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"Y-yo, Tohs-." I stop myself. "Hey big sis." I don't even know where to start here. Rin suddenly showed up and woke up everybody, and now we are all on the living room with her. With one exception...

She blushes. "B-big sis...?" Since she didn't admonish me, I guess it's okay? "Nevermind all tha for now. Why are there two Servants here?" It's obvious that she's talking about Saber and Rider.

Her own Servant is glaring at the latter. I can't help, but wonder if he instinctively understands that there is something wrong with her. She's not a conventional here after all, she's Medusa.

Illya giggles, and puffs her chest. "The blonde one is my Servant, Saber." Rin's eyes widen, but her Servant seems even more surprised.

Rin's eye twitches. "I'm assuming you're the Einzbern... weren't you out of the war? What the hell are you doing with a Servant?" It's not like Master's can't make other contracts. My big sister must be in denial.

Illya smirks. "I did indeed lose my Berserker, but Saber hadn't been summoned yet, so I took the opportunity to do so." Rin looks like she wants to strangle someone.

My sister clicks her tongue. "I see. I suppose I should have expected something like this from an Einzbern... So what's your name anyways?" Now that I think about it, Illya really hasn't introduced herself.

And now that's about to change. "My name is Illyasviel Von Einzbern, and you're Rin Tohsaka, correct?" My sister nods.

"So that deals with one of the Servants, but who is this one?" She points at Rider. "Don't tell me Emiya ended up summoning one." She doesn't even put me into consideration. I guess she only knows about my weapons, not my body.

I clear my throat. "That's Rider... It's a long story, but she actually ended up becoming an ally. Still, it's a important story so please listen carefully..." I have no idea how she will react to learning this, but she has the right to know.

To my surprise however, she waves me off. "You can tell me later, right now I have something really important to discuss. It concerns our alliance... Actually, where is Sakura? She should probably hear this too."

Shirou interjects. "We let her stay sleeping... She might have a fever." And it's awful timing for it. "Also, you really should hear what we have to say Tohsaka, it's important."

Yet again, Rin waves us off. "Later. I already went through the trouble of going all the way to the Einzbern Castle, only to find out it was empty. So I just want to get this over with." W-why did you go there first!?

"Archer and I..." Archer? I thought for sure that was Gilgamesh's class... If it's not Archer, then what is it? "Went to your apartment, Daichi." Oh shit, she definitely found out about my thievery. This alliance is about to end...!

"There we were attacked by some strange shadow creature, one that is definitely not a Servant. So I was... wondering whether this alliance extended past Gilgamesh or not." Oh, she didn't find out.

I breathe a sigh of relief. "S-sure...? Couldn't you just have killed this thing with your Servant though?" I'm just glad our alliance isn't about to end because of a stupid mistake of the past.

Rin blushes. "I wouldn't have brought it up if Archer could, would I?" Good point... "To be honest, right now I don't even know if there is a single person alive in your apartment complex." A chill runs down my spine.

Shirou gasps. "What!? What the hell do you mean by that!? What is this thing anyway!?" He expresses what pretty much everyone is feeling right now.

Archer glares at him. "She means there's a high chance that thing killed everyone there. And before you saying anything, the reason we didn't put a stop to it, is because we couldn't."

"It only took one look for me to realize it was too dangerous to confront it... It will be a team effort to take it down." What the hell is this Holy Grail War anyways? Did stuff like this happen in the previous war!?

Rin nods. "It's as Archer says... Though since we are already talking about enemies... There is a Servant, or a Master, who has been trying to trap the school into a Bounded Field so they can absorb everyone's Magic Energy." Well, isn't that awesome.

Rider... blushes? "Ah. That was me." Eh!? "When I was working under Shinji he did not have mana to sustain me, this was his plan to change that. Needless to say, unless ordered by Sakura, I won't go through with it."

Rin takes a deep breath. "I shouldn't complain that a problem has been solved... I shouldn't complain that a problem has been solved..." You wasted a lot of time with that, didn't you. "What happened to Shinji anyways?"

"It's... Well, I guess it's time to tell you that long story."

It's strange, seeing Rin slowly shift from a normal expression to a horrified one... and finally to a neutral one. Just like before, she reminds me of my father.

"I see. Very well, if Archer and I find Zouken, we will kill him." I almost want to scream at her, to ask if that's all, but I manage to hold myself back. "Oh, and if... if you or Sakura stumble on him, make sure to run away. He's an ancient magus after all." I...

Maybe this is just her way of worrying. "We should be fine. I doubt Sakura has anything to worry with Rider being around and... I can fight Zouken if it comes down to it." I won't say I'm strong, but...

I'm definitely not weak either. Absolute Demise can definitely take on that worm, and I also have tons of other options. As far as things go, the only people I really fear in this war are Servants.

She raises an eyebrow. "If you say so..." She then looks at Senpai. "And what do you plan on doing Emiya? From what you understand you have no legendary weapons, and you don't have a Servant either." That's actually a good question.

