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This is the second set of preview illustrations for the upcoming Epithet Erased book, Prison of Plastic, drawn by the wonderful Bo Hello! Also included are some of his sketches for the Blyndeff family and the lovely background painting of the Honeyglow Marsh which, unfortunately, is barely visible in the final piece. Ain't that just the way.

These are going to be the last images previewed before the release of the book, even on Patreon, as most of the remaining illustrations will feature some kind of spoiler.


(Illustrations are WIP and subject to change.)




oh GOD its TOO FUCKING CUTE im dEAD... (though not as dead as some other people) GOD i can read molly's expression perfectly in the vincent murder art "guys hes SO COOL i sWEAR bE NICE to HIM-" LOOKIT ALL THEM MOLLIES its a CRIME that you had to choose between them shoutout to unused bear purse, chunky plastic hair beads that look like froot loops, and MATCHING DEAD MOM HOODIES (surprised she made the time while being a BUSINESS WOMAN™) Yes, i DID notice the convinient lighting that covers only Calliope in shadow


I love the detail of Calliope’s visage being entirely in shadow, subtextually hinting to the audience that she’s no longer with us. Bo did SUCH a good job with these!


god i so badly want to use trixie's face as a profile pic but i gotta wait for the book to come out


You ever just see your family members being as cringe as possibly but you know anything you do to stop it will just make the problem worse.... that is what is happening with trixie here. Also i hope Trixie asks how his mom is doing because Trixie likes his mom like shes a good aunt


Aww, Beartrap's so proud of her little--er, big boss! Also wow, worst live dad's kind of a shorty next to best dead mom.


Why is what’s his name wearing a skirt? Wouldn’t it get messed up in a fight or whatever? They sell those kilts with all the pockets and reinforced ballistic fiber that would be much better right? I knew a guy who wore one of those to some Celtic Games and it stopped an axe. Much better than some random skirt.

Candaru Driemor

(quietly gathers all the little Mollys in my arms and runs away)


Feenie reacted had the same reaction earlier that day when a mermaid hobo made an eldritch soul pact with her. What an adorable surprised sheep baby.


Calliope is so pretty omg shes so fun to draw


The picture of the family photo made me whisper "babiiiiieess" out loud to my computer screen.


Trixie: oh God I'm so short, I can see everything from this angle.


Dude’s cape slapped him in the face within 5 minutes of his first mission after he added it from his promotion, and he kept for the redwood run arc. It’s not about being tactical, it’s about looking cool😎


Phoenie: who is this fashionable stranger? Molly: yup. Same idiot I know and love Trixie: Oh God! He’s Cosplaying again!!!