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Hello again, everyone! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Implemented coloration for the breast mole into the gameplay
  • Drew all "Wet" sprites for gameplay
  • Fleshed out the plans for future gameplay features

This week was a teensy bit rough, work-wise. ^^;

As many of you know, I tend to require lots of references to draw. It's a crutch that I haven't yet shaken as an artist. I also have a very difficult time drawing abstract shapes and concepts. As such, drawing water droplets on a woman's body from the perspective of said woman was very, very difficult for me. ._.

The lack of references for this particular POV was to be expected; I'm more or less used to that by now. But trying to get the water to look right was something else. It took several iterations, the first looking more like a terrible case of blue chicken pox than water droplets. Figuring out how many droplets to add was my first challenge. Then I realized they should be different sizes and transparencies, and so on and so forth.

Oh, also my drawing tablet stopped working at the beginning of the week. So, uh... drawing hundreds of water droplets with a mouse and keyboard was... f u n.

Fortunately I've gotten my tablet working again since then, granted I have no idea why and that terrifies me. Something to do with the drivers and Wacom being Wacom. :/

Bah, enough complaining from me!

All in all, I think the wet sprites turned out quite alright! A little bit of shine and shade goes a long way in making them look good!

Now I just have to put them into the game, which should be easy enough; I'll just do what I did for the shine. After that, there's just a few more (far, FAR simpler) things to draw, one bug to fix, and then we're at 0.2!

Oh, that reminds me! Here are those showcases that I promised that include the new features from the last post:

Behold! Shiiiine!


Behold! Justice!


Behold! Boredom!

I never explained this change, actually. Originally, the "Unamused" eyes included sclera (eye whites) and a more prominent eye shape. Overall, it just looked kinda weird, so I redrew it with heavy emphasis on simplicity.


Plus, if you remove the pupils, you've got an unamused chibi look! This was one of those happy accidents that ended up being better than the original! ^_^

Aaaand that concludes our tour for last week's progress!

In other news, I took the opportunity to flesh out some ideas I've had brimming around in my head. I've now got a much better idea of the order of future updates and what each of them will contain. This is shaping up to be quite an undertaking, but man am I excited to see it bear fruit! :D

Additionally, I've put a lot of work into fleshing out the [REDACTED] and how they'll interact with the player, heroes and NPCs. Obviously the giantess will remain the main focus, but I just love [REDACTED] too much to not include them somehow, you know? Plus they'll add some nice variety to the game! The main challenge will be balancing their [REDACTED]; the player will still be avoiding the feet at the same time, so I can't make too much happen at once. I think I can pull it off, though!

Hey, I hope you're paying attention. This'll be on the quiz, you know!

Anyways, I'm gonna eat some Taco Bell and do my best not to think about water droplets for the next decade or so. I'll see you guys again next week!




That last screenshot is a mood. xD ... I felt that a lot this week. x.x Anyway, thanks for the update and have a great weekend! ^o^/