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Hey all! Siv and I recorded a video of us talking about the making of So This is Basically JoJo's Bizarre Adventure! (The above adorable fanart of Joanne and Willie is from Mrs_Ponytails on twitter! Check out her stuff!) 

We discuss storyboards, drawings, character designs, and a whole BUNCH of Part 9 stuff that didn't make it into the video! We've decided to call our hypothetical JoJo Part 9 "Our Jingle Avenue" Of note, there was an error in rendering this video and there's about 6 minutes of empty black at the end. Ignore that!

Also, if you're interested in checking out the storyboards, they're attached to this post!


Jello and Siv talk about that JoJo Video they made! [Patreon Reward]

Join narrator/writer Jello and artist Siv as they spend upwards of 30 minutes talking about a 5 minute long video that it took them five weeks to make! We discus storyboards, character design, and also a bunch of stuff about JoJo Part 9, which we've called Our Jingle Avenue!


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