's commands until the day you died, so this is a surprise. Though you haven't hesitated to shame him recently anyways, I suppose."

What he is talking about is obvious. The fact that I broke the greatest law among mages certainly means that my father is rolling on his grave. I have changed from a disappointment into an enemy.

Before I can answer anything back, Archer interjects. "Shut it, priest. Remember that your life is on the line, and obey my Master's commands." I end up breathing a sigh of relief with his interruption. I already have Canis Lykaon to annoy me with personal questions, thank you very much.

Rin nods. "Yeah. I want to know what's going on with the Clock Tower and the Church, and you better answer that now. No more squirting around the topic to be annoying." Since he seems similar to Lycaon, not being annoying might be impossible.

"I believe I can answer that for you!" And out of nowhere the doors to the church are opened. A young boy enters, immediately getting our attention. "At least when it comes to the Holy Church... I might even know more than Kotomine!" He has a charming smile on...

A different sort of feeling fills my heart. "Albion... what is this...?" It's something I have felt before, it's definitely something I have felt before! And even so, my body won't stop trembling...!

"Isn't it obvious partner? This is the same feeling you have experienced countless times before, the feeling of an imminent battle." That is to say, this boy isn't normal. He's some sort of monster.

Archer slowly walks in front of Rin. A pair of swords appears on his hand. "Talk about rotten luck... Yeah, a battle is definitely imminent alright." He looks like he recognizes him. Archer is a legendary hero though, so that definitely isn't possible...

The child raises his hands and laughs. "I really don't want to fight though! Like I said, I'm even willing to give some top tier information!" He scratches his cheek. "I don't have anything against Rin Tohsaka or Daichi Ryouta."

Kotomine interjects. "I'm good at spotting liar, that is a blessing granted upon me. And I can tell you are lying, boy." Well, that isn't a good sign. "And who would you be anyways? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with you."

The boy looks away. "I wouldn't say I'm lying. It's just... complicated. That said, I'm not surprised you don't recognize me. Typically I have a familiar to do the talking, but I had to come in person for this." He lightly bows. "I'm Merem Solomon, a member of the Burial Agency." I don't know what that means.

But Rin and Kotomine certainly do, as they immediately flinch. And as if that wasn't enough, my older sister is now looking as pale as a ghost. So this guy really is trouble, just like Albion said.

And then Archer makes things clear to me. "Don't forget to mention that you're a Dead Apostle Ancestor as well, monster." Now that's something I recognize.

A Dead Apostle Ancestor is the highest class of vampire that there is, a walking calamity, a modern god. That is to say, it's something far beyond mine, or Archer's level of strength. We must avoid this fight at all costs.

Merem raises an eyebrow. "Have we met?" He then shakes his head. "Oh well, it doesn't matter. I have nothing to say to what is quite literally a ghost from the past." Now that I know that he is an Dead Apostle Ancestor, his smile is far more terrifying than before.

"So, about the Holy Church. Currently we aren't moving much... mostly because of infighting. For now we have more or less agreed to ignore Rin Tohsaka. Bigger fish to fry and all that..." That's... nice.

"As for Daichi Ryouta, four factions have formed around him. One just wants to ignore his existence, Dead Apostle have been getting quite arrogant after your rampage, so we don't have time to waste with you. This faction is the majority for now." Why do I have a feeling the other factions will be worse?

"The second faction is the one who wants to take your head... The so-called Dragon Slayer faction, who say the dragon signifies the devil. They are the smallest faction by far however, so don't worry too much. Like I said, we don't have enough personnel to fight you without suffering heavy casualties right now." This is bad.

The reason why they probably think that, is that they must not know the Juggernaut Drive is not something I can do whenever. If people find out I'm actually a weakling the Dragon Slayer Faction might grow in members.

Rin interjects. "Why even kill him in the first place? It's not like he's going to cause more trouble for everyone..." I certainly don't plan to, at least.

Merem shrugs. "Like I said, some of them see dragons as a symbol of the devil... and besides, some people simply wish to see a criminal punishes." That statement doesn't bode well for me, or for Rin.

He continues. "And then we have the third faction, the second biggest one... And one which has the support of most members of the Burial Agency. The faction which wishes to recruit you to the church." Eh?

He chuckles. "You gained tons of respect you know? Everyone could tell that Servant was the troublemaker... There is a problem with this faction though. It has tons of inside fighting."

"That's because the fourth faction was born from it... I don't know how to say this, but a few prophets started saying you are God himself. Pretty crazy right!?" Not just crazy, it's outright insane!

In fact it's so insane Kirei immediately starts laughing. "I knew about the others, but this is news to me! Daichi Ryouta... God... I have seen this boy cry and beg his parents for trading cards. He is no saint, much less God." I agree with that one.

Rin shudders. "What would that even make me in that case? Are we a weird pantheon now?" You could be a cute angel or something.

I chuckle. "Yeah, this God thing is pretty ridiculous." If I was him, I would certainly not be dying...

And then Albion interjects. "I can certainly see a case for calling my partner God." You can!? "But leaving that aside... what faction do you belong to, Merem Solomon?" I'm guessing the super neutral one?

Merem's smile dies. "I'm part of the Dragon Slayer faction." And immediately my smile dies out too. "But I'm certainly not your enemy, Daichi Ryouta. In fact I'm even willing to bring you to the crazy faction I talked about, they would definitely be willing to defend you."

I summon the Boosted Gear. "And why are you willing to help me if you're part of that faction?" I don't care if he's still trying to act friendly, I might as well start gathering power.

