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Hey all, thanks for your continued support! The JoJo video looks great, and the next video in the pipeline is SO THIS IS BASICALLY FIRE EMBLEM! I'm really excited for this one! Fire Emblem is one of my favorite series and I've wanted to tackle it for awhile now. The artist for this video will be TJ Bertino, the mastermind behind the Zelda and Star Vs videos!

Please go ahead and cast your vote for the next video below! Only one vote per person, so pick your favorite! You can change your vote at any time.

If you are a $10+ Patron your choice counts as TEN votes! Please cast your vote here! 

If there's something you'd like to see that isn't an option, please comment below! 

Poll ends Monday the 28th at 11:59pm.



Normally I'd say RWBY, but you trying to understand Kingdom Hearts on Twitter convinced me to vote differently.

Jacy Frett

I want to see Rwby in STiB’s art style. It would be hilarious

Matthew Rowe-Blackman

I want ace attorney I've always wondered jellos opinion on the series


Not sure if there's been a poll with it yet but One Piece would be cool to see

The Orange Cow

For the love of God, do Kigdom Hearts, it will be gold

Michael St. George

I'd rather wait until after Kingdom Hearts III releases later this year, to wrap up this "Dark Seeker" story arc, just in case that would make for a better STiB: KH.

Michael St. George

Ace Attorney has probably more than enough material out there for everything that can be said of it/riffed off of, will be. So I would like to see Ace Attorney.

Michael St. George

Quick question (or perhaps a suggestion) concerning the STiB Fire Emblem: would it incorporate any of or make reference to Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE? 🤔 I honestly don't know if doing so would strengthen or weaken the video, but I can't help but think it should included as an end-of-video nod or joke. In any event, it's up to you as the writer to make the call.


Personally, I'd like to see you tackle Kamen Rider.

Jennifer Miller

Curses! I was so close to a Legend of Korra ep! You guys don't get it, he'll remove after too long! We need to strike while the iron is hot! Korra! *washed away in hurricane*


So many possibilities! Not enough voting points!!!

Michael St. George

I still haven't watched LoK, though I own it on DVD (or maybe BD; I forgot which format I bought it on). I'll need to get started on that soon. Thanks for the inadvertent reminder!

Jennifer Miller

It's a good series. Gets a lot of hate from the same kind of crowd who poopoos Last Jedi and Dubbed anime, but I found Korra way more relatable than Aang, and the seasonal villains were a major step up from Ozai.


Disney's Inside Out


So this is Basically Doki Doki Literature Club


Kingdom Hearts is the most convoluted, incoherent thing humanity has ever created, but I absolutely fucking love it.


STIB Danganronpa. PLEASE make this happen. 😀😀


It'd be lovely if you ever made a STB of either Danganronpa or Fairy Tail. But first I'd love to see a Digimon one! Of course after Ace Attorney! XD


1995 Sailor Moon.. please! XD


Yo why is kingdom hearts second it is like an amazing game right cool kids


Could you do a "So this is Basically Tangled The Series?"