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Hello again, everyone! Here's what I got done this week:

Save System:

  • Fixed an issue in which the secondary colors wouldn't save/load if an item without a secondary was selected on the last save
  • Fixed an issue in which an update-removed item from "Extras" would pass its visibility and color to the next item
  • Fixed an issue in which the game would crash when loading an update-added ear
  • Fixed an issue in which the game would crash when loading an update-added accessory sprite if it has a secondary
  • Fixed an issue in which the game would crash when loading an update-added item in a set
  • Fixed an issue in which the heterochromia colors would show on eye sprites with one or fewer eyes if heterochromia was already enabled

General UI:

  • In the "Eyes" category, made the Pupils/Irises/Sclera checkboxes and color buttons hide when the sprite doesn't have them
  • Fixed an issue in which "outfit set" stars would become visible when flashing even if star visibility was off in the "Outfit Sets" menu
  • Fixed an issue in which randomizing to a sprite on a different page wouldn't change the page, thus highlighting the wrong sprite button
  • Reduced the chance of each "Extras" sprite being enabled on randomize
  • Gave all sprites in the "Breast Size" and "Nails" categories names

Call me Bob the Builder, 'cause I just did a whole lotta fixin'!

As before, this stuff isn't particularly interesting to talk about. Buuuut I'll run through some highlights and oddities, for those interested. :)

First off, when an "Extras" item was removed in an update, that sprite's equipped status and its colors would be transferred to the next item over. I fixed this, but at the cost of bloating the save file a little bit. The way I have it set up, Godot saves each item and its properties by name. Yet, for some reason, when I tried to pass these saved names into the "find_node" function, it always returned null. The weird thing is, I copied and pasted the names directly from the save file and tested it by inputting them in like that, and... it worked. I'm at a total loss as to why that is, but I found a workaround that only bloats the save file a little bit, it shouldn't be a big deal.

Next up, the game would crash if a new ear was added in a game update. This was a simple fix by comparison. For some reason, I set up the ears like I did the Extras -- each sprite had its own set of colors placed into an array. This is necessary for the Extras since multiple can be equipped at once, but you'll never have more than one ear sprite at a time. (Unless you're some kinda FREAK!) So, I simply changed the ear color system so that all colorizable ears (currently just the aquatic ears for now) share the same color, same as the other categories.

Let's see... boring... boring... too complicated to explain... boring...

Ah, here's one that's almost fun to talk about! When the "Extras" category is randomized, I lowered the chance of each item being equipped from 50% to 20%. Since there will be so many accessories, having a 50% chance for each one is a bit much. I mean, we only have, what, 16 or so Extras sprites right now and it's already chaotic at 50! As I add more, I'll probably tweak the number to accommodate the chaos. Or I'll just write a formula for it... bleh.

Ooh! Last thing: I finally gave the breast sizes and the nail shapes names! The names of the nail shapes is accurate to reality, but the breast sizes... let's just say I had some fun with it! :D

With that, I'm now down to 2 issues left to fix related to the UI, and neither of them are related to the save system! (Thank friggin' goodness!) One of them is a very small issue that shouldn't take long to fix. The other will require some moving things around, but it'll be a very nice quality of life improvement for the Extras! More on that in the next post! (Assuming I fix it and this isn't another one of those hydras...)

Anyhoo, I'm gonna go steamroll some clay figures and reshape them into a Taco Bell meal. I'll see you guys again next week!



Hey Bob the builder, "fun" wasn't part of your contract. Please refrain from enjoying excruciating labor. No fun in programming. ... Yes, I've been hurt, too. :'D Joking and half truths aside, good job again! ^o^/ And I have to admit, I haven't played or even taken a look at the game so far. xD I decided to wait until it is feature complete and polished. :3 So sorry, that I can't give any feedback. x3 Have a great day and a very much deserved rest! :D


Hahaha! Hehe... heh... ;~; Programming is definitely a masochist's job. :,D Feature complete may be quite a ways away, but you do you! I'm just happy to have you here to chat with. ^_^ And you have a great day, and plenty of rest, yourself! You probably do more programming than I do. ^^;

Atlan from Atlarchy

Any advice for a meat-free taco? I might give them another try... but still in the same place, so Taco Bell does not exist here, nor any other taco place you know from US... There is only one Taco place here so... Any advice? This totally is not an attempt to make you not worry too much on the pain it is to program stuff and get your mind onto something fun... Ignore that one, just give me taco advice xD


Haha, I don't have a lot of experience with tacos outside of Taco Bell. That said, I have had some pretty good potato tacos! They used potatoes as the base for the shells (optional) and used diced boiled potatoes in place of the meat. With the right toppings, it's really good! ^_^