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"I'm not trash... really." I'm trying to defend myself from Regulus... and myself. I wasn't excited about what I saw, I was just shocked. Yeah, that must be it.
Regulus sounds dead as he responds. "My wielder... It's alright, I have had worse partners." For real? That's depressing. "There was once a prince, who upon receiving my power immediately killed his brother, and then raped his brother's wife and children." Oi.
"He took over the country for a while, but one of the previous king's children escaped. She unlocked the Sacred Gear that once belonged to Heracles and killed him. Mostly because he was too lazy to train." That has to be fate...
I want to die. "Wow, I'm better than the mega evil rapist." I guess both of us are looking to murder their family. "Truly I'm the personification of a hero." Maybe of the classical heroes...
He chuckles. "I'm serious. At least you serious about saving people and giving the common man a chance. Many people decide they must conquer the world once they awaken their Longinus." Absolute power corrupts absolutely huh. I have to be careful so that doesn't happen to me.
Which is why... "Hey Regulus, if I ever do something truly evil, call me out on it." I... I don't want to become the classical type of hero, even if it's not like I want to become the modern one either. I just want to help people here and there, and maybe get some rewards along the way.
That's totally the mindset of the classic type, isn't it? I'm screwed...
He nods. "Very well, I will do so. I won't stop if you if you don't listen to me however, and I will even help you." I don't know if that makes me happy or sad. It does make me wonder if he's acting like a Servant however.
Suddenly he stops, and I can see his golden fur shivering. "A legend arrives, this one smells like a true monster." Ah, that's really bad, isn't it!?
"Hoh...? I believe you are the monster here, Nemean Lion." He appears, almost as if a ghost. He's not wearing anything flashy, but... but...!
I know who he is. "Golden man..." The symbol of absolute power. The man with golden hair and red eyes who I once saw, who I was never supposed to see. The Servant that undoubtedly once belonged to my father.
I never saw what he was capable of, but even as a child I understood it was far beyond anything else. Which is why I can only stand paralyzed and watch as he walks closer and closer.
He snorts. "Golden man...? I tolerated you thinking of me as that once you were a child, but you do not hold that right any longer, Daichi Tohsaka." I never called him that outloud before, so how does kno-.
He waves me off. "Do not think about it, for it does not matter right now. I simply came here to see what the beasts dragged by that entity were." He glares at Regulus. "I'm not impressed, though the boy is holding you back, is he not?" I... I am?
Regulus just keeps glaring at him. "Indeed, but he is young and has just started his training. As his resolve and desires grow, so will I." So I can grow even stronger huh.
But nevermind that for now. "So you came to see the weapons huh? I'm also assuming my sister summoned you?" Maybe she found what I did, and is planning on good ol' revenge.
He begins laughing. "You... you... you think I would ever let myself be controlled by them? I admit, if I was your Servant I might humor the older one once in a while, but I would kill your disgusting twin without hesitation." So even Heroic Spirits choose Rin as the favorite.
He then snorts. "Oh, and if I was summoned by you, your entrails would be on the floor already, mongrel." And as always I get the short end of the stick!
One golden gate appears behind him. "But enough about hypotheticals..." And then another... "I'm here to testle your mettle after all, you have received a task far too important for an average dog." And then another. And another. And another...!
Before long twenty golden portals are behind Gilgamesh. He points at me. "Do your best to survive will you?" From those gates all manner of weaponry slowly comes out. All my instincts tell me they are not normal weapons though, as insane as it is, those things most definitely are Noble Phantasms!
And here I was thinking of myself as special because I hold thirteen weapons. "W-wait! I haven't even finished my training yet! So...!" So I will try to talk him down. I mean, I don't even know where he came from yet!
He clicks his tongue. "Fool. A hero does not get to choose when he rises up, he simply does." And now I'm suddenly remembering about how I was complaining about the lack of adventure.
The swords fire, and I cover my face with my hands as if that could ever stop him. I do however, will Regulus to move in my defense.
The lion barely has the time to cover me, as soon as the blades touch him however, they fall harmlessly to the ground. Some even crack and shatter... The Regulus Nemea is immune to all projectiles.
Gilgamesh whistles. "That is certainly quite the ability, but what about weapons of a higher quality?" More portals appear behind him, he now controls a total of thirty.
