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Sorry for the radio silence lately. I've been horribly sick the last two months and have been spending a lot of time at the doctor's.

Here is a WIP version of the opening for Sweetwater! It's 95% done, just gotta move some small stuff around and adjust some audio glitches in the first render. This is a new TTRPG show I'm working on about MURDER! You can read more about it in older posts (use the Sweetwater tag)

In other news, I'll be releasing a sequel to our Ace Attorney Investigations playthrough "Miles is on Fire" soon! This one is called Miles is a Robot. Should be out on January 8th?

Sweetwater should start airing some time in January as well. Woo hoo!


Sweetwater Opening [Patreon Preview]


Beckett’s Bricks and Broadway

Where can we watch sweet water? Me and my brother are really interested in watching it, but I don’t know if it’s even released yet or where we can see it


There's a video released for Patrons on August 20th, if you were unaware. It's a five-hour long video of Jello and his players in a call where he breaks down everything he made, everything he was planning, and why unfortunately the game itself will never be ran. It's *very* good, though - definitely worth the runtime IMO as he walks his players through the mysteries and lore.

George Marionerd

Ooh I've never even played Ace attorney before, but I absolutely loved Miles is on fire, it made me laugh so much I could barely breathe a few times. Looking forward to it!

The Ferret

Hope your health improves dude. Hype for the new stuff too.


Wow this looks incredible

Naoto Kamigire-Terumi

Sick. Sending you my healing thoughts!! That the Lawyer game? Yeah, I've never tried it.


Oh no. I'm gonna be obsessed with this. *fear*


Aw man, I’d totally love to buy that song if you guys make it available for purchase.


im gonna analyze the HELL outta this. With the release of the opening, we officially have confirmation on who will be playing who. Mo will be playing Nathen Campbell, Hannah Waters, and Eli Flores. Austin will be playing Rowan Stern. Will will be playing Autumn Summers, Shots Whittaker, and Pepper Jones. Saavy will be playing Ken Harper, Copper Ashworth, and Janet Winters. Christian will be playing Ol Donny Tucker and Hayden Greenback. This campaign has at least 12 PCs! A few months back, Jello released a group of character portraits, saying that three of which were PCs. Now that the OP is out, we now know which ones they were, being Hannah, Hayden, and Rowan. As confirmed by Jello, Savvy's characters consist of a scientist, a cop, and a train yard worker. One of which, who I assume to be the scientist from what I thing is a beaker he's holding. It's probably safe to assume this is either Ken or Copper. Interestingly enough, the color of this object seemingly matches the color associated with another character we see in the opening, who appears when the credit to Jacob Degenstein is onscreen. Right after this character appears, they are replaced with the character that seems to be framed as the character singing the theme song. My theory is that this character was killed in the initial murders in the 80s, but their body was just found recently. The reason I think this is because the lyrics " You could wait ‘till the water dries but by then it’d be too late". From the brief summary we've gotten, the lake has recently started to dry up. Also from the lyrics, we can infer the events leading to the victims death. They were somehow drugged with a substance that causes muscle paralysis, and were thrown into the lake to drown. Whether or not the victim was consious is up for debate, depending if the song itself is meta storytelling or not. If it is, they could have been unconsious, and thats why they never saw the killer. If not, they would have had to have been consious, which is notable. Jello has stated that anyone could be the killer, including the player characters. If it is a player character, believe it would be Rowan, since from a meta standpoint it wouldn't make sense for the killer to be played by a player with multiple characters. However, Jello has also stated that Rowan and Shadowcrest, the shadowy figure at the end of the op, couldn't be the same person for reasons currently unknown. Therefore, this possibility depends on whether Shadowcrest is the killer, or a completely different mystery character. In the earlier mentioned scene with the character matching the beaker, there are bloodied advertisements for Cafaro milk chocolate, which is run by a pair of twin heirs who only hire foreigners, leaving many townspeople out of jobs. One of them, Juniper, was among the portaits. While unlikely, the killer could very well be among the revealed portraits. Colors seem to be a recurring motif, and each character has one associated with them. The exception to this is Shadowcrest, who lacks any color at all. This character, Escalante, also has a color, but noticeably more black than the other portraits. This is proably just an artistic choice, but it is something I noticed. In Rowan's shot, a newspaper about the murders and what I think is a mug is on the table. This leads me to believe that he may interact with a character who happens to be a reporter. She appeared in an anime campaign filler as Riley Newspepper, but Jello said her surname changed. In the scene which Will's character names are revealed, the two figures draped in shadow are revealed for a split second. At least one of them is likely one of Will's characters if the pattern is consistant. The two figures' colors are yellow and green. For some reason, the choice was made to obscure Hayden Greenback's (guess what his color is) face from the camera's view even though we've already seen it in the teaser. He was pictured above with the other two teased PC's earlier. Going back a bit, the victim says they were led to their fate with "honeyed words and promises", which implies that despite never seeing the face of their killer, they had at least some sort of positive relationship with them. It also implies they spoke to the victim at some point, and at least presented themselves as male to the victim, given they use he/him pronouns when referring to the killer. Given the bloody cards that appear in frame with them, these promises may have been money based. The fact they specifically used the word "honeyed" in the opening to a series which has a candy factory as a primary setting may imply they were also involved somehow. This is further supported by how the ads for the company are the only other things that are covered in red blood other than the cards in the entire opening. Of course, this is assuming the initial killer in the 80s and the one in 2004 are one and the same, and not a copycat imitating the one 20 years ago.Once again, going back a bit, I just noticed that when the character whose color matches the beaker loses their color when the blood in the shot turns red. This could imply that they either find a body, or are killed in what I presume in the chocolate factory due to the ads. Either way, this may make them the character who, from the words of Jello, "Stuff happens to them".


:( hope you feel better soon!! it seems unfair to hold yourself to approximate uploading deadlines if you’re already unwell. your health is much much MUCH more important than slogging through video production in the name of arbitrary productivity. okay, soapbox over—just take care of yourself!