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Hey all! In case any of you are interested in that Anime Campaign thing that I run ever other month, we're concluding EPISODE 6, THE MAGICAL GIRL ADVENTURE EPISODE tomorrow!

We will be streaming live on https://www.twitch.tv/warpedlamp June 25th at 4pm EST! Come watch! These are always a fun time.

(I have spent the last week working on this and playing Breath of the Wild to study up for the Zelda video. After this is finished I'll get to hiring the guest artist!)

Also (somewhat related), you can check me out in The 3rd Wheel's new Upwind audio-drama series, NO SMARTS BUT HEARTS!  It's about pirates and trying to get back a bunch of magical artifacts that got stolen from our school! I play Quiggly Cartwright, mapmaker-extraordinaire and lemonade enthusiast! You can watch it here! 

Also also, expect the next Tip of the Tongue episode this Friday!



It's tomorrow! Come watch it here! WHOOOOA! https://www.twitch.tv/warpedlamp For more information, check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea6Enop4jRs


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