Regulus growls at him before he can fire and kill me. "Who are you anyways, hero? You said my wielder should not refer to you as the golden man, and yet you gave no alternative." How is he calm enough to talk like this in this situation?
My heart feels like it's about to burst out of my chest, and I can barely breath and think, so how is he so calm? I suppose that's a legendary lion who has fought alongside countless partners for you...!
Gilgamesh scoffs. "You believe I would grant my name to this mongrel!? What a joke..." He chuckles. "But I am in a joking mood. You stand before Gilgamesh of Uruk, King of Heroes."
Ah... Gilgamesh. The protagonist of the epic of Gilgamesh. Quite possible the oldest hero to ever be recorded in the throne of heroes. He... he is probably the strongest hero one can summon for a Grail War. I am so dead.
And Regulus decides to laugh. Right now. At this moment. Gilgamesh immediately snarls at him. "What's so funny?" Didn't you just say you were in a joking mood!? Please decide it already!
Regulus stops laughing, though he is still smirking. "It's just that you're a nobody back in my world. A hero? Sure, but not a big deal at all. So seeing you act like you're Heracles is too funny to ignore." Death.
I feel death encroaching upon me.
More portals open. Thirty-five. Forty. Forty-five. Fifty. Without a doubt each one is about to fire a legendary weapon capable of razing a city when used by the right hands, and yet this guy is using them like arrows... I don't know who summoned him, but they have won the war.
Most importantly though... How did dad lose!?
And then all the portals change their aim towards Regulus, like Gilgamesh forgot I was even here. I guess that's good...? Even so, I can't help, but take a few steps backwards out of fear.
He raises a hand... and then lowers it. A rain of legend falls down upon Regulus, who actually moves towards it. And Gilgamesh doesn't stop at fifty weapons either, as soon as one is fired, he reloads and fires another.
I can only stare in awe, but then I remember I'm not supposed to be a useless shit and I call upon Absolute Demise. The massive figure of the Eternal Ice Princess forms behind me.
Regulus actually runs through his barrage of weapons, and so when he gets close and tries to take a bite off Gilgamesh's throat... And then he gets kicked away, the lion flies through the air with a whimper.
I extend my hand. "C'mon!" Just like in the basement, I will my Longinus into freezing the area, and the process does indeed start. In a second the night goes from chilly to straight up awful.
And then Gilgamesh yawns and a sword flies straight at the Princess head. Once it meets it's mark, it's head shatters and the Princess falls like a puppet with its strings cut. I feel it returning to me. Tired. Broken. Needing to heal.
My jaw has hit the floor. "What...?"
Gilgamesh rolls his eyes. "Don't be surprised. In fact, focus all your worthless attention upon hating yourself." I... "These weapons could have been stronger, more resilient, truly special, but you're holding them back."
"Since I was in a good mood, I came with low expectations... and yet you failed to meet every single one of them. Though I suppose disappointing people has always been your motto, hasn't it?" I...
"You're the epitome of the modern scum. No talent, nothing special, born to work and then die without accomplishing anything. Your only achievement is getting the pity of a foreign being. I shouldn't even be here, because you should have killed yourself long ago, Daichi Tohsaka." I...!
There's something coming.
And then Regulus gets up. "Calm down your heart my wielder. This is not the time for temper tantrums, you don't even have those annoying dragons unlocked yet." He glares at Gilgamesh. "And you, don't act like this fight is over!"
He raises an eyebrow. "It isn't?" And then those golden portals fire again. Not just weapons however, some type of chain.
Regulus tries dodging them, but in a second he is caught. As if the chains had a mind of their own, they lift my Longinus into the sky, where he can barely move. Regulus tries struggling of course, but it's seemingly futile.
Gilgamesh smirks. "Enkidu, the chains of heaven. They hold the divine like you." He shrugs. "Heracles may have needed to wrestle you into your grave, but I shall not sully myself in such a manner." He's still salty about that comment!?
Regulus simply glares at him. "Weak." But even I can tell it's just senseless spite. There's no denying it, Gilgamesh is monstrously strong. Any Servant with so many Noble Phantasms would be.
I raise a hand, and try calling Regulus back to my body... and that doesn't work. No matter how many times I will him back, he stays right where he is.