Shirou awkwardly smiles. "I'll just help wherever I can. I know I can't fight a Servant, but... I'm okay with being support." That's probably the best mentality he can have for this.

Archer glares at him. "Is that so...? Even just being a support can get you killed." He then shakes his head. "Though I suppose this isn't the time to worry about that. This war definitely isn't normal after all."

Rin gets up from her chair. "Well, I'll be going for now. I'll be back when night falls." I imagine that's when we will go find Zouken and this monster thing she talked about...

"Hey big sis, wouldn't you prefer to stay here?" She doesn't answer, so I continue. "Having everybody stay in the same place is pretty convenient, isn't? And I doubt a base with three Servants will get attacked." I don't even know why I'm talking.

"I..." She seems to be considering at least, but then...

Archer answers for her. "We will stay. Having so many people guarding our base is pretty useful, wouldn't you say so, Rin?" The girl glares at him, a red blush on her face. "This place is as neutral as it gets too, since it's a house belonging to a nobody." Why the sudden attack on Senpai!?

Rin slowly nods. "S-sure, you bring up good points Archer..." She takes a deep breath. "So I'll be staying here until this alliance ends, which will be after the Shadow, Gilgamesh and Zouken are defeated. Is that okay with you, Emiya?"

He nods back. "Yeah. Though even if it wasn't, there's no way I could deny Sakura's sister anyways." Bis sis flinches. "Anyways... the sun is rising at this point, so we should probably call the police, Daichi." Ah, that...

Illya pouts. "Ugh, this place sucks. There's shitty annoying mages, there's the cops... This is like a nightmare." What's the problem with the police. "Let's leave Saber." The knight acquiesces, even if she's confused.

And so am I! "What do you mean you're leaving!?" I didn't do anything wrong, did I? There's no way I managed to lose one of our alliance members, and after I got punched by them too!

She grins. "Heh, don't worry, I'm just gonna go for a walk, I might even crush a few bugs while I'm out. I don't want to be here when the police arrives... It will be a mess, and I imagine that Taiga woman will show up too." Ah...

Shirou scratches his cheek. "Well, I won't deny that when Fuji-Nee finds out what happened she's gonna be here consoling Sakura for the entire day. I definitely won't argue with anyone that wants to leave."

Rin raises a hand. "I'm out then... I don't have time to get involved in a mess like that." As long as she returns eventually it should be fine.

Still, now I should think of my own position. If I stay here while Fujimura-Sensei is around... there will be complications. Last time she saw me I was apparently sick enough to pass out, so there's no doubt she will be asking me weird questions.

I guess I want to avoid that. "I think I'll be leaving too. I need to keep up with my training, and I doubt Fujimura-Sensei will let me." I can come back once she's forced to go to work. Then I'll continue training on the dojo.

Illya sighs. "You're such a meathead... Sadly today your meatheadness will have to be restrained. Instead of training you're coming with me." Now my curiosity has been peaked.

"Why? I can't miss a day of training unless it's really important you know." Specially in a situation like this. I need to figure out how I'll be mixing flight on my fighting style, and how to balance Divide when taking into account stamina consumption.

She scoffs. "I have nothing important to do, we are just going to be wandering around. Like a date." A what!? "And before you complain, day offs are important. Saber, since you're his teacher, agree with me posthaste." For real?

Saber holds a chuckle. "Master... Well, you aren't wrong." She sends me a serious look. "Rest is important, specially when it comes to the mind." I want to argue, but then I remember Juggernaut Drive...

Would I have fallen in such a state if I was more well-rested? There's no denying I have been pretty stressed, so a date with a cute girl would be nice... Wait, since Saber is coming too, wouldn't that count as two cute girls!?

Rin tilts her head. "A date...? Yeah, I don't trust that for one bit. I'm going too, so I can supervise any brats trying to pull stunts." Archer snorts, and in response my big sister immediately steps on his feet.

Illya glares at her. "Um... Well, I guess you could be useful for something." Rin seems confused. "I need your peasant clothing. Saber can't enter spirit form... for some reason, and I can't have her moving around like this."

"I would offer her something from my Castle, but we only have things that are actually worth something... It definitely stands out. Your sister is wearing a gift I gave her by the way, so she would appreciate it too."

Rin glares at her. "Peasant clothing...? What kind of hell spawn did the Einzbern create?" She's nice when you get to know her! Sort of... "But sure, I guess I don't mind lending my peasant clothing." She's definitely still angry.

I make a thinking pose. "I should pass through my apartment then, both to assess damages..." To see if anyone died around the area. "And to grab some stuff. I'll be staying here for a while after all."

Which means our plan is set. Shirou will call the police, and then we will leave and stay out until it's school time. Upon our return we will swing by my house and Rin's house to get what we need to stay here. However, we will also make a quick trip to it before that so Saber can get changed.

"Before any of that though... Rin, do you want to say hello to Sakura? If she's awake, I mean."

"I guess I wouldn't mind."


