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Note: Next week will be my quarterly break. There will not be a progress report next Friday, but things will resume normally the following week.

Hello again, everyone! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Set the z-indexes for all sprite categories (what they're in front of and what they're behind)
  • Changed the Eye Flare sprites a bit and added them to the Emotions subcategory of the Extras category
  • Applied default colors to all new sprites
  • Fixed an issue in which the save system would cause the game to crash when new items are added into the Extras category
  • Fixed an issue in which the game didn't create the appropriate save directory for the outfits, and therefore couldn't save them

So, first thing's first: Run From Me 0.1.4 is out! You can view the complete changelog here! If you're in the Small tier or higher, then you can finally experience the horrors of hitting that randomize button! :D

The save system I have in place should keep each your outfits about 80% safe right now. If I add or change any items in a category, you should barely notice it. However, if I remove an item from a category, things may shift around and your outfits may load the wrong item. If you have a lot of outfits saved and you're about to grab an update in which I've switched things around a bunch, it'll be annoying but workable. Barring that specific circumstance, your outfits should be relatively safe from update to update. :)


If you'd like to delve into the save files and poke and prod, you can find them in the following locations:
Windows: %APPDATA%\Godot\app_userdata\Run From Me
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Godot/app_userdata/Run From Me
Linux: ~/.local/share/godot/app_userdata/Run From Me

I wouldn't recommend changing anything inside the save files unless you really know what you're doing, and even I feel like I don't sometimes. >_<  Additionally, you can't move the save files anywhere else; they have to remain in their directories. You can, however, share your outfits with others very easily! Just go to the "Outfit Data" folder from your listed directory above, find the .txt  and .png files of the outfit that you'd like to share and copy/paste or drag/drop or whatever you whippersnappers do these days to share your files! From there, the other person can transfer those files into their "Outfit Data" folder and use your outfits! Easy peasy! Just be sure you're both running the same version of the game.

Other than the last-minute changes to the save system, I mostly just cleaned up this week. There are still some minor customizer bugs here and there (as seen below the changelog), but I'll worry about those in two weeks.

For now, I'm gonna grab myself some Taco Bell, throw myself into bed, and relax. For once, I feel like I've timed this week off perfectly. I've been struggling to stay focused these past couple of weeks, and I think this break will be just what the doctor ordered! I'll see you guys again in two weeks!



*Pokes and prods at random save files... ends several Minecraft worlds.* Uhh... whoops. o3o' *Whistles innocently and shoves the remains under the carpet.* ^3^ ~