Gilgamesh interrupts me. "Stop it, no matter how many times you try, nothing will change. As previously said, these chains hold the divine, and the Nemean Lion certainly has divine blood running through his veins." Slowly a smile appears on his. "Now let's see what runs through yours."
Pain. Pain. Pain.
"Agh-agh... Ahhhh!" A sword has just ran through my leg. A thin sword, with not enough force to rip out my limb, instead it's stuck inside of it, penetrating bone. I fall to the ground without any resistance.
He smirks. "Look at that, just normal mongrel blood." He snorts, but I can't really pay attention to it. All my of mine is on my pain. "What a waste, if that thing had given me those weapons things would certainly be easier. I suppose now I must remove your soul and take them..."
He chuckles. "It is my right as king to confiscate any illegal contraband after all. Worry not however, I shall slay the spider and defend mankind. The worthy ones who survive the mud of course." I don't know what he's talking about.
But I did understand one thing. "Wait... you wanna steal my stuff?" Is this karma for Rin!? "Are you... jealous?" I'm certainly jealous of my sister. Now that I'm about to die I can admit that.
And he's certainly going to kill me now! Except...
He actually jumps back. "Hohoho! A new mutt approaches!" The reason he has done so, is because a giant has just appeared and attacke the place where he was standing.
This monster radiates carnage, with one look I can tell he is a Berserker, and yet he stands protectively over me, instead of advancing further. But if Berserker is here, than that must mean...!
I hear a beautiful voice. "You know... I suddenly had a bad feeling and decided I should come back to see if you had made it home or if some Servant had gotten you." Illya is blushing. "You better feel grateful!" I...
"I definitely am." I seriously thought I was about to die. So right now I think I have genuinely fallen in love with Illyasviel Von Einzbern. Could it be that I am the worst?
And with Berserker's attack, Gilgamesh dropped Regulus, perhaps out of surprise. Nonetheless the lion runs to my side. "Wielder!" In a second he's besides me.
Illya raises an eyebrow. "Wielder...? Why do you have a golden lion calling you wielder? And why..." She looks at Berserker. "Why does he want to kill it so badly?" How am I supposed to know!? Those guys are crazy! Literally!
I do my best to speak through the pain. "He's the Nemean Lion." Her eyes widen. "He got stuck in my soul because of some weird bird, along with other things, and now that Servant, Gilgamesh, wants to rip it out."
She looks at the sword in my leg. "Nemean Lion... That explains it." Explains what!? "Well, the Einzberns did find Avalon once, and Touko Aozaki did have that pet wolf god, so things like this happen occasionally." You just dropped some scary stuff on my lap.
She looks at the my lion, who is just silently glaring at Gilgamesh. "Monster, please remove that sword." It makes me wonder why the King of Heroes is just watching. Is he giving us time to prepare.
My Longinus shakes his head. "No. It would only make the wound worse." He looks at me. "While the foul smelling warrior fights, I'll take you to a hospital." How would I ever explain this wound to a doctor?
I take a deep breath to prepare myself. "It's fine Regulus. I'm sure she has a plan..." And now she's smiling. It's a sadistic smile, sure, but it's better than nothing, right!?
Regulus sighs. "If you say so..." And the bites the handle of the blade, he tries pulling it as carefully as he can, but the pain is blinding. Maybe even worse than when it actually carved through bone in the first place.
Illya chuckles. "Crybaby." Wow, look at those feelings of love dying out. "This won't actually heal too much by the way, I would need more time, but it will close the wound." She puts a hand over my leg.
A bright shine comes out of it, and the wound closes fairly fast. "There. It's a rushed job, but it should be fine for now, so get up." I do as she orders, and while it still hurts, it's nowhere near as bad as before.
We now all glare at Gilgamesh, and even though it's stupid, I can't help, but speak up. "Hey, if you want to leave, I understand. I'm grateful for your help, but I know you don't owe me anything." Why am I talking like I can go round 2 against this guy!?
Illya waves me off. "He is a Servant, and therefore my enemy." That... makes sense. Illya is the Master here, not me. "Gilgamesh huh? What can he do?" Even now he's not doing anything against us.
"He can make golden portals that fire off Noble Phantasms, he seemingly has a unlimited amount." She flinches at that. "And he also has Enkidu. They are some chains that move on their own, and completely imprison divive beings if they're caught."
