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Hey, just a quick update! Will and I are going to be recording the 6th episode of our monthly podcast Tip of the Tongue this evening. Originally this month's episode was going to focus on Improv, but the guests we wanted on couldn't be scheduled until next month, so instead we'll be talking about VOCAL DIFFERENTIATION! All about exploring your voice and expanding your acting range!

If you have any questions on the subject, please ask them below! We'll answer the most relevant ones at the end of the episode!

Other Updates:

  • There will be no So This is Basically this month, instead the Star Vs. video will come out in early October. I wanted to give myself a little break since I needed to focus on some other things, like:
  • The background art for Pizza Game, which is now finished! The only thing left to draw for the game are the ending CGs, and most of those aren't written yet. I'll be making a post showing the backgrounds off a little later this month, probably next week.
  • If all goes well I'll be posting a small video next Friday about My Hero Academia. It's a type of video I've never made before, so I'm curious to see how people will respond to it!
  • I've started drawing my webcomic, Cornucopia on a weekly basis again. I'm planning to start regular updates again once I have 6 backup pages. I currently have 4 completed, so if all goes well that means the comic will resume in 3 weeks! Of course, this also means my time is split in half again since I work Sat-Monday all day on that comic. We'll see how well I balance that with video making! Hopefully having a series of backup pages waiting in the wings will make things go smoother since I can take a week off when I need to sit down and produce a video.

Thanks for reading! Excited to see your questions!



Any tips for achieving gender differentiation in your voice? [I mostly ask because I run a tabletop game and find myself struggling with female NPC's]


Is it worth paying for the sites that allow you to find jobs? Voices.com, Mandy Voices, etc. As a new VA, it would be out of my pocket, but I don't know if there are better ways or not.


2 questions, the second doesn't really relate to the topic (so you don't waste your time, if you don't answer I won't be heartbroken) 1. Do you do any sort of warm-ups or practices, if so, could you give an example? 2. Do you have something you look to for motivation, or do you just have a strong sense of discipline?


What advise do you have for trans voice actors and their possible voice changes during transition? What is the best way to ensure they can continue to produce well.


As a creator, what is the best way to ensure your tryouts exhibit the range of voice/acting that you need?


Is it hard to make voices sound different from other voices? Or could giving a trait to character's voice help with that?