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Hahaha, I'm melting! :D  Here's what I got done this week:

  • Created 12 customizer sprites for the eyebrows
  • Created 20 customizer sprites for the mouth
  • Created 5 customizer sprites for the eyes
  • Added lipstick to all mouth sprites
  • Added highlights to all eye sprites

In an attempt to take our minds off the blistering summer heat, have some gifs!

In addition to the original eyebrows (which I reshaped slightly), I added two additional types of eyebrows: thick and stubby! Thick brows save... cows? Yeah, cows! They're important to the environment, you know! Anyways, if you like the brow caterpillars, I've got you covered.

The mouths were my main focus this week, and I hope it shows! Lots of different shapes and emotions at play here. I'd also like to say that getting lipstick to work on some of these shapes was... unorthodox. There's a reason some of these mouth shapes don't ever show lipstick on them. I'm looking especially at you, duck lips!

(This is a good time to mention that the lipstick will be togglable in the customizer.)

Lastly, the eyes! These are difficult as always, trying to get them to line up in a way that doesn't look like she has a lopsided face. I really shot myself in the foot by making her head angled like this; I can't just x-mirror the eyes. >_<  Still, I'm quite happy with how these have turned out thus far!

In case I haven't mentioned it yet, I'm trying to tackle all of the "Base Body" sprites before moving on to the first wave of clothes (which consists of a few different styles in each category to test them in gameplay). So far, a good chunk of the "Base Body" sprites have been drawn! There's still Beauty Marks, Ears, Pubic Hair, and the remainder of the Eyes. So... a little over halfway there, I'd wager. Not bad for two weeks, if I do say so, myself!

Anyhoo, that's all for this report. Still lots to do. LOTS to do... I'm gonna eat some Taco Bell to take my mind off of that fact, and hopefully get my mind off of this heat, too. Seriously, autumn can't come soon enough... I'll see you guys again next week!

The Grand List of Sprites 


Atlan from Atlarchy

I can now make a yandere giantess! That makes the game better!