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Two down, one to go! Here's what I got done this week:

Like last time, you can follow the link above to get a little more context for this drawing. I had a lot of fun toying around with the lighting in this one. In fact, all three drawings feature some pretty prominent lighting. I suppose all that lighting research I did for the 3D model payed off early! :P

Speaking of 3D, I dove pretty hard into some rigging tutorials. I basically watched through two full, multi-part tutorials on how to fully rig a model. I believe I'm finally at a point where I'm mentally prepared for the rigging process. It's gonna be quite the task, though; there are entire jobs dedicated to rigging models in larger teams, so this is no simple feat. Wish me luck!

Until then, I'm gonna wish some Taco Bell into existence in front of me and brace myself for some mentally taxing (rigging in Blender) and physically taxing (Christmas at the cookie store) weeks coming up. Seriously, I'm gonna need that luck. @_@  I'll see you guys again next week!



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