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Another really old story from high school. One of the only times I've worked with watercolor. I consider myself a fairly skilled in a lot of mediums, but paint is absolutely my weakpoint. God, I just have zero clue what I am doing with paint. I think this is the only thing I ever did with watercolor.

I think I mentioned this in an older post, but before YouTube opened as a carreer path to me I wanted to be a children's book illustrator. I remember trying really, really hard on some of these later pages. The ones that are just scenery actually look okay, but good lord I could not draw people in high school. I'm actually still really bad at drawing people. Landscapes and animals have always been more my speed. I think I knew that even back then, which is why I have chosen to write a book about an animal that is a landscape.

This is the first physically bound book I made, though it's like... bound in cardboard or something. Definitely not professional. I'm sure my mom has it on a shelf somewhere.




watercolor especially is extremely unforgiving to beginners. i feel you