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(Listen to the theme song here!) 

Hello everyone! Just wanted to give you a preview of my next big project, SWEETWATER!

Sweetwater is a murder mystery/investigation series set in the fictional town of Sweetwater, West Virginia. Sweetwater was once a little gem of a vacation town tucked away in the heart of the Appalachian mountains. Folks came from far and wide to go boating on its majestic lake and visit the hometown of the famous Cafaro Candy company! ...That is, until a gruesome string of murders killed the town's reputation back in the 80s.

The year is 2004.

The town of Sweetwater has fallen on hard times. The economy is shot. A ghost train wails in the woods at night. The mysterious twin heirs of the Cafaro company only hire strange outsiders, leaving the townspeople unemployed. The lake, the very lifeblood of the town, is drying up. And worst of all... a new string of brutal killings is striking fear into the hearts of into the citizens. It's up to a few select citizens to figure out what's going on and stop Sweetwater's new serial killer... before it's too late.

Sweetwater is a role-playing mystery game with a heavy focus on an investigation-based narrative. The game is run in Roll20, edited down, and released on YouTube.


  • There are 5 players and 1 GM.
  • Player characters are not in a party together. Instead, play sessions will be 1-on-1 with the GM and the story's perspective will follow one player character at a time.
  • The players are not allowed to watch any session their characters are not present for, but the audience gets to see everything.
  • Each player controls multiple characters throughout the town. Police officers and businessmen. High school students and crazy old coots that live in the woods. The characters will choose which mysteries they want to investigate, what they want to do, and who they want to trust.
  • The goal is to tell a murder mystery through the perspective of an entire town. Each character's story will gather more puzzle pieces until the entire picture is complete and the mystery is solved. The mystery and all of its inner workings are pre-written, but the way it gets solved is up to the players.
  • Every single person in town is a unique character with a name and an unique icon. There are over 100 people in the town of Sweetwater (some of which can be seen above!) Anyone can be a victim... and anyone can be a killer. Including the players!
  • Episodes will be pre-recorded and released on a new side-channel on YouTube.

I've been working on this project since April (and conceptualizing it since before I even started work on Epithet), so I'm really excited to get to share it with all of you!

Unfortunately due to the open nature of this game every single location and character needs to be finished before we even start. I've been spending a ton of time putting this together! There are about 120 characters and 75 maps. We'll be wrapping the last of it up in two weeks and hopefully start filming some time in August with a release a little later on!

For those familiar with my friends' work on Stabbyness and SurpriseRoundRPG, you might recognize some of the players! The cast includes Will, Savvy, Christian, Austin, and Mo.

Sweetwater is a town filled with mysteries. Some of the things the players can investigate include:

  • The core murder mystery
  • Rumors of a lake monster
  • The ghost train in the woods
  • The lost location of a treasure lying somewhere in the woods
  • The mysterious Cafaro family and their chocolate empire
  • and the identity of the vigilante-like figure who lurks in Sweetwater's underworld, known only as "Shadowcrest".

...just to name a few!

I know that I have a lot of younger Patrons here from my main YouTube channel and Epithet Erased, so I should put a disclaimer here to let you know that this project is meant for 18+ AUDIENCES. Sweetwater contains adult themes including graphic depictions of violence, drug use, sexual themes, adult language, and subject matter that is absolutely not appropriate for kids. It's a far-cry from my usual work, so please don't go in expecting something like Epithet Erased! That being said, I'm still planning to work on Epithet while Sweetwater is running. Sweetwater is mostly prep work, but once it's going it can GO!

Please let me know if you have any questions about this series! I really like talking about it.

Also, 3 of the 12 preview icons up above are player characters! Can you guess which ones?




Love to see it


Oh cool, I'll be looking forward to that project


1, 6, and 9 have the most 'player character'y vibes, but 3 and 11 could also be such.


I'm guessing the players are 1, 7 and 10


One of them looks like a metal slug character


I've been really excited for this project ever since you first talked about it since it seemed VERY rad. I'm really excited to see this town come to life and the how the players interact with it (Hoping for the players to eventually crisscross with each other too, however that may be handled.)


"episodes will be prerecorded and released on a new side-channel on youtube" not gonna lie, this part excited me the most. its often pretty hard for my laptop to run twitch while I'm working without overheating. but i can put on youtube on my switch! so i'm very glad i can watch this series without issue. 😊


1 is clearly just Lily from Nuco so I'm guessing that's yours, not a PC. 3 looks *great* and if I had to guess he's Will's PC. 10's got heavy Francis York Morgan vibes, which makes me think he's a detective PC. And... maybe 12? 12 looks like a scrappy kid or something, and younger people have less time to accumulate dark pasts and sinister connections (and are consequently more likely to be in an outsider role to the intrigue). Anyway, really looking forward to it! It's super hard to run a mystery as a tabletop game, but you've done harder things (as your hands can attest). Can't wait!


I'm excited to see what happens in this new series!


Cool stuff as always Jello but I do have a few questions. How will player characters communicate or interact with each other? Can they leave messages for the next player, or do you have to try to control the rest of the PCs for a specific player's session? Also, do they plan on doing different voices for each character they play as? Will you be releasing the full audio of each session to Patreon after the edited versions go up on YouTube? Will the YouTube videos have bits of animation in the style of Epithet, or just be a screencap of the roll20 map with player tokens and such? Will we get to see the rolls? I'm a big fan of mysteries AND tabletop RPGs so I'm excited to work on solving this as the series progresses!


Jello this looks really intriguing! I'm excited to see the finished product. As for player characters, I'm guessing 1, 6, and 12. I really like 1's vibes already; she reminds me heavily of Lily.


The guy with the cigarette qnd raised eyebrow facing the camera has Big Will Energy


Oh I’ve been waiting for this!!!! Super excited


And my guesses for PCs are 3, 6, and 7


I know the general location of most of the PCs at any given time. If there's a likelihood of one interacting with another I will have the other player on standby. Players CAN form parties, but are not required to. I will not control player PCs ever. I will not be putting the audio on Patreon. It's already on YouTube so that's just extra work. The videos will not be animated like Epithet, just edited down so the audience doesn't see two players investigate the same thing. Standard TTRPG Roll20 camerawork with some extra audio balancing.


I’m already getting pumped for this series. I love the way you DM and series like Anime Campaign inspired me to start playing ttrpgs, so I’m super excited to see where this goes. But I have a question, why will The series be uploaded to a separation channel as opposed to the main channel ?


There'll never be a session where two people work together? Like isn't that rule number one: never be alone?


https://www.polltab.com/1MXBS2w48k Here's a poll to submit your guesses!