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It's a review of the classic crime series, Columbo. Oh, and one more thing! A quick review at the end of Knives Out director Rian Johnson's new series, Poker Face. This post is free for everyone! I'm unfortunately going to be swamped in writing work this month, so I figured I'd give everybody a little gift while I work on...

  • Finishing a writing gig for a game
  • Finalize the PDF for the print version of Prison of Plastic (!)
  • Finish writing a pilot I got hired to write
  • Finish additional research/media-gathering for the absolutely huge Bomberman Jetters video that's shaping up to be the biggest and best video I've ever made
  • Get ready to direct the VA work for a video game, woo!
  • Set up for a big stream I'll be doing on June 18th, more about that later
  • My birthday!

Oof! What a busy month. While you wait for me to make more stuff, be sure to check out all the other Jello Reviews on the pinned Patreon post.

Here's a link to SMALLER COLUMBO, the video that started it all.

Here's a skit Gianni and I did together where I got to do a Jack Cassidy impression opposite his Columbo. This is, no joke, one of my favorite VA performances I've ever done, haha.

Here's my Columbo Watch Guide: (click for full size)

My personal favorite episodes are Any Old Port in a Storm and Etude in Black, but any of the ones in "good" or higher tiers are a fun watch.

Do not, under any circumstances, watch Last Salute to the Commodore. It's so bad. And not in a fun way.

The Poker Face review starts at 1:17:00, but it's basically just building on the Columbo review and talking about Poker Face in relation to Columbo. Most of Poker Face's pros and cons are the same as Columbo's, but it does have a few of its own.

EDIT: One more thing I didn't mention that I hate it when Columbo episodes do is when the murderer is a talented, down-on-her-luck woman... and then once she gets in charge post-murder, it turns out she suddenly sucks at everything and wasn't suited for the job. I'm not gonna claim it's outright sexism, but it's honestly just boring. I don't like a cosmic justification of the murderer needing to be caught "because they suck at the job they killed to get". It's much more interesting when the murderer was right and they're honestly amazing at the position they were being kept from, because then you have to be like "Wow! They're really good at this. They definitely deserved this job. Too bad they killed that dude though." That's a much more compelling story.



Justice Hainsworth

The only other thing I’ve seen Rip Torn in is the wholesome family classic Freddy Got Fingered but from that reference point I can say that yes, he does always act Like That


Directing Video Game voices you say? Im intrigued. Do you have any idea when youll be able to announce what game?


Is this "big stream" the rescheduled One Piece book club, or something else?


Did you mean to not include Stitch In Crime on the graph?


Your recommendations for Nightmare Time were really good, so I'm glad you went out of your way to make a watch guide for something as lengthy as Columbo. Good luck with all your other projects!


Rip Torn voices Zeus in Hercules and that’s all I’ve seen him in


> EDIT: One more thing I see what you did there


After listening to this I watched Any Old Port in a Storm, adored it and now I plan to watch all of the eps marked good or better. Never thought of giving Columbo a try thank you.


I did the same thing. The only problem is it set expectations absurdly high; the rest of the episodes were a tiny bit disappointing because, well, they weren't Any Old Port in a Storm lol


You convinced me to start watching Columbo. So thank you


having watched all of poker face, i'm curious how you feel about episode 9? I loved it and its definitely the most acclaimed episode (imo for good reason, stephanie hsu is amazing and it really pulled no punches) but its very brutal so i'm not sure if you'd like it. has your opinion on the show changed at all?


Any plans for a Knives Out franchise review, are you waiting for the 3rd film to come out? Or is it one of those things where the films are so good, you don't really have much to say about them?