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Hello, everyone!

As always, I've been thinking about my Patreon, how it's been doing, and more importantly, how I've been doing with it. I feel like I haven't been fulfilling my end of the rewards as of late, especially everything pertaining to 3D animations. I had made the decision to incorporate those rewards during a time when I wasn't in the healthiest state of mind.

As such, on September 1st, I'm going to update the tiers again to better reflect the rewards I'm capable of offering. This will primarily be removing rewards from the listings and making certain tiers "tip jars" for those who would like to chip in extra.

As far as the content goes, don't worry; nothing will change there. I'll continue work on Run From Me and keep writing weekly progress reports, same as always. It's strictly the membership information that I'm changing to give people a more accurate representation of what to expect before they join.

If you've recently joined for a specific reward and feel you didn't get what you signed up for, I sincerely apologize and I can offer a refund if desired. Just send me a private message and we'll get it sorted out.

I'm really not great with the business side of things, so everything I do here is throwing darts blindly at the dart board. Experimentation is part of my process to figure out what lands on the board and what punctures my metaphorical wall. Maybe someday I'll even hit a bullseye! Until then, however... I'll keep the spackle handy for filling in those holes. :P

As always, a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me! It's truly been a humbling experience, and I appreciate each and every one of you (whether you're currently subscribed or not). :)


Atlan from Atlarchy

It's a good thing you're doing, it's usually better to play things safe, otherwise it can bite you in the behind later on...