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JUST SO YOU KNOW, THIS CONTAINS A LOT OF [SPOILERS]  FOR THE SHOW! If you haven't watched yet and ARE interested, I might recommend staying away from this one until after you've checked it out.

Anyways, here's my usual Open Thoughts thing where I talk out loud to myself about the next video's topic so I can get some idea of what I really want to hit on in the upcoming So This is Basically.

Star is a mostly-okay show with a lot of flaws, but it keeps getting better every season so to be honest I'm actually really optimistic for it. Depends if they can stick to their cool high-fantasy plot stuff for the majority of the show instead of randomly revisiting shit no one cared about from Season 1, unlike some shows. Not to name any names COUGH COUGH *STEVEN UNIVERSE* COUGH GOUH




It was… ok. Season three was good, but Season four definitely suffered from “too many story threads for one season” disease, and apparently still corporate meddling. The finale was a divisive stumble over the finish line. If they hadn’t had to waste time on season 1 and 2 I think they could’ve done better.


Now that the show’s done, what’re your thoughts on the rest of season 3 and 4?


I never watched them, actually! All my friends told me the rest of the show was a pretty big let-down.


I liked how they wrapped things up by the end, but there are a few filler episodes thrown in just to fill out the episode counter.


You don't seem to appreciate the set up; you have to meet the characters, the settings and see how the characters interact. The time proven way to do that while also building up a casual fan base is to be episodic, so anyone channel surfing and can find it on and watch a self contained episode without getting lost like "did i miss something?". Then once you are in the same "this is normal life" mindset, then they start rolling out the plot and character development(slowly, a character's character can't change in a day[without something traumatic]). Season 1 you want to tell star get it together, season 2 you see she is starting to focus and really learn magic, season 3 she shows us why she is the main character and future queen of mewni.


Episodic stuff has never been a requirement for a show's foundation. Character is established simply by how the cast reacts to things, and all you need for that is a good cast. The situation doesn't matter because a strong character will shine in any setting. I say "the show clearly wants to be a high fantasy epic" because it's obvious that's where the show's passion is. It's all too often that a network doesn't trust that a creator's idea will be interesting enough to carry a show by itself so they force new shows to start out with the paint-by-numbers early stuff that doesn't establish anything. Star Vs. doesn't get /good/ until the end of Season 1 when we finally get some actual intrigue. Season 2 clearly wants to focus on what's happening in Mewni (see: every single episode being 1/2 Ludo as a framing device) but they're still mired in the network's "WELL WE DON'T KNOW THAT'S WHAT WILL TEST WELL WITH OUR AUDIENCE!" so it can't FOCUS on it yet. Only now that we're in Season 3 do I really feel like the show is where it wanted to be at the beginning, and that's not fair to the creative team or to the audience. It's this same executive mindset that leads to decisions like "well, Marco needs boy friends obviously so add two of those" and them adding Alfonso and Ferguson (who are exclusively terrible) that hinders shows like this. I criticise networks pigeonholing shows like Star that want to focus on their ongoing story arcs because it's the industry standard and it ALWAYS hurts the show for what basically amounts to "no reason."


By no means is this episodic nature good for the show, i am just saying the tactics they are using to try and get more people are: episodes that don't require you to have seen previous episodes to know what is going on, and breather time/series runtime extenders/filler episodes to make the show last longer than something like over the garden wall. Certainly the creators of the show want to see the show progress noticeably ,