"Boost!" Ddraig's voice rings out. Since I didn't use this ability against Gilgamesh, it is certainly a nice hidden trump card to have. Though I doubt even Balance Breaker would be enough to defeat a Dead Apostle Ancestor...

He seems embarrassed, funnily enough. "Oh, sorry, I ended up spooking everyone here, didn't I?" He clears his throat. "To be honest, it would be more accurate to label me as a fifth faction."

"It's because I wasn't involved with any of them that I got here first after all... or that I got here at all. Oh, and evading the military was pretty easy." I figured, that blockade is pretty much only stopping normal people.

"And so I came to this church to look for clues about your whereabouts... and I guess I was really lucky! Anyways, I don't want to kill you. I want to kill Albion. Let me kill him and I'll go away." Huh?

"Boost!" Ddraig announces another one. I should try to drag this conversation out until I'm at maximum potential. Or hopefully I should avoid this battle at all... This would be a great moment to spin, Telos Karma.

I grit my teeth. "Sorry, but if Albion dies, I die." It should be the same as stealing. "And he's my friend too, so there's no way I'm letting you touch him." I won't abandon Albion to some child vampire.

Merem pouts. "Is that so...? Are you sure about that? I really do want to avoid fighting you. I happen to like humans, so I don't want to turn this whole city into a graveyard." Ah, another person is threatening my city...

"Boost!" Soon I'll reach my max potential. I just need three more Boosts, I just need thirty more seconds.

"Trust me, I don't want to fight you either... Still, if you're worrying about the city, then we could move to a wasteland. To be honest I really don't want to destroy anything here." I will pull a Dragon Ball if necessary.

He waves me off. "Sorry, but I won't able to hold off my anger long enough for that. Even now I want to tear you into pieces..." The ground starts to shake. What the hell did Albion do!?

I gulp. "You know, the Albion inside of me isn't even this world's Albion. Like for real..." The obvious answer to end this conflict has just come to mind. If he knows this is a different Albion he shouldn't care.

Merem's eyes widen. "Really!? Well, it doesn't matter though." Shit. "The planet confused him for Albion for a moment, and that's enough for you to become my enemy. Sorry, but it is, what it is." What did that stupid dead dragon do!?

"Boost!" Just two more, just two more...!

I sigh. "Even if you aren't willing to back down, are you sure you can't at least take my offer to go to a wasteland...?" Avoiding this fight is clearly impossible, but even so...!

He shakes his head. "Nope!" And then the Dharma Wheel spins. "Well, I'll try to contain my destruction as long as you don't run away..." Thanks, Telos Karma!

He snorts. "It's kinda funny though, seeing a dragon hiding behind a human child... This is certainly a different Albion, because the past one wasn't such a coward." He wounds Albion's pride...

So obviously the dragon retaliates. "Please, do not boast as if you weren't taking a entire city hostage out of fear, coward. Furthermore... if I wasn't stuck in these wings, you would be melting on the floor." An awkward silence settles in.

Only the sound of the church shaking is heard, until... "Boost!" And that announcement acts as a signal.

Rin shouts. "Archer!" And the Servant moves as fast as the wind, with his two swords he cleaves into three pieces. Cutting from the waist, and from the neck. In essence, it is a mortal wound.

The Dead Apostle Ancestor heals in a second. "You're jumping in too? Well, I'm not scared of a Servant." He whistles. "Doggy! C'mere!" And the shaking of the church evolves into a earthquake.

Archer dashes towards Rin in less than a second, grabbing her. "Daichi, fly!" And then he jumps out of the window. It's clear that the Dead Apostle Ancestor is about to do something scary, and the Servant wants nothing to do with it.

And neither do I, so I dash towards Kirei, grab him, and fly out of the window as well. Once I'm out I begin flying upwards, but...

But the sound of pure destruction gets my attention, for a second I look back down and see... a giant mouth trying to eat me. A monster, far bigger than anything possible leaping at me from the ground.

"Boost!" I immediately go back to running away, thankfully escaping that death sentence.

Once the monster lands, everyone on it's surroundings is destroyed... my mind breaks for a moment.

How many people died just now? Sure, this isn't a area populated by a lot of people, but there should still be some who live close to here, there are buildings after all. And that monster is...

I can't move, I can't think. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't...!

I have never even killed a person before, so how the hell can I accept that a massacre happened because of me right now? I can't. I just can't. There's no reality where my mind survives this and...!

Then the wheel spins again.

Not to give me a miracle, but to talk with me. To communicate with me. It's previous spin was for the people around the area to survive this juggernaut leaving the ground. Telos Karma is a pacifist, so once he realized he couldn't stop this fight, he moved to save people.

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Just what is that thing?" I have quite literally never seen anything as big as it. Even Ddraig and Albion are smaller than it...!

Kirei glares at it. "The Demon of the Right Leg... The King of the Land, the Whale Dog, a vengeful tsunami god, and Merem Solomon's most loyal pawn. Over two hundred meters long... he is the being that has laid waste to countless cities." I...

We need the entire League of Justice for this.


AN: A sudden raid boss!? Anyways, Dead Apostle Ancestors exist in this timeline because they are a cool faction of beings. That's my entire justification for it.

So yes, as punishment for receiving a not really blowjob from his sisters, Kamen Rider Fuyuki must defeat a Kaiju.



"Please! Daichi needs to kill the creature and donate its meat to the town. It would make for excellent public relations.