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People seemed to enjoy this post where I shared all my Talk-To-Myself-Brainstorming about what's wrong with a franchise audioposts, so here's the one I just recorded for Zelda!

Admittedly I think this one's kinda boring and unfocused, but someone might enjoy it, so here it is!

Related: Breath of the Wild is REALLY fun.




I really liked this! It's cool to see how you process these kinds of videos you make. It's also nice to hear other opinions on these games, good and bad. Wind Waker is my all time favorite (haven't play BOTW yet) but it's because WW had personality and charm I just couldn't put it down. I personally liked the dungeons but the exploration sold me the most. Sailing to different islands, discovering secrets and getting power bracelets that let you lift giants rock (it made Link look so cute with his huffy face). The HD version of it made me love it even more, especially with the Wii U game pad (which was actually useful for something). Anyway, all that to say, this was awesome and I hope you do more in the future! Thanks!