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*Sniffle* It's Fri-... *cough* ...-day! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Used Rigify to set up the beginning stages of the rig
  • Figured out how to enter Weight Paint mode in Blender
  • Gave each toe its own, functional set of bones
  • Created an Eldritch horror...
  • Gave the toe controls their own Rigify layer
  • Fixed the size and location of each toe control
  • Practiced weight painting

Not bad for being sick all week, eh? My body has a very unique sense of humor and timing; I was ready to go balls to the wall with rigging, and my body was like "Haha you have a temperature of 102°F now! :D"

I've almost fully recovered now, though, so nothing to worry about! It may have actually been a blessing. I got to take a much-needed week off from the cookie store and focus (when I could) on learning how to rig for like... the seventh time. I swear I prepared so much, and then everything just left my brain when the time came to use it. ._.

Anyhoo, I'm gonna skip most of the details since I'm tired and I've been thinking about the details all week (gotta write those journals). One detail I will give is that when I say I "practiced" weight painting, what I really mean is that I went the totally wrong direction with it and had to undo an entire day's work. But practice is practice!

I'll also mention that rigging has been one of the most unexpectedly cryptic parts of this whole process. I'll explain more in the journals, but some of the features of rigging are really hidden. I had to input a freaking Konami code just to get into Weight Paint Mode. That's a pretty important mode to enter!

I think I'm starting to realize why nobody likes rigging...

But on the bright side, I managed to more or less finish adding in the bones for the feet -- something very few resources offer any info on; the toes on each foot are usually controlled by a single bone, not... (one, two...) fourteen bones. I'd say the image above should be proof enough that the process was quite worth it! And this is before I've fixed it with weight painting!

Anyhoo, I'm gonna spend the rest of the day trying to relax the remaining sickness away. They say that Taco Bell is the best medicine, so I'm gonna go visit the doctor's office and order my usual. I'll see you guys again next week!



Atlan from Atlarchy

Not bad at all! Hope you're learning more often!


*Pushes Eldritch horror back into its own dimension.* 'o3o//


Thank you! :D It's so much learn that it's hard *not* to learn something new every day, haha!


Don't put your hands anywhere near it! You can't know what part of the body you're even pushing! Like, seriously. Part 18, you'll see. ._.


Too late, got tentactle fingers now. o3o'


Look at those toes flex! Slagathor grows stronger each day