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So you guys might've noticed that my channel (and Patreon) have been pretty quiet lately! Sorry about that. My computer was in the shop for 15 days in October for what basically amounts to "the tech guys messing up over and over again," so I basically couldn't work on anything! :D

I am still very angry! :D

Here's the status of all my current projects for those interested:

  • So This is Basically is chugging along at the regular pace and the next episode, StiB Ace Attorney, should be out on the 23rd. The next video's topic is still up for grabs and you can vote on it here (though it looks like it's going to be Animal Crossing).
  • Tip of the Tongue has two more episodes left! This week we're recording an episode about Writing, specifically writing for television and trying to break into the market! We've got a special guest I'm really excited about! That should be out near the end of this month.
  • Cornucopia, my webcomic, is back in production. My goal is to get a backlog of about 12 pages finished before launching the second chapter. I currently have two pages done. My goal by this point was five, but... well, it's hard to do artwork when I don't have a computer for half a month. Here's a preview:

  • My big secret project is still in the works and passed the first stage of the greenlight/pitch meeting. It's now on the second! That's very good news and we're early in the path to production. It's slow-going, but it's likely to happen! And that's very cool. I spent most of August working on this, which is why there weren't a ton of updates back then either.
  • Pizza Game is still in the works! You can follow periodic updates on the Pizza Game twitter. The game is close to done but there's a lot of annoying back-end stuff and polishing my sister has to finish first, and that's no fun at all! Here's a preview of the last visual I drew for that game:

  • I'm also thinking about starting a new side series b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶I̶ ̶a̶m̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶r̶a̶z̶y̶ ̶p̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶  that discusses long-running franchises (ex: Pokemon) and talking about what I think the ideal product that series could produce would be like. Something that goes over series and talks about their positives while tweaking the negatives. I think too many video essays online right now are very THIS IS THE WORST-centric, so I'd like to do something a little more constructive.

Anyways, that's all for now! I feel like I've been neglecting the Patreon a bit, so let me know the type of posts you guys would like to see from me! If you'd like to see more of my work-in-progress stuff be sure to follow me on my new Twitter handle @BrendanBlaber and follow my Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/jello_apocalypse. I stream art for Nuco, Pizza Game, and also some voice acting stuff! I like interacting with chat so be sure to ask questions and stuff because I am a narcissist and like talking about myself so I will probably answer them.



This is just out of curiosity, but what do you mean by “Tip of the Tongue has two more episodes left?”


We're ending it after episode 20! This was a decision I made awhile back in an older update post. Will and I are running out of topics we know enough about to feel comfortable lecturing on and also TotT fills up a lot of my video feed and takes up a lot of time. As you can see from this post I have a lot of projects I run, so we're looking to phase TotT out soon.


Okay, thanks for clarifying that.


I'd like to see more posts of StiB outtakes. I recently upgraded to the $5 tier and am kind of disappointed that there hasn't been any of that extra content lately.


Noted! I haven't had many bloopers in the last few videos, but I suppose I could go back through my old notes and read some of the extra lines aloud!


Do a multi-hour many words post on the Scooby Doo movies, you coward! Seriously tho, really looking forward to more Cornucopia, hoping we get to see more of the other kingdoms!