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It's Whole Cake / Totto Land, baby. That's the Big Mom arc, a.k.a. the only good arc in the New World of One Piece. Unless Egghead wants to finish strong and prove me wrong!


Jello's One Piece Book Club Chapters 802 - 908 (Patreon Stream)

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Wincent, The Hollow Knight

I will argue that Pudding’s age (being 16), while honestly not necessary and probably could be older anyway… isn’t necessarily a problem. 1: She is not sexualised at any point. She is shown as cute / beautiful… but that is another matter. 2: It does show that Big mom as a character is completely open to marry her children away as soon as possible. Which from a western perspective is very freaky. And 3: I HAVE to point out that age of marriage is 16 in a LOT of different places around the world, including states in the US. To say that a fictional world, especially one as fantastical and dangerous as the one piece one, wouldn’t or couldn’t have a relatively young marriage age is kinda weird. Once again, not saying that Pudding shouldn’t have been older, but at the same time, not a big deal to start with.


When I think of characters that don't need to exist, I think of Charlotte Baravois, the guy who shows up during the second half of the escape to be next to Perospero


So I was trying to figure out why Sanji's sister can drink poison and while it turns out it's just "Germa science" I also found out the wiki divides character combats between important and filler fights and I'm just like... are you fucking kidding me Oda. How bad do you have to be that fans of the series are actually dividing fights between real and unnecessary. By the way sure is fucked up that it's just hard confirmed that if you eat someone who has devil fruit powers then that counts as eating that devil fruit and you get their powers. Oh right do you like how Jack survives getting his entire fleet one shot and drowning for several days! It really made be disbelieve that Pedro actually died when he blew himself up. So in the better version of Whole Cake I would make it so Reiju got put into Sanji's role as scapegoat after he left so her excuse of "oh they'll pick on me if I don't laugh along" would actually ring true and it would give her just that little bit more of a reason to want her brothers and father dead. Then Reiju should have been in secret talks with Big Mom to fuck over her dad and brothers basically promising to make Germa 66 fully subservient to Big Mom instead of just becoming allied in exchange for getting rid of her family and that's why they're planning to kill the Vinsmokes rather than just Big Mom deciding to betray them because she knows they'll betray her first otherwise. It would give Reiju something to do with her "I secretly hate my dad and brothers" deal and also give an interesting conflict between her and Sanji where she'd just tell him straight up like "I've made a deal with Big Mom, you can go and I'll get married". (I'd have her still be getting married to Pudding too btw because like I don't actually see Big Mom caring about grandchildren more than she cares about the connection that marriage brings, also Germa science can make science babies so who cares) Then Sanji has to choose between simply leaving Reiju behind to continue doing work she hates under Big Mom's rule or actually trying to get her out of there too. And then with Luffy barging in it becomes like an active conflict where Reiju is essentially throwing Sanji out of the house but Sanji just keeps coming back to take her with him because he already left without her once and he can't do that again. You can even keep the moment where Judge Vinsmoke has his last minute face-turn where he realizes how hard he fucked up with the way his sons simply do not care and with how his daughter was actively trying to get him killed. Or you can just let them get killed. And Reiji is the only one who gets away either with or without the Germa kingdom surviving. Additionally the revery is where my dislike for Garp started, because like you're telling me he escorts the fishmen up to the Red Line but not up to MarieJeoise where he'd actually be needed to safeguard them from the World Nobles who are going to enslave them! And like sure cool moment for unnessecary character Mjosgard but like Garp should have been the one to stop that telling the world government to fuck off using his status as the hero of the marines. Also last thing, what the fuck is up with the giant straw hat??? Like the straw hat is conceptually very important because it's Roger's old hat but it's just a normal hat right. So why the fuck is there a giant straw hat in the secret super vault???


Jack is a Fish-Man, he can breathe underwater, but because of his having a Devil Fruit, he can't swim