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EDIT: Okay so this video is uploaded for ME, but others say it's still processing. I guess wait a day to see if it's up on Dailymotion or if you really want to watch the video now click the download link at the bottom of this post!

Hey all!

For anyone unaware, this summer I uploaded a Marathon Review video covering the Pokemon Movies! It was instantly demonetized by ShoPro (the people who own Pokemon) because they are jerks! I tried to play the "this is a parody" card which gave ShoPro 30 days to respond. If they did not respond after thirty days, that means I got to monetize the video again!

So of course they didn't respond for 30 days and then on the 31st day hit me with a copyright strike and took my video down. Because they are assholes.

Anyways, after MANY ATTEMPTS to get this thing back up on YouTube ending in failure, I tried my best to upload it anywhere else. Unfortunately the best place seems to be Dailymotion (I cannot get Vimeo's pay-to-let-me-upload-large-videos thing to work for the life of me), so that means it's in 360p quality!

That sucks, but at least it's up.

If you'd like to download the original video in all its high quality, you can do that here!  

Special thanks to Caleb Hyles for helping me sing in this video and for pLasterbrain for making the instrumental. Check out their work!


Every Pokemon Movie Reviewed to their Theme Songs

Watch Every Pokemon Movie Reviewed to their Theme Songs by JelloApocalypse on Dailymotion here



Is anyone else having trouble with the download? It downloads about 50-100mb of the file and then finishes, so it ends up corrupted. I'm not sure if it's my net or the site being fucky.

Jennifer Miller

I thought you were gonna do the the song itself as a download. You should directly call them and ask how it violates copyright.


Turns out it's a Google Chrome problem - it doesn't like large files from mediafire. It downloads fine if you use a different browser!

Todd Christiansen

Downloaded and it was well worth a watch. Screw the jerks who took this down.


The video is still processing...