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Jello tries to talk about Ace Attorney without spoiling a single case and it turns out that's really hard.




"The dlc case of the 6th game is the only bad one, I don't dislike any of the assistants." Ohh boy you can tell this is old.


i kinda hate to say it, but the best part of AJ was not apollo, it was the phoenix and kristoph side story. any time they were on the screen together interacting it was dynamic and fun in a scary way, so for most of the game i was just going "oh look a cool and complex relationship, cant wait for that to come back" and it never does and capcom just drops any development phoenix had in aj


And if you dont know what to talk about that hasnt already been said, you could bring up the fact that AA has four musicals (all of which are weird)


Your point of "The worst thing that can happen in a case is the player figures out the twists before the characters do" is why I didn't really like the first Dangonronpa game and I think the second game is exponentially better


Glad to hear you say the first case of Apollo Justice was the best one because that's the only one I played, when I finished it I was like wow that was a really fun case and then immediately after that the game said hey go do some chores and I never played it again.


Nevermind, my question was immediately answered XD.

Michael St. George

By any chance, did you end up playing the spin-off title featuring Miles Edgeworth (the one that released over here in the states)?

Madeline Stringer

Hi, I know I don't really comment a whole lot but I listen to basically all of your stuff and I just wanted to let you know I appreciate you posting this kind of thing. That's all, just thought I'd let you know after listening to all your Open Thoughts things. :) Thanks again.