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It's time to save the day! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Applied saving and loading to every category in the Customizer
  • Applied saving and loading to the Customizer Options Menu
  • Created the Saved Outfits Menu (SOM)
  • SOM: Added a scrollable list of 20 save slot options
  • SOM: Added an image for previewing the selected save slot's outfit
  • SOM: Added save, load, and delete buttons for saved outfits
  • SOM: Added an edit name button for each save slot
  • SOM: Added prompts for saving, loading, and deleting outfits

With a fully functional save system and a fancy new menu to boot, I'd call this week a success! Once I had the basis of the save system set up, everything else went smooth as butter.

As always with these gifs, I'll let the image above do most of the talking.

I will say that this was one of the most satisfying UI menus I've ever built. The outfit preview image went without a hitch, the date display was very simple, the renaming feels good, the list looks pretty great (as far as prototypes go), and and it all just... works! I'm really proud of how this whole thing came together!

With the save system and menu finished, the next thing for Run From Me is to work on the "Outfit Sets" system and menu(s). This will be fundamentally simpler code-wise, but quite a lot of work UI-wise. There's still a lot that's up in the air about the design of these menus that I'll have to trial-by-fire to see what works.

However, that's going to have to wait. There's something important that came to my attention within the last couple of weeks.

Important News:

As I'm sure you guys are aware, I've had my Patreon paused for the last several months while I get set up for 3D animations. Those plans haven't changed, but I did come to realize that as long as my Patreon payments are on pause, new patrons can't join. The mistake is entirely on me -- I must have overlooked that part several times now.

This isn't a huge deal, but it is a little disheartening to know that my community here may have been stunted as a result. Buuuut it's also a little relieving knowing that there's a reason I haven't gotten any new patrons lately, heh. On that note, this is probably a good time to say thank you again to everyone who's stuck around all this time. Payments are paused, sure, but I still appreciate you guys hanging around and giving me your time. I really appreciate it. :)

Back to the issue at hand: in light of this news, I'd like to pick up the speed and get my Patreon open again as soon as I possibly can. That means putting Run From Me on the backburner again and throwing myself back into Blender. I'm sorry I couldn't finish the giantess customizer before this, but I did get a metric crap-ton done with it, and it's at a pretty good stopping point for now.

So! All of this is to say thank you, sorry, and we're going back into 3D starting this next week. I also need to finish that 3D journal that I started like... months ago. That thing has been in first draft Limbo this whole time.

Anyhoo, big week ahead! Here's hoping I can make progress just as quickly with rigging and animation as I did with programming these last few weeks. I'm gonna eat Taco Bell in preparation for my voyage back into Blender. You guys keep doing what you do best: being you. I'll see you guys again next week!




Can I save the weekend now and reload on Monday? o3o


My first saved customization will definitely be named Hawt Lady