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Here's what I got done this week:

  • 3D model: Fixed weighting around the knee; bending it causes wrinkles above and below it
  • 3D model: Fixed the foot roll so the toes stay on the ground as the heel rises
  • Game: Fixed an issue in which the Eye and Nail sprite colors didn't immediately switch when clicking their respective checkboxes
  • Game: Fixed an issue in which the randomize buttons for each category didn't follow the color/sprite only rule in the options menu
  • Game: Fixed issues in which the "wet" sprite reset to its default color when it shouldn't have
  • Game: Fixed an issue in which the nipple color button color wasn't being set on load
  • Game: Fixed an issue in which the save slot name would become blank on overwriting (instead of keeping the name)
  • Game: Added secondary color options for the "Horns" category
  • Game: Gave each sprite the ability to be added into an outfit set
  • Game: Made each grid button identify its respective sprite
  • Game: Made each grid button identify its respective set (if it's in one) through its new sprite friend
  • Game: Made sprites in the same outfit set flash white via code
  • Game: Triggered the outfit set flashing to occur when two or more outfits in the same set are selected

I spent the beginning of the week fixing some issues on the 3D model that I noticed while posing it for the Patreon drawings. I'd made a mental note of them and wanted to get them polished up before I packed up Blender for a while.

I was supposed to finish the drawings by today, but admittedly I got hooked into game development. I forgot just how much I enjoyed it! It was like coming home after trying to navigate a dense city for a few months.

So, Run From Me: I started off small with some minor bug fixes on the Customizer. From there, I worked my way up to building the framework for the Outfit Set system. So far it's only a tad more complicated than I expected, which is better than my usual estimations.

The hardest and most time-consuming part has been the flashing, of all things. When two or more pieces of an outfit set are selected and visible, the sprites flash white a couple of times to indicate that they're linked to each other. I started off using a lerp function, but that had some drawbacks. So, I moved on to using "tweens", which... let's just say in Godot 3, they're quite finnicky.

Godot 4 just came out a few weeks ago with some major improvements to tweens, so I tried upgrading my project (after many backups, of course). I expected plenty of errors that needed hand-fixing, but... I mean, I was expecting a large wave, not a tsunami! Long story short, I went back to Godot 3 and just bit the bullet with the worse tweens. It took some time, but I got everything working about how I envisioned.

That about sums up this last week. I hope you all have had a great couple of weeks, and I hope you have a lovely Easter! I'll see you guys again next week!


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