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6/6/18: The Set is Set

The city area is much more complete and I'm ready to get back to animating. I did want the Neko to pounce over the couch, but I had to change it to her sitting down and watching tv for... actually, why did I do that? Never work while you're tired or you might work in reverse!

The backside of the city no longer has a gaping hole in it. Making it look like this whole area is more built up than it is.

Added some city trash and dumpster fires to make it feel more lived-in.Lots of cool effects to play around with now. Especially fog sheets. 2d moving texture planes of fog in which you see in the back.
For VR stream quality, that got fixed and should not make people sick for when I revisit working with it.

6/4/18: Building Blocks

It's kinda crazy that I'm already on a new project full steam ahead!
This time, I streamed everything in VR where everyone could see through my own eyes while I built a few city blocks from the ground up. It started off with just a road and 1 building, but a ton of time later, it became quite a beautiful set!

Sorry to those who got kinda sick looking at it though.

It sucks that the Rift Dashboard crashed and I couldn't see chat/music in a pinned window anymore, but that's beta testing for you.

If you want to know what was there before...

After rebuilding the lighting, everything became SO much better!

Although I think it requires a bit more lighting for the back areas that are now too dark.



Nice progress. I was only there in the beginning. So is this more effective than with mouse and keyboard? If yes than that's good. Sorry that I had to leave a bit early even before my time to sleep. The quality was a bit too harsh to my eyes, it was heavy pixelated and I had a headache to begin with. The pictures have a far better quality. Good job in any case, as you might know I am especially excited to see your progress in Unreal engine for reasons :D


This is definitely better for me since it's more interactive and fun, but I'll try to raise the quality wherever I can. Pixellated definitely means the bit rate must be too low. For general quality, I think I can raise it. But let's test the bit rate first.