"Ah, she's still asleep... Well, let's leave." Even as she says that, my sister never takes her eyes of my twin. It's obvious that she wants to talk with her.

I smile. "Alternatively... We could wake her up." She's sick, I'm pretty sure just by looking at her face, but I'm sure she would appreciate talking with Rin. Then again, I guess she will have more chances in the future.

Rin shakes her head. "No. I mean, have you seen how sweaty she is? She needs to rest." A sigh escapes her mouth. "What a time to get a fever." It's not like sickness cares about whether we are fighting for our lives or not.

I put my hands on my hips. "I guess you're right. And I'm sure Emiya-Senpai can fill her in later... or Rider." Admittedly leaving only one Servant to protect this Servant does make me nervous, but I'm probably just being paranoid.

I almost want to suggest to Rin the idea of her leaving Archer behind, but there's no way she would agree with that. There's no reason she would trust Saber with her life, and this isn't an emergency anyways...

Rin makes a thinking pose. "I'll be leaving Archer here." Hah!? "I just thought about it, but Sakura being sick could hold back Rider from fighting at her maximum potential. If this base is lost I would be pissed."

"And that's all by the way, don't go getting wrong ideas like me doing this because I'm worried about Sakura. I'm just worried for our base, that's all." You know, I've been thinking of my big sis as Tokiomi, but...

Could it be that she's just shy? "I see." I laugh a bit. "Yeah, like hell I'm falling for that one." She basically jumps on the spot. "Thanks for worrying, that's what I would expect from my woman." She's my sister too, just like Sakura.

Oh, she jumped even higher. "Y-your woman!? W-w-what...!?" And now her face is super red, it's sort of cute. "What do you mean by that!? Did Emiya say some stupid things to you!?" No...?

I raise an eyebrow. "I mean that you're my sister of course. Recently I decided that I won't go around hiding who I'm related to... because..." A-ah...! I said it yesterday, but it's hard to say again. "Because I love you and Sakura. My women!" But as a Longinus user I must push through my embarrassment!

Her jaw has hit the floor. "Daichi, could it be that you grew up to be stupid? Or... innocent?" What's that supposed to mean!? "Did you ever have a girlfriend...?" Why am I suddenly being attacked!?

Is our sibling bond that unacceptable!? "Um... no, I never had a girlfriend." And now it's time for excuses! "I wasn't really looking for one though, if I was I definitely could have been popular." Admittedly this is sort of true.

Don't get me wrong, I would have definitely accepted going out with someone if asked, but at the same time I also never bothered to put in the effort. Which is why I don't feel I deserve to complain about my situation or anything.

Rin puts her hands on my shoulders. "Daichi, I won't let that brat corrupt you, I promise." Is she talking about Illya? I appreciate the sentiment of course, but I feel like she should be the one getting protected!

"Daichi...? Tohsaka-Senpai...?" A soft voice reaches our ears, it seems we accidentally woke up Sakura. Oops, Rider is definitely going to be pissed if she ever finds out.

Like a deer caught in the headlights we awkwardly stare at her for a while, but eventually I escape from Rin and clear my throat. "Y-yo Sakura, did you sleep well?" I'm guessing no.

She slowly nods, to my surprise. "Y-yeah, but I'm feeling a bit... hot." For some reason her voice makes me feel... Well, I rather not think about it. "Why is Tohsaka-Senpai here?"

Rin smiles. "I'm here to talk about our alliance... a new threat showed up. Don't worry about it however, go to sleep... you look a bit sick." They don't touch on the fact that Rin is now aware of what happened to Sakura.

My twin sister slowly nods. "Okay Tohsaka-Senpai..." And that's that.

I don't like it. "Sakura, you can just call her big sis." Her eyes widen. "Oh... and we told Rin about what happened. So there's no need to dance around the subject." The only thing Rin still doesn't know about is the spider, I guess.

Sakura blushes. "Oh... okay then, big sis." Rin trembles and then... pinches herself? What's that all about?

Well, I might as well continue. "Anyways, we will be leaving for a while. Emiya-Senpai will be calling the police as planned, and we want to avoid the storm that will follow. Rider will stay though, and if problems arise Senpai has my number." Ugh...

I can't believe I only have a guy's number on my phone, and I can't even fix that. Well, I also got Rin's phone, but it doesn't really count when it's my sister... or does it? She is the school idol...

Sakura looks down. "Oh... okay. When will you be back?" Just looking at her is making me reconsider my plan, but I doubt Illya would be okay with me just canceling everything. In fact I might die.

"I'll come back when the area is clear... so probably once school starts." Then I can train until nighttime. "Please stay strong until then, and call Senpai or Rider if you need anything." I would mention Archer, but she doesn't even know him yet.

"Alright... have fun with big sis..." I'll try, but Illya might make that impossible!


AN: Does this count as some weird form of cuckholding?



Most Normal Fakeking MC


What do you mean by that author’s note at the end?


Daichi and Rin are going out, while Sakura stays home incapable of doing anything. She is being cucked rn.