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Ah, it's good to be back! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Fixed an issue with the eye and nail sprites in which if SpriteX's color is set to SpriteY's default color and SpriteY is then selected, the other sprites' colors would be set to default again
  • Fixed an issue in which the default colors of the eyes and pubic hair would get stuck on one color once loaded (rather than varying from sprite to sprite)
  • Made the heterochromia colors match the non-heterochromia colors ONLY when the heterochromia colors are a default color
  • Fixed a TON of smaller issues that came from the eyes and nails as a result of the above fixes
  • Fixed an issue in which the "individual colors" UI in the "Eye" category wasn't properly toggled on load or randomization
  • Fixed an issue in which loading with heterochromia on would not reveal the two sclera buttons

I missed game development during my week off, but let me tell ya, game development did NOT miss me! It gave me more curveballs in this last week than it has most of my time developing the game as a whole. Let me put it another way: this entire week has been me trying to finish one single item on my to-do list. And I still haven't finished it!

What's the one item, you ask? "In the nail and eye categories, the individual/heterochromia colors do not always reflect the selected base colors."

Pretty simple task, right? Just get the individual colors to match the base colors. That should be doable in just a few minutes.

...At least, that's what I said to myself in the beginning. Oh, how naïve I was...

Long story short, every time I fixed an issue, two more took its place. This thing was (and still is) the hydra of UI issues. To make matters worse, the issues happened in such specific circumstances that it's honestly difficult to explain them. I mean, just look at that first bullet point up there! I fixed that and even I'm having trouble understanding it!

The main problem with all of this was that there were so many combinations of checkboxes and default colors and custom colors that it all became one big spaghetti-filled mess.

Man, I've missed this! :D

So I've managed to fix the vast majority of issues involving this "one" task. The only issues that remain involve loading the colors properly when the game starts and when switching outfits. Provided this hydra doesn't hit me with more heads, I should have it done next week, and then I can get back to fixing the other, more important issues.

And then, maybe I can treat myself to working on more art. A guy can dream...

Anyhoo, that's all for now! I'm gonna do some DNA splicing to turn this hydra into a Taco Bell meal that keeps growing back. This will have no consequences whatsoever. I'll see you guys again next week!



As promised, here I am again! ^-^/ *Reads...* Yeah... development never misses you... no matter how long you've been gone, it won't treat you any nicer. Dx At best you have no one complaining. :'D Wait no, leave the hydra alive, I wanna pet and ride it! Dx


I think it might actually be angry at me. It's treating me so much worse than before. ;~; If you ride the head of the hydra, two more ride you!

Atlan from Atlarchy

I see you've reach the moment in gamedev where all the fun is either behind you, or in front of you and you just have to do the boring stuff... The moment when Yanderedev would normally add a new feature which will again not get properly optimised... I am glad you're avoiding that and working on the technical issues! I wish you much luck!


Haha, that's UI programming in a nutshell for me. XD There's definitely more development fun ahead! In fact, it's right around the corner, juuuust past this customizer maintenance. :) Ah, Yanderedev... Hearing his story is what made me vow to always finish what I start, as long as it's worth finishing. If it's not worth it, then I do my best to offer closure at the very least. ^^;