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Hello, all! On this, our final episode of Tip of the Tongue, Will and Jello talk about what it means to end your project. To say “this isn’t working”, to put it on the back burner, to sit down with your team and hammer out your productions problems, and how to move forward from that point. And also how to take the good bits of your old project and reuse them in new ones!

This episode was supposed to come out on New Year’s Eve because it would’ve been thematic, but my internet went out. Thanks, Spectrum!

Thanks for listening the past two years! I hope our advice has helped some of you become better creators!


Tip of the Tongue - Ending a Project (Finale)

Hello, all! On this, our final episode of Tip of the Tongue, Will and Jello talk about what it means to end your project. To say "this isn't working", to put it on the backburner, to sit down with your team and hammer out your productions problems, and how to move forward from that point. This episode was supposed to come out on New Year's Eve because it would've been thematic, but my internet went out. Thanks, Spectrum!



A shame to see the show end, but it's been a good run with plenty of episodes and lots of good content. Thanks so much for doing these, and I'm looking forward to seeing what's just around the corner for you all!


This was a great series that I especially enjoyed listening to while working, I believe I learned a lot about subjects I'm not as familiar with, and I'm sad to see it go but I appreciate your decision to end it now. Can't wait to see what you have in store for the future!