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If you like...

  • Ghost Trick
  • Return of the Obra Dinn
  • Lore-heavy mystery/horror games
  • Exploration-based puzzle games
  • Walking around and watching NPC pathing out of curiosity
  • Big spooky mansions

...then you might like this game!

Another review along with a small update!

I have finished the first draft of the Epithet Erased book!

It's sitting at about 90,000 words at the moment and I'm very proud of myself. I plan to do two more drafts, then pass it off to friends for feedback and editing, and then we'll start recording it! Wee!

Anyways, here's The Sexy Brutale, a game I really like a lot and wish I could play for the first time again. Would highly recommend.



George Marionerd

Will the book get a physical release? If so I will happily purchase it. Either way, glad to hear it's coming along!


The audio ends in the middle of a sentence, did you accidentally upload a shorter version of the recording? Also, excited for the book!


There seems to be an issue where the review cuts off at the end. You are about to describe "Your favorite moment" where you follow a butler with the moth ladies power, but the review just ends.


Hopefully this isn't a joke I am just missing, if so I apologize.


Thank you! This is a great review for the Sexy Brutale, its very interesting!


I think the reason Tequila's death by glass shattering seems so stupid is cause it was meant to be thematic. The song she sings that causes the glass to shatter ("Shattered hope") is about her jealousy over the marquis marriage and was never released publicly (hence her getting upset and asking where the staff member got the song when they suggest it), whereas once you save her, she instead sings "One look", the song she sung at the wedding.


Hell yeah, The Sexy Brutale was *so* well-done. Another game that plays with similar mechanics is The Invisible Hours- the same "people are dying mysteriously in a huge mansion and you go around like a ghost following characters and figuring out what they're up to and how the groundhog loop connects" setup, but less puzzle-solving and a more grounded historical fiction sort of setting. (Plus you can rewind and fast-forward through the timeline freely.) It's not quite as cool as TSB, but it scratches the same itch, and also you get to be mean to Thomas Edison. ...Wait, I just looked this up, and The Invisible Hours is actually *also* by Tequila Works, the devs of The Sexy Brutale- so I guess that's a well they like to go back to! (Another rec: Star Seeker in the Secret of the Sorcerous Standoff (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1330930). Conflict of interest notice: I made the thing, but like... you keep liking all the same stuff as me, for the same reasons? So not just a plug; I legit think you'd enjoy it. It's a murder mystery with wizards, made mainly because I was annoyed at how Ace Attorney keeps expecting one specific piece of evidence when like five of them are relevant, and thought "okay, so I'll just not have penalties and write unique dialogue for every piece of evidence on every question no matter how stupid". This turned out to be an insane idea which made a two-hour game take like a year to write, but I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Could be a nice bite-sized thing for a stream.)


Have you ever tried the outer wilds? It’s another time loop game, and it may take a bit to get through, but it’s worth it for the ending


Will these reviews be a weekly thing, or just whenever you end up doing them?