"I think he also has some sort of wisdom skill or Noble Phantasm. Sometimes he knows everything, and then sometimes he doesn't... I don't know if it's because it has some special condition, or because he's sandbagging." He's a true monster alright.
"You think you can win?" That's the most important question here.
She whistles. "He's scary, and other heroes would lose, but... nah, Berserker will win." She rips off a few strands of her hair. "It might take a bit of effort however... I certainly wasn't expecting such a monster of a Servant. He will fill up the Grail quite nicely."
She's still this confident!? Did she summon Heracles or something!? "Hey, what are those strands for?" Magecraft I'm assuming. But she would be an idiot if she thinks she can help in this fight.
The strands become birds. "I'm making a bounded field, to hypnotize people into leaving this area if they are around... and just hiding this place in general." Right, magecraft is supposed to be a secret.
She silently walks forward. Gilgamesh raises an eyebrow. "So are you done with your blabbering? I'm growing bored." There's a sinister gleam on his eyes. Though I suppose there always was.
She rolls his eyes. "Yes, yes... Gilgamesh, what a joke, barely anyone knows who you are." His eye twitches, probably because this is the second time he has been insulted this way. "My Servant however... is the greatest of them all."
Illya giggles. "Go on Heracles! Kill him and toy with his body until he cannot even be recognized as a human!" Isn't that a bit too much!? Also, he really was Heracles!? How are you even alive while supporting Heracles in the Berserker class of all things!?
Regulus groans. "For real...? This bastard..." He's sending the Berserker a hateful look. Did Illya really have to reveal this right now!?
Berserker, Heracles, ignores our chatter, he has been given a mission, and so he will accomplish it at any cost. He moved like a missile, and the only reason I can sort of keep up is because he is simply that huge.
Gilgamesh grins. "Very well then son of Zeus. I won't even target that whore who you call a Master, so come at me with everything you have." Gilgamesh has already beguns firing weapons at the giant.
Who tries his best to defend from them all, but Gilgamesh has shown a new ability. He's actually creating portals around Heracles, surrounding him... and so, before long, a sword hits him on the head and he dies.
My jaw has hit the floor. "Is it over...?" It also doesn't help that Illya is still giggling like a maniac. Can't she use a Command Seal to make him get up or something!?
Regulus snorts. "My Heracles was stronger. I would have beaten this one if I was at full power. And quite easily at that." Is it really the time for that!?
And then Heracles gets up again, roaring and almost rupturing my eardrums. He actually takes this opportunity to approach Gilgamesh, and almost takes off an arm.
The King of Heroes draws a sword and parries, he's a Servant after all. "I see, twelve labours!" And then those chains attack again, Heracles is forced to retreat with a jump so he won't be captured. He certainly fights well for a Berserker...
Illya finally stops giggling. "Indeed! Heracles will come back again, and again, until you are red and white stain!" Where does the white come from!? "God Hand also has other properties, but they are useless here." Is that the name of his Noble Phantasm?
It's an amazing one for sure, but he's having difficulty getting close to Gilgamesh. Eventually however, he hits one of the blades midair.
It's like baseball, the sword goes flying right back at Gilgamesh and penetrates his stomach. "Disgusting seed of Zeus!" That very same seed of Zeus is right next to Gilgamesh.
There is one problem however, the giant has lost his weapon. It seems that maneuver ended up shattering his weird club, axe things. It certainly wasn't a Noble Phantasm, or it would have withstood it.
Nonetheless Heracles tries crushing the King of Heroes skull with his bare hands. To our bad luck however, a lightning bolt suddenly appears and strikes his own head. Heracles dies yet another time.
Gilgamesh takes this opportunity to gain distance, and takes off the weapon from his body without flinching. After a flash of gold he begins wearing some sort of golden armor. I think this is a sign he's beginning to take this fight a bit more seriously, which probably isn't a good thing.
Illya hums. "A divine lightning bolt? I suppose he doesn't have only Noble Phantasms in those gates... Unless that was one as well." Her comment makes me wonder if that armor is the same.
If it is, Heracles' baseball tactic won't work again. Though now that he is without a weapon there's no way he could do anything similar anyways. Still, I must repeat, he doesn't fight like a Berserker should. An instinct skill maybe...?
Berserker now stands no chance against the barrage of weapons, he tries taking one of them midair, but it explodes on his hand. Before long... "That's the third time, Heracles." He loses another life, some sort of spear cuts through his hand and penetrates his heart.
