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Will and I are doing something new this month! Because neither of us have substantial music experience, we're taking a back-seat and conducting interviews with lots of musicians! Then we're cutting those interviews together!

To structure the interviews, we need your questions! What are some things that you'd like to ask a musician? This includes singers, cover artists, composers, and more! Ask you questions ASAP!



What is the line between Parody, Cover, and Plagerism?


"How do you start writing a commission piece? Where does the melody come from?"


Is there a good place to find n commission composers? Is there some YouTube network where they all hang out? What's a ballpark figure of their range of prices?

Todd Christiansen

I've played piano my whole life but never done any composition. If I want to make music for my own projects, where do I start? Do I need to study music theory or can I just mess around with melodies and see what works?


When creating a soundtrack/background music, how do you avoid making your songs sound like other songs? What is the line between being inspired by another score and copying another score?


For commissioned work, what information is needed/required to make a piece?


How much are you using musical notation for your own compositions? How are you integrating unusual sounds (guitar slaps, found sounds, etc.) to your notation, if at all? Also, what would you, as a musician, most want to know about other musicians past or present?


What do you do if, after sinking hours of work into a song or theme, it feels too generic or uninspired for you to tolerate it being released and publicly heard?


What's the most cost-effective way to start out making your own music? I always work on tiny budgets, so I've been wondering how to best get into this without saving up for it for months to come first.

Dara McMahon

If one of the artists is Gavin "Miracle of Sound", could you ask him why the song "Ploughing a Troll" is a thing? Just kidding, don't have any real questions, just hope he knows I love his music.


What advice do you have for complete novices who don't have any music composition skill or resources? Are there any good, easy-to-use music creation programs for free or low price you would recommend?


I learned the basics of reading and playing music as a kid back when I learned to play the trumpet, and have since dabbled in writing/arranging music in LMMS without any further knowledge. I've found that I can figure out how to make melodies and progressions, but I don't know how to do anything more technical than that. Do you have any suggestions on what I could do if I want to expand my knowledge?


As a composer, I often hesitate to apply or promote myself for a specific job because I worry I won't be able to deliver. Because of my inexperience (I'm a college student), I can't say for sure I would be able to pull a certain thing off, even if I think I probably could, and this stops me from committing. How do I--for lack of a better word--get over it?

Michael St. George

Where do you go and/or what do you do just prior to (or, perhaps, during) composing/songwriting? Do you have any 'rituals' or activities, or any favorite places to visit, or music to listen to that gets you in the proper headspace?


How much knowledge should I have on music theory, if any?