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Hello again, everyone! I hope my American friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and a safe Black Friday! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Fixed an issue in which randomizing the "Eyes" category caused iris/pupil/sclera UI to be visible on eyes that don't have them
  • Made "Extras" sprites turn visible as soon as the grid button is pressed, and invisible if it isn't equipped when another is pressed
  • Clicking the selected "Extras" grid button now deselects it, allowing you to see only the sprites that are equipped
  • Changed the "Equip" button text and made it change colors to make it more clear when a sprite is equipped vs unequipped

I was hoping to get more done this week, but Thanksgiving kept me busy and out of the house a lot this week. ^^;  However, these four bullet points mark the end of the remaining programming for this update!

I'M FINALLY FREE! (Until I begin the next update.) FREE!!!

Now I just have a few art assets to add and a few to fix, and then 0.1.5 will be out!

So a quick explanation of the bottom three bullet points and the gif: Currently, the Extras category requires you to hit the Equip button in order to see what the sprite looks like on the giantess. Once this update rolls out, you'll be able to see each sprite immediately when you click on them! It's a minor quality of life change, but one I feel will save some time and frustration for players. And me. I got really tired of having to hit that Equip button every time I wanted to test a new sprite. >.<

If you want to see what the giantess looks like with just the sprites you have equipped, you'll just click on whatever you have selected again to deselect it and hide the sprite (assuming it isn't equipped). Or, put simpler, just double-click one of the Extras grid buttons to select and deselect it.

That last bit does take some getting used to, but I do feel it's far better to have to click a grid button once every now and then as opposed to having to click the Equip button every time you want to see a new sprite. Plus this behaves a lot more similarly to the rest of the categories now.

Anyhoo, that's all for this week. I'm gonna pop off my programming hands and replace them with my drawing hands, right after I use my Taco Bell-eating hands! ...I'm a normal, functioning human. Do not question my normal, human hands. I'll see you guys again next week!




Very nice my dude


I had a nice Birthday.. so kinda a Thanksgiving? xD And thanks for the update! ^o^


Wait, WHAT?! Your birthday just passed?! Tell me when it was so I can smack you in the face with a cake next time! >:o But also happy birthday!! (It better have been happy, or SO HELP ME)