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Hey! So June 20th is my birthday!

I'm a huge fan of lemonade. Like, a stupid huge fan of lemonade. Good lemonade is my maybe my favorite thing in the world. So, I'm gonna buy as many different types of Lemonade as I can and try them all live on stream.

This is just a stupid fun thing I'm doing for me (and possibly to finish the first draft of the Epithet Book, I'm really close! We'll see)! That said, I'd love to hear if you guys have any lemonade brands you recommend so I can order them by this Sunday!

Note that this is for American lemonades only! Not lemon-flavored drinks. And none of that Italian or French flavored sparkling water that calls itself lemonade. That stuff! Is bad!

Okay go nuts, please give me recommendations. I'll also be talking recommendations from Twitter, but you guys are cooler, so you get first dibs.



Have you considered the horse's lemonade? It's sweet lemonade, oh, sweet lemonade!


Minute Maid is the superior lemonade. 🍋


Calypso is a fantastic brand with a variety of flavors!


Hubert's Lemonade is where it's at! The glass bottles, the little lemon boy winking at you, and of course the best lemonade. They have so many types too along with their original flavor!


Calypso lemonade is pretty bomb. And if we can do flavors, ocean blue lemonade


oh hey your birthday is 3 days before mine! cool! Do you want steam games? I have a ton of humble keys.


HA, we share a birthday :)


Can't say I'm a lemonade fan, but there is a hoity toity restaurant chain in California called Lemonade that might be my least favorite name for a restaurant ever. I generally go for Arnold Palmers as opposed to lemonade.


Fentiman's (it's English but it's real lemonade)


what about the "simply lemonade" brand? i don't drink it as much these days, but i remember buying the raspberry flavor a lot! (but original is also good haha)


I don't know where you're at, so I don't know if you can get your hands on it (it's a really local thing), but Del's is real real good aaaand also only really available in and around Rhode Island. They sell a mix online but it's wicked expensive and I can't vouch for whether it's the real deal.


“Country time” Lemonade if you want something good “Dole” Lemonade if you want something bad (it tastes like monopoly) And “Kool-aid” Lemonade if you want something that’s alright 🍋


Also I think that Lemon flavored Jello would be extremely appropriate 😁


I don't know if it's counts as an option but Mike's hard lemonade is one to try too


I don’t know if this suggestion counts, but I’ll throw it in here anyway: maybe you could make your own homemade lemonade to compare to the store bought ones? Personally, fresh squeezed lemons tasted best to me as a kid, especially if it was made by a loved one. You can tell a lot about a person in how the prepare such a classic beverage! Happy birthday, and May all your lemonades be delicious and full of contentment!


It's not American and you're not likely to be able to get it, but we have a special kind of lemonade called L&P that's really good. Especially the sour variant. Also hey, we share a birthday!


I personally enjoy Hubert's lemonade, I haven't had a single lemon + fruit flavor of there's I didn't like. There peach lemonade is my favorite.


Santa Cruz lemonade is organic! I have no idea how it compares to non-organic lemonade but it's organic so maybe that means something to someone.


Hubert's Lemonade quit selling to retail stores; you can only get them in restaurants now.


Make sure to have a control for your experiment by making some homemade lemonade yourself


Minute Maid brand lemonade is usually what I get here in Canada or this homemade stuff from the local market.

Graham Finch

Santa Cruz is my favorite brand of lemonade. They make 9 different flavors and they're all organic.


I'm a big fan of strawberry lemonade but I've yet to find a brand I really love


I hope you have a good time.


This is literally the cutest thing I've ever heard


If you've got one near ya, Chick-fil-a is pretty well known for its in-store-made lemonaid.

Candaru Driemor

My Twitter suggestion was Minute Maid, which was me being nice. My Patreon suggestion is "Honest Kids Lemonade." :)