I look at my lion. "Hey Regulus, when I wield you, I become strong enough to cut through a tree. By accident." So what could the mighty Heracles accomplish with such a tool, I wonder?
Regulus glares at me. "No. That is the one thing I will never do, not even for my wielder." C'mon...!
Illya's scream interrupts our conversation. "Berserker, stop losing!" Another life is lost. Some sort of halberd cut his head in half. It's a gruesome scene, but at this point I'm getting used to it.
Regulus's eye twitches. "I... Fine!" He dashes into combat, ignoring all the blades sent at him, and once he gets close to Heracles he transforms into the golden axe.
Berserker grabs him without hesitation, and Illya grins. "Great! Now go back to destroying him Heracles!" Show some more surprise at the fact that my golden lion became a weapon please.
Gilgamesh grins. "And so legendary enemies team up to take care of a bigger threat, adorable." His gate expands, he now might have a thousand open. "Well, I am excited to see what Heracles can accomplish with such a weapon, so I'll allow it." He looks at in my direction, and I just know he's mocking me.
Heracles roars, and tries the bat trick once again. Or at least that's what I think, but actually... he just swing the axe in Gilgamesh general direction.
It's like a hurricane was fired at the King of Heroes, even he is surprised as it sends all his weapons flying away. "Wh-!?" And then the wind hits him. Gilgamesh is sent flying away like a leaf.
Heracles gives chase of course, with Regulus Nemea in his hands, he has truly become a unstoppable juggernaut. Once he gets to the King of Heroes, he jumps up, and tries to kill him with a swing with the aid of gravity.
Gilgamesh actually uses his own chains to pull him away, but Heracles does still hit the ground and as a consequence...
Fuyuki shakes.
I fall on my ass, and so does Illya. "D-do you think your bounded field can hide this?" He caused an earthquake. His blow caused a goddamned earthquake, and even now the earth is shaking. Undoubtedly the whole of Fuyuki is feeling this.
Illya giggles, not responding at all. "That's right Berserker! Kill him! Break him! Abuse him!" Why did she decide this was a good time to go on a power trip. Though I guess I can't blame her...
Gilgamesh takes a deep breath, and his gate expands. "Fine." This time Heracles is forced to retreat. "I'll take you two just a bit more seriously now..." And then the gate expands more and more and more...!
"I haven't completely opened this in a long time, but another strike like that will indeed shatter my armor. Nonetheless, you are unworthy of Ea. You shot for the stars, and reached the clouds, son of Zeus."
I don't pay attention to what he's saying, because the sky is made out of gold. Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, there is no way to count how many portals he has opened.
Hell descends upon Heracles, I can't even see the legendary hero anymore.
Illya body flashes red. "B-Berserker, win!" She must have used a Command Seal just nothing changes. "Win!" Another. Nothing changes. "Win damn it!" Her last Command Seal is used.
Nothing changes.
The rain of death stops, the only thing that remains is my axe, completely untouched. Heracles may have had twelve lives, but Gilgamesh might as well have took thousands.
He sighs, sounding genuinely sad. "Was that too much...? I suppose I should have expected this, but it feels like a waste." He looks at us. "You two, pay attention!"
I'm trying, but my mind is still shocked. It doesn't help that Illya has fallen to her knees and is now crying. The first Servant to fall in the Fifth Grail War was her invincible Heracles.
His glare doesn't diminish at all. "I have decided to let you two live for a little longer. And I better receive another battle of this magnitude before the war is over Daichi Tohsaka."
"If you fail to entertain me your and the girl's deaths are guaranteed of course, but I will also do what she threatened to do towards me." I... "I will also destroy Japan and Germany. If these nations spit out such trash, they don't deserve to exist in my kingdom."
He disappears.
I look at the destruction, it's like a meteor fell here... and then I look at a crying Illya, it's almost like her heart has been torn to pieces. She lost the Grail War because she picked a fight in my behalf. And now she might die.
We might die, and we will be horribly tortured before it as well. And that's not even mentioning how Gilgamesh casually talked about killing millions of people.
I guess I must surpass that mighty Heracles then.


Einar Strandberg

I wasn't expecting Hercules to die already, but I really should have. It's a great plot beat.