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Hello again, everyone! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Created and implemented shine into the gameplay
  • Created and implemented the breast mole into the gameplay
  • Implemented (or reimplemented?) the smallest breasts into the gameplay
  • Made the "Sweat Drop", "Anger Mark", "Forehad Shadow", and "Fear Shadow" base sprites white for a fuller range of colorization
  • Recreated the "Unamused" eyes
  • Fixed the positioning of the "Serious" eyes' sclerae
  • Recreated the nail spritesheets to make editing them easier (and to finally remove those pesky floating pixels near the fingernails!)
  • Further tested and fixed more issues relating to backwards-compatible save data

In case you missed it, v0.1.5 is out as of yesterday! If you're in the Small tier or higher, go play it, have fun! Let it distract you from the fact that I didn't make gifs for the new art in this post! :D  (I'll make some gifs once I get more of the remaining art done. ^^;)

So, first and foremost: new gameplay art!! It's been so long!

The shine was tricky to nail down art-wise. The breasts were straightforward enough, but there are very few references out there for shiny feet viewed from above. I ended up winging it for several attempts before landing on what we have in-game now. Implementing it was nice and easy, fortunately!

The breast mole, oddly enough, was just the opposite. It was very, very easy to draw. It's... just a dot, basically. But implementing it... I failed to foresee just how complicated the "Extras" category would make this process. I got caught between keeping the code simple but bulky versus complex but slim. I think I've found a compromise of sorts, but... we'll see. ._.  Also, I only noticed this morning that I completely forgot to incorporate color functionality for the breast mole; I'll make sure to add that in with the next update.

Speaking of which, the next update will be our first step into v0.2! What this means is that we're finally shifting focus away from the customizer and back to the gameplay part of Run From Me! Ahh, I've been neglecting it for far too long now. It'll be nice to get back to it! But before that, I have a few more art assets to add in.

Back to this update, we have some minor art fixes here and there... Hmm... Ah, the save data! Just yesterday, I was lucky enough to still have outfits I'd saved months ago. I took the opportunity to try to load them, and sure enough, the game crashed several times due to some variables I forgot to make backwards-compatible. This means that there is still a firm possibility that issues like this will still pop up from time to time.

If you encounter a game crash or bugs of any kind, please let me know! It's easily possible that it stems from something I've overlooked, so the sooner I know about it, the sooner I can fix it! :)

Now then, it's time for me to chance the perilous journey through blistering cold and scorching desert, traveling for many days and nights, risking life and limb to reach the nearest Taco Bell. The weather here is no joke... I'll see you guys again next week!


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