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Here's some of my stuff from high school that was saved on an old flash drive. Most of it was documented with a terrible camera at a low resolution instead of by a scanner or something useful, but I don't think I have most of these pieces anymore so this is the only way they can live on. I'm keeping them here for archival purposes.

All of these pieces have captions with their name and medium if you click on the pictures.

The featured piece, Murder! is actually one of the best things I've drawn. Its leagues ahead of anything else I did in high school, so I've put it first to pretend I was a good artist. I was terrible at rendering cartoon humans back then, but I've always been pretty good at mimicking textures. I remember for this piece I just zoomed in on each chunk until I saw the hair or the dress as a texture rather than a part of a person and I copied that.

I mentioned this in the caption but I had an enormous crush on the girl playing the dead body for most of high school. If you went to my high school, please do not out me to her, even though I'm pretty sure she knew.

I do want to take a second to talk about this guy. I think this was my favorite thing I made in high school. We had to do a triptych of prints in drypoint, which is a medium where you chip away at some plastic, fill the cracks with ink, and then press it against paper like a stamp.

I wanted this to look like the same set of prints at three different stages of production. I think one of them was the original concept sketch (I probably shouldn't have colored it), one was the factory worker or something, and one was the person assembling the toy. They all have different notes and fake ink/coffee stains on them.

I dunno, I just think this one is cute. It's still hanging in my room back home in Illinois. This is one of the only things that didn't get thrown away after I graduated.




i have little to none art knowledge and should not be someone to say if art is good or bad but i think most of these are cute :3

Graham Finch

I remember my art class in high school. There was one piece that I really poured a lot of effort into (by necessity) and just kind of half-assed for everything else during the semester. The class was an elective anyway, so I didn't care as much. It's pretty neat to see someone preserve their old art after such a long time. My course was long before the YouTube/Web 2.0 age, so I didn't think anyone would care if I preserved mine.


Woah! A lot of these are really good! I'd definitely consider buying some of these as prints if I had the money for that sort of thing.


I bet your mom kept a lot of them.

Nicholas Navea

These are really good. There is something about art and art classes that I always enjoyed. Like it didn't feel like a class but a way to enjoy yourself and draw or create. It's just liberating.


I really love the charcoal self portrait, also you’re so right about oil paint. I took a class on oil paint and I enjoyed it but god the oil paints are the worst part


dude these are all lovely


Damn I’m about to graduate and I don’t think I could do anything to the level of most of these. Haha :,) Good work Fr, give baby you a bit more credit!